Cheap, Tawdry Blogger Trick Learned

Whenever it is a slow news day, or some event (like the Obama inauguration) is sucking the air out of the media and internet, someone whose blog I follow invariably posts a picture of a pretty woman under some pretext. When the picture pops up on my Blog Link scroll, like this one, I don’t want to click, but I can’t help it.

I’m beginning to learn that I have a lot to learn about blogging. So here’s a picture of a pretty woman who happens to be the Prime Minister of a major slavic country. Only the classy stuff for me.

I refuse, however, to engage in immoral traffic whoring, or to link to a dirty rotten Russian attempt at an upskirt photo of this leader (anyone who clicks on the link is weak, very weak).
UPDATE: Robert Stacy McCain did it to me again. Picture of a another pretty woman, and I clicked.
Tags: Blogging