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Just a little true anecdote on how the “rich” cutting back is hurting the “not rich.” My wife went to a hair salon last Friday. The salon is located on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, near Brown University. This is the premier neighborhood...

In August 2007, Paul Krugman, in an op-ed titled “It’s All About Them” famously labeled Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani, the then-leading Republican candidates for President, “narcissists” because they allegedly viewed real problems from the perspective of how they were viewed: What’s now clear is...

There has been a little on-line spat brewing between Robert Stacy (the other) McCain, and one James B. Webb, which resulted in my memorable post Sitemeterenfreude (“deriving pleasure from the failure of other bloggers to generate traffic”) based on this McCain post mocking Webb’s failure...

While the Obama administration considers pulling back on continuing to develop technology to provide a missile shield for Europe and beyond, the Iranians have made important developments in missile technology. This is not coming from Chas Freeman’s dreaded Israel lobby, but from a Russian military...

Oh how I have suffered for this blog. Psychiatric deviations. Loss of any semblance of spare time. Marital stress: She said: Are you on the blog again?He said: No.She said: Liar.He said: I just got on. Believe it or not, there was a strategy here....

Based upon my identification of Blogger Mood Disorder, SiteMeter Envy, and Sitemeterenfraude, I have been appointed “blogospheric neologian“: I’m going to have to ask blogospheric neologian William Jacobson what to call it when the Professor [Glenn Reynolds] sends me traffic via a carom shot off...

Adding to the disrespect shown visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Brits are upset once again because the U.S. Department of Treasury is not answering their phone calls on preparations for the upcoming G20 Summit: The head of the civil service, Sir Gus [O’Donnell]...

The Politico has an article detailing the Obama administration’s targeting of Congressman Eric Cantor. According to the article, Obama’s political advisers are coordinating a campaign in the media and through unions “to introduce him to voters before he can introduce himself.” In other words, the...

It seems that almost everyday I learn more and more about blogging disorders. I really didn’t know what I was getting into when I started; I wish someone had warned me. Early on, I self-diagnosed Blogger Mood Disorder (“a condition in which one’s mood swings...

Why did Google Ads put this on my blog?I’m not sure I should complain. Here’s what they put over at The Astute Bloggers: Big beautiful women, or a heart attack? Couldn’t one lead to the other?

The Guardian is reporting that a protestor threw his shoe at Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a visit to the north-western Iranian city of Urumiye: An Iranian website, Urumiye News, reported that a shoe was hurled at the president as his convoy drove through a...

Well, that didn’t take long. On March 3, 2009, New York Times columnist David Brooks issued his “Moderate Manifesto” in which he confessed uneasiness with his choice of Obama. But Brooks is back on board the Obama ship of state, with a column in today’s...

The Politico article (and AP Photo, right) “Obama’s safety net: the TelePrompter,” on how President Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his teleprompter, is quite disturbing. The article reminded me of the Michael Jackson song, Man in the Mirror: “I’m starting with the man in the...

Jim Cramer, the television investment personality, has been in the news recently since he criticized Barack Obama’s economic plans as a destroyer of wealth. The petty White House reaction to Cramer has put Cramer on the White House enemies list, along with Rick Santelli and...

Back in the day, when the alpha male Clinton roamed the White House, the high tech stock bubble grew, and grew, and grew. That bubble began to burst in March 2000, nine months before “W” took office, and caused the S&P; 500 to head almost...

Nothing quite like insulting our closest ally. Great job. Britain’s mistake was sacrificing its soldiers to help us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gordy should have seen it coming once Obama sent back the statue of Winston Churchill. If Gordy wanted the red carpet treatment, he...

Barack Obama sent a letter to the Russians offering to halt the European missile shield in exchange for Russian help in stopping Iran’s nuclear development. The Russians said thank you for agreeing to halt the missile shield, but we don’t haggle, so you get nothing...