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I have a confession to make:  I am a woman who is vexed by today's feminists. For example, just because Margaret Thatcher wasn't a "social justice warrior" as one of the most influential Western leaders during one of the most formative times in the modern era,...

The special election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr. is Tuesday, and Tuesday we will ascertain what one grassroots campaign, with the help of a few conservative blogs like this one and little else, can do to fight The Machine. We've covered Republican candidate Paul McKinley, who...

Earlier today Prof Jacobson noted the passing former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. What I remember most about her was a speech she gave in 1985 to the American Bar Association in which she argued against giving terrorists the "oxygen of publicity." The more open our society,...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco .. twitter@afbranco  ...

1) The language of concessions The Washington Post reports Kerry presses Israel and Palestinians for concessions to pave way for peace talks: Kerry first visited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has resisted new talks for most of the past four years. His government had sought to file...

Mandy will have an update on #OpIsrael either later tonight or in the morning. My suspicion is that we have another historic Palestinian victory inflicting severe injury on the Zionist entity, just like all their other victories. One of the victories attempted by the hackers was to...

Scott Johnson at Power Line writes about the devastating report on Bowdoin College and the college President's smug response to a professor who wrote to the President about the issues. Here's the letter the professor published in the Bowdoin student newspaper: To the Editor, I write to tell you about my...

I have written so many times about the fundraising charade conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, in which "hate group" numbers are inflated and fear mongering is used to pump up SPLC's massive endowment used to pay enormous salaries. As with the proverbial broken clock,...

John Kerry tagged team with Obama to extract a humiliating apology from Israel over the deaths of Turks who violently attacked Israeli soldiers lawfully boarding a ship breaking the lawful Gaza military blockade. The Turks and others in the Muslim world took the apology as a...

Last November, a faction claiming association to the hacker collective Anonymous launched #OpIsrael, in retaliation for Israel’s strikes on Gaza. Earlier this week, those operations were resurrected in another wave of #OpIsrael that is scheduled to commence on April 7th, the date of Holocaust Memorial Day. The...