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Israel now is pumping natural gas from one of the enormous offshore fields which will transform Israel into an energy-independent nation and a global energy powerhouse: Natural gas from the offshore Tamar field was pumped to Israeli shores for the first time Saturday, four years after...

1) The counter-intuitive truth David Ignatius, recently peddling conventional wisdom about President Obama's recent Middle East, Obama's Pragmatic Approach, trip listed three accomplishments of that trip. Two of them were: Obama breathed a little life back into an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that had...

Happy Easter to all our readers. Nice to see Google is remembering what this day is about, Google celebrates Easter with … Cesar Chavez birthday tribute If Google wanted to celebrate a birthday rather than a religious holiday followed by most of the country and billions of...

From Lynn: People in Colorado are not happy with New York gun control being pushed here, with women legislators fronting for limitations on other women's rights. From Colorado Springs: ...

The first ever Part II of a Saturday Night Card Game, following up on tonight's Saturday Night Card Game. I believe it's become some sort of Syndrome. Roland Martin Blames 'White Male Executives' for Never Getting His Own Show at CNN: Roland Martin on Thursday blamed racism for...

This really is getting out of control. Harriet and Charlotte write in WaPo, White men have much to discuss about mass shootings (emphasis added): Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.  Articles and interviews would flood the media, and...

I have an update on a legal hearing involving UCLA’s Dr. James Enstrom, whose brave whistleblowing actions involving the school's Department of Environmental Health Sciences cost him his job. William Creeley, the Director of Legal and Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education...

The joint is stompin', it's really stompin': Bill O’Reilly Covers Florida Jesus Stomp Controversy University Files Charges Against Student who Refused to Stomp on Jesus Florida Atlantic University apologizes for Jesus Stomping 101 Video – Florida Atlantic Issues Official Apology Over Jesus Stomp Dissent is not patriotic: Ohio State University Releases...

Opponents of nuclear power plants were cheered by the results of a recent study suggesting that, with public health in mind, more of these marvels that turn out cheap, clean energy ought to be shut down. Closing a nuclear reactor in California [in 1989] has prevented...

Anne forwarded this depressing Advertising Age article to me, As Ad Rates Sink, More Websites Explore Ad-Free Business: This is web publishing in 2013, when declining ad rates and the sense that each buck is harder to get than the last is leading increasing numbers of publishers...

Sarah Palin once again proved that her political instincts far surpassed those of the Republican political establishment, which long has accepted Don Young, Alaska's lone Congressman. Elected in 1973, Young has come to epitomize what is wrong with Washington, with questionable use of campaign funds and...

It looks like the first day of banking in Cyprus after a post-bailout shut-down went swimmingly: The president of Cyprus said on Friday the risk of bankruptcy had been contained and the country had no intention of leaving the euro, in a speech laden with criticism...

Politichicks TV interviewed Paul McKinley a few weeks ago at CPAC, and have just published the video. McKinley didn't hold back, covering everything from the gun ban to New York's Bloomberg and his attempts to buy the election. "They're using the violence to say that they...

1) The Washington Post on Obama's trip Fareed Zakaria uses a guest column in the Washington Post to proclaim Obama appeals to Israel's conscience: He starts with condescension: As a piece of rhetoric, Barack Obama’s speech to college students in Jerusalem was a triumph. He finally convinced Israel...