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I am still shocked by the Speaker of the House John Boehner’s shock that President Obama said, “We don’t have a spending problem.” That Obama is using the debt as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be a surprise to anyone who has followed news...

But I’m already sizing up Operation Counterweight Senate races for 2014. Don’t look back is my motto. Roll Call has a list of Senate races and assessments.   Do any of them have serious primary challengers?  Lindsay Graham seems like he could be vulnerable in theory,...

There is a lot of talk about Elizabeth Warren being put on the Senate Banking Committee, a natural if not controversial fit for her. But so far there’s very little talk about an additional possibility, that Warren may have a role in the hearings on confirmation of...

From April 29, 2009, after Arlen Specter switched parties and the Dems gained their SuperMajority in the Senate (pending Al Franken election recount), and the political world looked a lot more grim than right now … Relax, The Dems Will Screw Up: It would be...

So many things had to go wrong for Obamacare to evade a Senate filibuster.  Arlen Specter had to switch parties.  Al Franken had to pull out a slight victory.  And Senator Ted Stevens needed to lose relection just after being convicted of corruption. If any...

If Alan Grayson and Al Franken could do it, why not Keith?  Now that he is suspended indefinitely without pay by MSNBC for failing to disclose his campaign contributions to Democrats, Olbermann can become part of the team, instead of just watching from the bleachers. What...

April 29, 2009, shortly after Arlen Specter announced he was switching parties giving Democrats 60 seats in the Senate (pending the seating of Al Franken), when all appeared lost, I wrote: What history shows us is that a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic President, urged on by...

Everyone is talking about the new Christine O’Donnell advertisement in which she declares “I’m not a witch… I’m you.” [youtube=] Good or bad? My vote is probably good, definitely not bad. O’Donnell has been so maligned because of comments she made in the 1990s, that...

Trust me, I’m not counting my chickens before they have come home to roost.  But it is enjoyable to read the distraught comments from those trying to run away from the wave. The “wave” is the most recent Gallup poll showing a 10 point generic...

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is one of the most polarizing Senators. His favorite form of argument is reduced to the following: “You are bad, we are good.” If you were from Rhode Island, as I am, you would understand that this has been Whitehouse’s political character...

(Please try not to fall asleep while reading this post.) There is something profoundly depressing about the nomination of Elena Kagan. Kagan has an impressive resume. But … Has there ever been a more intellectually bland nominee? Probably, but not in decades. Bland is the...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Charles Blow, the NY Times’ once-a-week “visual Op-Ed columnist,” is out to make a name for himself. Much like Frank Rich, who jumped from theater critic to political...

Nate Silver, January 5, 2010, Wicked Awesome Thoughts on Massachusetts Special Election: Rasmussen is supposed to have a poll out tomorrow (Tuesday) on the Massachusetts Senate Special Election, which will take place on the 19th. There’s been some speculation, mostly from Republican blogs but also...

I was in the car most of the day, so I haven’t had a chance to post on the Ben Nelson sellout. So here are some initial thoughts: Yes, it is that bad. The Democrats are about to put in place the legislative, regulatory and...