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As Professor Jacobson has noted, there’s no shortage of denial about Tsarnaev Brothers, the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing. Barry Rubin observes: Now that the two (primary, at least) terrorists from the Boston Marathon attack have been killed or captured, we enter a new...

1) How to fight asymmetric warfare Once again Charles Enderlein and Philipe Karsenty are back in court. Enderlein was the reporter who created the story of Mohammed al-Dura. Karsenty is the media critic who had the temerity to question the much honored “journalist.” Back in...

It’s hard to know whether to cheer their disappointment or commiserate. My natural inclination is to tell them to S*** *** **** ** considering that they have subjected us to four more years. From Michael Goodwin, Obama 2: Even more reckless: People weren’t paying attention. Those are...

In the debate’s most (in)famous moment Tuesday night, Obama asserted that on September 12 he called the violence in Libya that occurred on September 11 an act of terror.  But his claim is belied by this report, published in the Washington Post September 13. At...

Four “senior Obama Administration officials” held a press briefing yesterday regarding the attacks in Libya and Egypt.  For reasons we can only divine, they remain unnamed in the official transcript. Near the end, NPR’s Dina Temple-Raston asked “whether there was any specific recent intelligence indicating...

Hillary’s hair color–and length–have been changing over time. Is it splitting hairs to ask what this might mean? With the news that Biden’s not polling so well in several swing states, it’s tempting to take a look at any signals we can glean from Secretary...

From The Guardian in Britain: Detailed leaks of operational information about the foiled underwear bomb plot are causing growing anger in the US intelligence community, with former agents blaming the Obama administration for undermining national security and compromising the British services, MI6 and MI5. The...

anti-Israeli liar and agitator capable of? Maybe almost setting off violence by deliberately spreading false rumors regarding a pending Jewish destruction of the Al-aqsa Mosque.  He’s not in Egypt, or Saudi Arabia, or Yemen.  He’s right here, and he runs the nasty Electronic Intifada blog, and was active...

There are two important columns each of which addresses the surge of Islamists throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The first column, by Andy McCarthy, focuses on reports that the Obama administration is using Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi as a conduit for contact with the Taliban: The surrender...

On Christmas Day 2009, Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate exposives contained in his underwear on a flight arriving in Detroit.  Abdulmutallab unexpectedly pleaded guilty in November 2011. As reported by ABC News on December 26, 2009: The plot to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit...

From David Dayen at Firedoglake: We’ll hear this was necessary because of Awlaki’s operational role, and his part played in the Fort Hood massacre and the Christmas Day bombing attempt.  In reality, many experts saw Awlaki as a public figurehead, a man who could speak...

This is not very surprising, in fact it was predicted days ago. The Syrian government, with the encouragement of anti-Israel Palestinian groups, Hezbollah and the Iranians, has sent hundreds of supposed “Palestinian refugess” surging across the Israeli border in the Golan in an attempt to...

(K. McCaffrey) — As a partner in a firm that deals mostly with web promotion on social media, the Egyptian affair has been fascinating to watch. As Mohamed Haykal, a Nasser confidante, said in a British interview, “The effect of mobiles, computers, satellites—there is a...