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Barack Obama has given the go ahead for the “targeted killing” of al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki, who happens to be a U.S. citizen. I don’t have a problem with it. The fight with al-Qaeda is war. Al-Awlaki is trying to kill Americans, and if the...

I thank Yale Graduate School student Eric Robinson for his service to the country in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Robinson’s hit piece on Sarah Palin, Palin’s bigger blunder, leads me to believe Robinson has succumbed to the New Haven funny water, either that, or he...

Nothing to worry about in Yemen: Because al-Qaeda is just a joke: Apparently, al-Qaeda doesn’t have a Twitter account, so it never got the message. ——————————————–Related Posts:About That “Firecracker”Not So Scary Terror?Terrorist Attacks Plane, Think Progress Attacks Pete Hoekstra Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

Headline yesterday: Yemen’s Chaos Aids the Evolution of a Qaeda Cell Headline this morning: US, UK close Yemen embassies over al-Qaida threats Headline this morning: Brennan: Some Guantanamo detainees will go to Yemen Headline six months from now when another detainee released to Yemen tries...

Unlike the plurality of Democrats who as recently as 2007 believed George W. Bush knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance, there is no traction among conservatives for the theory that Barack Obama or his administration had actual knowledge of the Undie-bomber plot beforehand. But...

Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) commented soon after the attempted bombing of an airplane over Detroit that the Obama administration needed to do a better job at connecting the dots regarding terror threats from Yemen: “People have got to start connecting the dots here and maybe this...

During the June 2009 protests that rocked Iran over election fraud, the Obama administration was silent for days, then came out and embraced improved relations with the regime in the hope of improving the chances for a negotiated end to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The...

So says Matthew Yglesias, in a post titled Not So Scary “Terror” (emphasis mine): Obviously, people shouldn’t be lighting anything on fire inside airplanes. That said, all the big Christmas airline incident really shows to me is how little punch our dread terrorist adversaries really...

An Islamic terrorist, with apparent ties to al–Qaeda in Yemen, just attempted to blow up a plane as it was landing in Detroit. Al-Qaeda activities in Yemen are a real problem, as witnessed by the U.S. missile attack on Yemen just days ago against an...

The Obama administration’s strategy of engagement with Iran has been an abysmal failure. The administration hoped that a policy of silent acceptance of Iranian repression of protesters in June would yield results at the negotiating table. But the much ballyhooed breakthrough in September regarding uranium...

Matthew Yglesias on the new tape released by Ayman al-Zawahri telling Muslims not to be fooled by Obama: Perhaps the best thing that ever happened to the relatively small group of people known as al-Qaeda was the rise to power of George W. Bush, whose...