Things Only A Woman Could Say … And Get Away With
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Things Only A Woman Could Say … And Get Away With

Things Only A Woman Could Say … And Get Away With

Great article about the sufferings of Single Young Males:

Adding to the bitterness of many SYMs is the feeling that the entire culture is a you-go-girl cheering section. When our guy was a boy, the media prattled on about “girl power,” parents took their daughters to work, and a mysterious plague seemed to have killed off boys, at least white ones, from school textbooks. To this day, male-bashing is the lingua franca of situation comedies and advertising: take the dimwitted television dads from Homer Simpson to Ray Romano to Tim Allen, or the guy who starts a cooking fire to be put out by his multitasking wife, who is already ordering takeout.


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Yep, as the mother of sons, this has long been a concern. I am just so sick of the ‘stupid white man’ image in advertising and on television and the guilt trip put on them throughout their K-12 education.