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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Your first time, ladies, should be with a really great guy. Thanks to commenter LukeHandCool for this adaptation of that classic what's her name Obama ad, adapted to meet Joe Biden's expectations. Personalize funny videos at Bombay TV by Graphéine - Agence de pub ...

I don't know what's going to happen Tuesday.  The polls, with just a couple of exceptions, say Elizabeth Warren is ahead.  I still believe in miracles. How can that be, many of us wonder, given her ethnic impersonation and other questionable aspects of her political persona.  You...

From Missmori: Not a bumper sticker, but someone who is passionate about their position. I've spotted this car around town a few times, but never got any pictures, until today! It was spotted at the corner of Beech & Carlsbad Blvd. in Carlsbad, CA. From the looks of...

It doesn't matter how great one's lead in the polls is unless those surveyed actually go to the polls. GOTV operations are going on across the country, with particular emphasis in the crucial swing states. Anyone who wants to help can do so simply by making calls from home...

I have to spend much of the day figuring out what we're going to do on Election Day and Night, and with headlines swarming today, I'll just keep posting links, and you can do the same in the comments: All tied up in ...

I am and always have been a liberal. I was raised to revere the Democratic party and feel contempt for the party of Richard Nixon (as well as the man himself). Democrats, everyone agreed, were freer spirits.  Uptight Republicans, everyone agreed, lighted cigars with hundred-dollar...

Trying to clear the backlog of election-related reader photos. From John: Spotted at Menards in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Keep up the good work! From Jeanne: My daughter and her boyfriend were in downtown Fort Worth yesterday when they saw this truck. The sign says: "If you voted for our current...

Today was National Dance for Obama Day, in which flash mobs were organized as part of a get out the vote effort in numerous cities. The weekend before Election Day, we’re turning up the heat and encouraging people to get out and vote with flash mobs...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 3 days to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo feast is of photo submissions that include Joe Biden as the...

Tonight hopefully is the last Saturday Night Card Game in the age of Obama. The series started just over three years ago, and has generated almost 150 posts. I look back on this time period with great sadness as to how everything has been turned on its...

As longtime readers know, I was greatly influenced by Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book. One of the ways to cheat the Post Office in the book was to address an envelope to yourself, and use the return address for the person you wanted to send it...

Black Chicagoans from the south and west sides took their message to what they say is the source of the problem when they converged outside of a fundraiser held by Mayor Emanuel for Barack Obama and then marched to the studios of ABC News. Their message,...

You'd think that after four years of looking forward to Tuesday, I'd have a master plan for the blog for the day. You'd be wrong. I'm still thinking through what to do, but here's the current thinking -- During the day, have a general "Open" thread, with separate posts...

It's nice that in his closing argument Obama has articulated more perfectly than ever before his political philosophy of revenge. While various people are reacting as if Obama has gone off the rails, revenge is Obama's rail. Dividing Americans into groups and playing each against the other...