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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In case you missed it. The Election War is being fought on college campuses: Cartoon at the Cornell Insider Sums up 2012 Election This time around, young people voting with their pocketbooks not emotions Stupid campus mind games for Obama Cornell Review 2012 Election Guide Panicked Democrats Send Bill Clinton to...


From Jeff: Love your bumper sticker posts, and when I saw this, I knew I had to send it to you. Observed this in traffic in Norfolk, VA; one of the areas that will “decide the election” according to the Examiner ( Could be a harbinger of doom....

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 4 days to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from Betty in Minnesota.  The text reads: Labor Day...

I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that). I was pleased to announce the creation...

Kimball Political Consulting, a Republican leaning firm but one which has not been overly generous in its results for Scott Brown to date (it had Warren up 2 in mid-October), finds Brown up by 2 in a poll just released: Senator Scott Brown holds a 2...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Tea Party Network News just launched yesterday. A reader alerted me to it, and while I wasn't thrilled with the layout or design, I was hopeful it would be a valuable resource.  When it linked to one of my posts, well so much the better.  I...

As part of the continuing effort to get as many reader photos as possible published before the election, here are some on a theme. From Paul: I'm a longtime reader and two time contributor. I'm sending a pic of something I spotted this morning. I actually discovered...

Cook County president Toni Preckwinkle has been on a mission to punish legal gunowners of late. Preckwinkle, a mentor to President Obama, made headlines earlier this year when she said that "Reagan deserves a special place in hell." After decreeing in a Wednesday press conference that a...

I have received a good reaction to my post, If Nate Silver cannot be wrong, how can he be right?, in which I call non-statistical BS to Nate Silvermania. Dan McLaughlin, On Polling Models, Skewed & Unskewed examines Nate Silvermania, and links to me for a non-numbers...

Per October report by BLS: Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 171,000 in October, and the unemployment rate was essentially unchanged at 7.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment rose in professional and business services, health care, and retail trade. Both the unemployment...

From Pat at And So It Goes In Shreveport: Seen at The Glen Retirement Village in Shreveport. Those seniors love Romney! :) ...

I certainly don't want to get overly confident, but this is very good news, via The Salt Lake Tribune: For 12 years, Jim Matheson has been a political escape artist, managing to wiggle free from every trap the Utah Republicans have thrown his way. But after six...