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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Another reader submitted infographic, called Psychology of an Internet Troll. It's too large to post in its entirety, but here are a couple of screen shots which explain a lot: They say not to feed the trolls.  But we knew that. ...


And who's Ted? Even bucolic, very liberal, Cooperstown, NY isn't safe from the nefarious anti-Obama bumper sticker. I particularly like poor old George Washington. Can you see him? WTF, indeed. You follow me on twitter, @InpatientMed , an increasingly inpatient physician. Thanks for bringing a little sanity to my...

The video below correctly was termed "cringe-worthy" by Noah Rothman at Mediaite. The cringe-worthy part starts around the 2:30 mark when Melissa Harris-Perry asks the panel for their best race jokes.  (An edited down version is at Newsbusters if you don't want to sit through it all.) Stop...

For all the trees that have been killed and pixels burned by the mainstream media  complaining about the Koch brothers and the vast right-wing conspiracy, the bad news is that the vast left-wing conspiracy is much more effective. Diarest LaborUnionReport at RedState reports on the vast...

What would Mahatma say about college campuses today? From my cold, dead hands: Cornell Student: Gandhi Championed Right to Bear Arms Stanford Student: Colleges Should Allow Concealed Carry U. Iowa Discloses Private Info of Students Who Apply for Gun Permits U. Colorado Removes Crazy List of Tips for Women Facing...

From Linda, Costco parking lot, Franklin , TN ...

I'm going to torture you now. Because I can. (I left autorun off because I have some small level of mercy.) Update: Woodward basically calls Obama a liar who moved goal posts…— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 23, 2013 ...

Purim starts Saturday night. Israel Matzav posted this great movie of Purim in Tel Aviv in 1932-34: The Book of Esther is particularly appropriate now....

Ann Coulter appeared on the John Stossel show, and the video is getting a lot of attention.  There was a vigorous back and forth on a variety of issues. The students in the audience were libertarian, sharing many of the social values of modern liberals without...

Thomas K. Brown, a banking industry analyst and investor, writing at, makes a point similar to what I made in my post, Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery, that Warren's Banking Committee YouTube performance was pure political grandstanding without substance or legitimate regulatory purpose. As with her...

WAJ Note -- As mentioned yesterday, David produces an almost daily Mideast Media Sampler newsletter, which we will be running at LI.  It is a great way to keep up with media reports about the Middle East. --------- 1) One last Hagel post In the Hagel Pinata, Marc Ambinder...

A recent Washington Post editorial, The blame game over sequestration concludes: Meanwhile, Mr. Obama seems content to warn of dire cutbacks in everything from naval operations to firefighters and to accuse the GOP of risking them to protect the wealthy. The Republicans denounce the sequester as Mr. Obama’s brainchild (though...

From Ben: On the left coast this little cultural tit for tat has been developing for a couple years. First there was So Cal. Meaning Southern California. As in, that's So Cal. Then Nor Cal for Northern. And now we have No Cal with the the state of...