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"The American flag up the tentpole outside of what once was Dwight D. Eisenhower’s office was taken down, replaced with the green flag of Hamas."

My interview on The Daily Signal Podcast: "They have participated in the creation of a monstrous movement on campuses that is anti-American, anti-Western, anti-capitalist, and that uses targeting of Jews and Israel as an organizing mechanism.... It is a tear down the statues ideology. It is remove names from buildings ideology. It is a deconstruction of our society. It is very reminiscent to me of a Khmer Rouge in Cambodia sort of ideology, where you go back to Year Zero."

My appearance on Laura Ingraham Show: "This is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies. These are essentially an anti-American anti-Western anti-capitalist ideology, similar to Occupy Wall Street from a decade ago, mixed in with Islamist pro terror groups and mixed in with praise for Hamas and other terrorist groups. This is not really something that we've seen before and I've been covering these movements for over a decade. It's worse now."