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Worst Prediction Erik D. Kain channeling David Frum in Forbes Magazine, March 10, 2011, Is Wisconsin the Real Republican Waterloo? (italics in original): After the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, conservative writer David Frum called the passage of the bill the GOP’s “Waterloo” in reference...

One big advantage Democrats in Wisconsin have is the college student vote.  These students, many of whom are from out of state and have no real connection to Wisconsin, were a big part of the Prosser-Kloppenburg turnout in Madison.  In a close election, they could be the...

or a way to motivate the opposition to Walker? You be the judge.  The argument is that anti-Walker forces, particularly the younger newer voters, just aren’t motivated. From Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, Huge Obstacles to Beating Scott Walker in Wisconsin Recall: The life-and-death struggle...