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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Dave Weigel was the first Journolista to fall in the recent Daily Caller series. Weigel was fired from his blog at The Washington Post (resignation accepted) after emails in which he bad-mouthed conservatives were revealed. Weigel ended up at, owned by WaPo.Weigel either...


Ever since Hillary Clinton supporters started circulating claims that Obama was not born in the United States, Obama's supporters and strategists have taken a very aggressive posture.Almost any attempt to discuss the subject is met with a furious response from Media Matters, Think Progress, their...

...In the newest Wikio Law Blog category.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Ethan Haines is a law school graduate who blogs at, a website devoted to the plight of law students who graduate with loads of student loan debt and few job prospects.Glenn Reynolds has written of the higher education bubble in general, and law student...

Mary Katherine Ham and Guy Benson have a guest post at HotAir setting forth 10 key false promises by Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats about Obamacare, ObamaCare: The sum of all fears. The post is long, but worth the read. Here are the...

...--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesEmotionally Insecure Bumper StickerYou Can't Out-Bumper-Sticker Oregon, or Can You?Rip Van Bumper StickerBumper Sticker of ChangeFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

Nothing would surprise me anymore.Some are expecting an "August Surprise" in which Democrats would propose that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac write off hundreds of billions in mortgage debt owed by people who are under water (i.e., they owe more than the house is worth).Call...

Yesterday I made the point that Chief US District Judge Vaughn Walker, who declared California Prop. 8 to violate the U.S. Constitution, was trying a bit too hard to insulate his decison on appeal by engaging in fact finding and credibility determinations on what essentially...

A federal lawsuit was filed in May 2009 challenging Proposition 8, the California referendum which amended the state constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Prop. 8 previously was upheld by the California Supreme Court.The federal lawsuit, Perry et al v....

The Missouri vote overwhelmingly approving a referendum opting out of Obamacare's mandate has left-wing bloggers scratching themselves with bewilderment.The reaction falls into three basic categories: (1) the folks just don't understand that this is good for them, (3) if only we had a public option...

John McCain and John Cornyn Tom Coburn have just released a devastating report on the 100 most wasteful stimulus projects, titled Summertime Blues.Being someone who has taken an unnatural interest in Stimulus-funded sidewalks, I searched the report, and sure enough found this: 10. Town...

Reuters-Ipsos has released a poll showing Harry Reid up 48-44 over Sharron Angle among likely voters. This is 2% higher than the leads shown in very recent Rasmussen, PPP and Mason-Dixon polls.The back up data is not linked in the Reuters-Ipsos release, so it is...

Somewhere, Andrew Breitbart must be smiling about this article at Counterpunch, The Other Side of Shirley Sherrod, which exposes Shirley Sherrod in rather bleak terms as to her treatment of black farmers and their families:The swirling controversy over the racist dismissal of Shirley Sherrod from...

Sharron Angle admitted that she tries to manage press relations to receive favorable coverage, which is what every candidate tries to do.Outrage! Shock! How Dare She!And not just from the usual suspects.I say:How refreshing! Truth! More please!Now Harry Reid would never make such a mistake....

Sharron Angle has a secret weapon: Keith Olbermann hates her.The video below, in which Olbermann calls Angle the "Worst Person In The World" (start at 1:50) is being used as a fundraising tool for Angle by Mike Pence, as reported by The Hill:Indiana Rep. Mike...

Yesterday a federal judge in Virginia released an opinion permitting the lawsuit by the State of Virginia, challenging the mandate provisions of Obamacare, to move forward. In legal parlance, the judge denied a motion to dismiss.Pro-administration commentators have bent over backwards to portray this opinion...

According to The Guardian, neo-Nazi groups are on the rise in Mongolia in reaction to increased domination by ethnic Chinese: Dayar Mongol threatened to shave the heads of women who sleep with Chinese men. Three years ago, the leader of Blue Mongol was convicted of...