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According to the most recent Gallup poll, support among Americans for Israel over the Palestinians is at a near all time high. 63% of Americans (more than voted for Barack Obama) support Israel, while only 15% support the Palestinians, with 23% choosing “both/neither/no opinion.” Despite...

Glenn Greenwald is venomous in his attacks on Israel. Greenwald calls supporters of Israel, including Rep. Anthony Weiner, “Israel-firsters,” an obscene charge of disloyalty. Anyone who disagrees with Greenwald on whether the flotilla actually had a humanitarian intent, or whether Israel had a right under...

The bullying by Congressional committees of various unpopular industries has taken on warp speed. But in a very disturbing new tactic, Congressional Democrats specifically are targeting a sponsor of conservative media shows, particularly the Glenn Beck Show, on a flimsy pretext: Forget Goldman. New York...

Harry Reid held a press conference Monday pushing an “opt out” public option knowing full well he did not have the Democratic votes to break a filibuster. The left-wing blogosphere, which stopped listening to Reid’s press conference immediately after hearing the words “public option,” celebrated...

The left-wing blogosphere practically went orgasmic when Alan Grayson (D-Fla) took to the floor of the House of Representatives and announced that the Republican health care plan was for sick people to “die quickly.” Hah hah. Money and fame flooded into Grayson’s coffers and ego,...

Earlier today I noted that numerous people owed Andrew Breitbart an apology. Among those people was Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs who accused Andrew Bretibart of “smearing” Weiner with “phony” accuastions.  Now that Bretibart has been vindicated, is Charles willing to man up and apologize? ...

The Democrats have a new hero, now that Alan Grayson is so yesterday: Update 8:30 p.m.: Sorry I couldn’t update this sooner, but I’ve been in the car almost all afternoon. The good news is that while in the car I heard Weiner and...