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The left likes to argue that since there’s no significant amount of voter fraud there’s no need for voter ID laws, and that those who support them are inherently racist. But wouldn’t even one case of voter fraud be an abomination that should offend all...

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and various senior officials got an earful in a meeting today from Senate Democrats frustrated over the troubled rollout of Obamacare.  The meeting also included CMS administrator Marilyn Tavenner and Jeffrey Zients, who was appointed to oversee

Harvard once again taps CNN staff to address its students with the news that former CNN host Soledad O’Brien will address graduating Harvard students at Class Day on May 29, the day preceding commencement. Oprah Winfrey will be the commencement speaker, who follows 2012 speaker...

The University of Virginia expects to incur a $7 million bill from Obamacare’s employer penalties, said Susan Carkeek, the University’s vice president and chief human resources officer. “We’re expecting fairly significant cost implications from the Affordable Care Act that pass on new penalties and charges,...