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Reaction to Obama’s imitation of Elizabeth Warren is, um, building. Bristol Palin is collecting stories at her blog from people around the country, some of which are in this video The Romney campaign is out with t-shirts (h/t jimzinsocal): There’s also a parody site, You...

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And...

As you know from the primaries, I’m no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama’s complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country’s economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with...

For you know what. In case you were not around this weekend, be sure to take a look at: Elizabeth Warren goes Alinsky on Cherokee women (Rule 12) “Walk Down the Aisle with Barack” contest (it was just a joke, but hit a little too close to...

From reader @SGLawrence, taken while on vacation in Woodstock, NY (which, by the way, is not where “Woodstock” took place, that would be Bethel): For your amusement. What struck me about this back end display in Woodstock, New York today was what’s missing–I mean, there...

There’s an interesting brouhaha developing in the Brown-Warren race. Vicki Kennedy (widow of Ted) has teamed up with MSNBC and the Warren campaign to organize a debate in late September. Scott Brown accepted the invitation on the conditions that MSNBC not be a sponsor and...

By this imitation without so much as a h/t? Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren joins list of politicians with a ‘Google problem’: Although it is not the most serious “Google problem” a political hopeful has seen this election season, Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Elizabeth Warren...

No one could have seen this coming.  This could be the moment when Obama’s campaign stopped receding. Sandra Fluke endorses Obama in an op-ed at (because was not available): Obama is committed to rebuilding our economy upon the values of fairness and opportunity...

It only took one panel discussion at Netroots to reveal just how divided the left is in its narrative over how to handle Wisconsin. Audience member Lisa Graves from The Center for Media and Democracy’s PRWatch, upset with the panel’s analysis of Obama’s interaction with the...

Not a JDate ad, a new “minority classification” at the City University of New York, and some who prefer to stick with preexisting minority classifications are not happy: Touting a move to make its faculty more diverse, CUNY administrators have  broken out Jews into a...

I’ve enjoyed covering the blog for much of the day today while the Professor was out. Since there’s no Saturday Night Card Game tonight, here are a couple of links to stories from the day that we didn’t get a chance to cover. U.S. and...

While it isn’t a new strategy, it seems as if the left has recently been ratcheting up its utilization of the stonewalling tactic when confronted by high profile controversy. Elizabeth Warren, who continues to show no signs of ever engaging in an honest discussion with...

There is something pathological in Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to acklowledge that she is not Native American. When confronted with the fact that real Cherokees have traced her maternal lineage back to the great-great-great grandparent level and found no Native American ancestry, Warren ignores the facts...

as Harvard Law School Is Bogus. The first blog post is Harvard Law School’s Bogus Journey Into Blog Blacklisting: We are a small group of dissenting Harvard Law School students whose “Harvard Law Unbound” blog, focused on protesting corruption and conflict of interest at the...

Considering that it was a long holiday weekend which pretty much started at lunchtime on Friday, it was very active here. In case you missed any of them: Remembering Lt. Roslyn Schulte A strange sense of responsibility, now and then Boston Globe deep sixes article...