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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Hardly anyone reads Time magazine anymore. I say "anymore" for those people under the age of 40, who are too young to remember a day when Time represented the gold-standard of weekly news publications. If it weren't for an occasional visit to a doctor's waiting...


Now I know for sure what Congress and the Obama administration think of us. Reports indicate that the "compromise" stimulus bill will be $789,000,000,000. Why that number? Because it's not $800,000,000,000. Whew, that makes me feel better. It's not $800 billion. I'll buy it.Think I'm...

We are witnessing the disrobing of the Obama aura in a spending-drenched feeding frenzy befitting hungry pigs at a wet, putrid trough. The fierce urgency of now has become the fierce urgency of sow.Camille Paglia sums up these first three weeks of the Obama era:Money...

The Democratic "stimulus" plan is packed full of all sorts of goodies. Just today, everyone is finding out that someone slipped in a provision to anoint a national health czar. Senator Arlen Specter, one of just three Republicans to support the bill, expressed surprise upon...

At his press conference last night, Barack Obama singled out Elkhart, Indiana, as a place of special gloom and doom:I took a trip to Elkhart, Indiana, today. Elkhart is a place that has lost jobs faster than anywhere else in America. In one year, the...

Barack Obama held his first press conference as President tonight. With the "stimulus" plans on the table at the House and Senate, the press had an opportunity to show that it no longer was slobbering over Obama. The press failed. Not a single reporter challenged...

As an early teen, I was fascinated with Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book." The book, by the 60's radical Yippie, was a guide to using the capitalist system to destroy the capitalist system. Hoffman gave advice on how to cheat various institutions, such as the...

I tried sending an e-mail to Senator Susan Collins, but her e-mail box is overflowing. I received the following error message:Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:[email protected] The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to...

Hilda Solis, a Congresswoman from California, is Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of Labor. Solis is under fire for her husband's failure to pay business taxes, and her own failure to disclose that she was involved with a union lobbying organization for which she sought...

Every now and then, someone writes something that says exactly what I wanted to say had I said it. An article by Yuval Levin in Commentary Magazine, titled "The Meaning of Sarah Palin" so well expresses my disgust at the treatment of Sarah Palin, that...

This is one of those man-bites-dog stories. We all know about the shoes thrown at George Bush, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, and yesterday at the Israeli Ambassador to Sweden.In Ithaca, NY, the prevailing power structure is represented by Socialist Mayor Carol Peterson. Last year Peterson...

The Guardian newspaper in Britain devotes endless articles and op-eds to criticising Israel. The paper is worth reading if only to keep up to date on what the anti-Israel left is thinking. Few if any columnists are more critical of Israel than Jonathan Freedland. Yet...

Tom Daschle, under a cloud of income tax evasion, has withdrawn from consideration for the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Daschle could not stand the heat not only of his current tax problems, but also the exposure of his previous tax avoidance...

I am warning you, do not click here to see one of the most fowl photos ever. That being the infamous "pigeon" smuggler, caught with his pants down. I would have posted the photo myself, but I would lose the few readers I have. ...