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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


No time left. Saw this at the local Wal-Mart (South Elgin, IL). Sure hope that Romney wins the election - we can't afford another four years of Obama, both personally, and as a nation. Keep up the good work! Loyal reader Janet ...


I was a student in Moscow when the Miracle on Ice took place. The stats were all on the Soviet's side.  They had the more professional operation.  They were more seasoned and organized.  Statistically, the Soviets had at least an 87% likelihood of winning. But we had motivation. I...

Thanks for your comments on blog format for Election Day. You came down pretty much were I was -- not thrilled with those "live blog" formats like CoverIt Live (which has priced me out of contention).  There are alternatives, but I think I have something better. We...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 1 day to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from Judi in Illinois. Tomorrow's the big day and...

Twila Barnes, the Cherokee genealogist who has been so instrumental in uncovering Elizabeth Warren's ethnic deception, has a final pre-election post, I Am Blessed: I have been blessed with a tremendous amount of support while involved in the Elizabeth Warren genealogy research. Today I would like...

The post title is from the 2:49 mark of this video, passed on to me via Twitter. The broken English, which was added over the soundtrack, adds to the video.  And it doesn't hurt that it includes a screen shot from Legal Insurrection (at 2:47). The original video...

Called Conservatism is Calling. You could call it the Closing Argument: Remember this from 2010: ...

From Carole: I took a picture of the message on this Tahoe yesterday at the corner of Washington and Live Oak in Dallas, Texas. From Tim: There are four big signs like these in eastern NC that I know of. These two are near Kinston NC, there is...

Joe Biden just accused Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan of being liars. How rich is that, coming from a man whose own 1988 campaign for president ended after he was caught plagiarizing a rising British politician? It was no ordinary plagiarism—you know, like candidate Obama’s stealing lines...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

What did I tell you about fighting through the finish line? There are doomsayers today, including Larry Sabato, predicting an Obama win, and crediting in part Sandy and Chris.  Certainly there are others predicting the same and the opposite. I don't know who is right and who wrong in these...

Rob in New Jersey sends along these "door hangers" being left in his neighborhood, and hears a dog whistle.  Not so sure I hear a dog whistle, just desperation: Greetings, Prof. Jacobson, I hope that this finds you well. Thanks for your good work, especially exposing...

Hollywood and progressive groups have been funding Elizabeth Warren since day one. This video released yesterday is a virtual freak show of Hollywood progressives supporting Warren, including the foul Sarah Silverman. For good measure, they throw in a few Democratic politicians, including Sheldon "Opposition to Obamacare is...

My continuing effort to Get Out The Bumper Stickers prior to the election. From Barry, an interesting juxtaposition: I saw these two vehicles parked outside the Democratic Party campaign office in Mason, OH. The green truck has Obama-Biden posters blocking the rear window. The truck parked in front...

The Boston Herald just released its final poll, and it shows a virtual dead heat, with Brown up 1 point over Elizabeth Warren: The poll shows Brown holding a 49-48 percent advantage over Warren among likely voters, dispelling earlier polls and Democratic claims of a small...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 2 days to go. Today’s first Romney/Ryan Empty Chair photo comes to us from LI reader Mark. Our next Romney/Ryan...