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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Back in the day, when the alpha male Clinton roamed the White House, the high tech stock bubble grew, and grew, and grew. That bubble began to burst in March 2000, nine months before "W" took office, and caused the S&P; 500 to head almost...


Nothing quite like insulting our closest ally. Great job. Britain's mistake was sacrificing its soldiers to help us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gordy should have seen it coming once Obama sent back the statue of Winston Churchill. If Gordy wanted the red carpet treatment, he...

Barack Obama sent a letter to the Russians offering to halt the European missile shield in exchange for Russian help in stopping Iran's nuclear development. The Russians said thank you for agreeing to halt the missile shield, but we don't haggle, so you get nothing...

I saw a reference at Brian Leiter's Law Report blog touting an article that might be "perhaps the best thing to happen to law schools since U.S. News?" Others are citing this potentially ground-breaking piece, including the Wall Street Journal law page, and the TaxProf...

Obama's fear mongering is well documented. Crisis, catastrophe, "since the Great Depression" and similar terminology are part of the plan to push through Obama's agenda. But do the words cause economic harm, or are the words merely a reflection of a declining economy? In other...

The Weekly Standard has reprinted a portion of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, written in 1835 and 1840. The words are eery in light of what is happening in this country under this new administration:I want to imagine with what new features despotism could...

What is it with this President? Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. When Obama's presidency is over, hopefully in four years (but likely eight years) there will be two sets of psychologists: Those who provide therapy to the American...

The New York Times has run a story on the travails of my home state, Rhode Island. The Times pays homage to the good things about Rhode Island, which is a quirky state with beautiful landscapes and beaches, in which everyone seems to know everyone...

Another conservative secretly takes to the internet. The Commissioner: Where sports and politics collide. Ouch. But one thing, another new blog in the Ithaca area without name, rank and serial number. How can people attack you if you don't identify yourself? Maybe that's the point....

A delegation of Hollywood stars, headed by Annette Bening, is traveling to Iran to open a dialogue on behalf of the Obama administration: Thirty-eight years ago, a ping pong team sent by US president Richard Nixon to Beijing opened the door to Communist China. February...

The internet is abuzz with photos of Pork Brains In Milk Gravy, allegedly the "worst food product ever." I beg to differ with these pundits, who obviously have not heard of The Testicle Cookbook: Cooking With Balls, by Serbian chef Ljubomir R. Erovic, who dedicates...

Will it never stop? The deification of Obama, is what I'm talking about. Now it's Obama's marriage that is historic and a teaching lesson for the rest of us dim-witted wife-beaters. This, from a column in the Ithaca Journal written by Elizabeth Einstein (what else!):Never...

Add Joe Biden to the list of people giving stimulus:...

An article at American Thinker lays out a chart showing how Obama won the election by overwhelming Republicans. The author compares Republicans to Ethiopian spear-carriers who, under an onslaught by Italian mechanized troops, didn't know what hit them. I like the analogy, but I don't...

An Obama spokesman has just announced that the likely "downpayment" on Obama's plan to expand health insurance coverage over the next decade will exceed $1 trillion. That's above and beyond what presently is paid through medicare and medicaid.The question is, what percentage of the total...