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We’ve gathered a few stories of interest on the latest in Obamacare developments and commentary this weekend. Apparently, some insurance agents are feeling left out of “Obamacare.”  As the Associated Press reports Sunday, some frustrated insurers and agents wish they could just bypass and...

Yesterday the Obama administration declared Mission Accomplished on the website. But the mission that was accomplished was something of a Potemkin Village — the “front end” has been improved to a lower level of failure. Taking the glass half-full approach, 80-90% of users will...

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is out with another investigative video exposing highly questionable “cross-pollination” between Enroll America and Texas Democratic political operatives. Enroll America bills itself as: a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to maximize the number of uninsured Americans who enroll in health...

It’s been another busy couple of days for news on the Obamacare rollout.  Chief among those is a report from the Washington Post that private consultants warned of risks before’s Oct. 1 launch: The Obama administration brought in a private consulting team to independently...

In an ironic twist, Bill Clinton is now distancing himself from Obamacare. In an interview earlier this month, Bill Clinton told online magazine Ozy: I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made...

It was a busy day yesterday for Obamacare news, especially as today’s hearing with IT officials on the Hill has approached.  We’ve collected a small sampling of the day’s stories: As the administration prepares to release enrollment numbers later this week, CNN reported the...

The Ithaca Journal has an investigative article on the rollout of Common Core in the upstate Southern Tier region of New York State, Common Core fix for schools has broken parts. The article is in depth and frank in the assessments from school administrators and...

As efforts move forward toward an end of November deadline to fix the troubled website, new issues are being revealed in the process, according to a report from Reuters/via Yahoo: The Obama administration’s adviser Jeffrey Zients said on Friday that the trouble-plagued federal healthcare...