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Cause: While you were sleeping, radical 1960s leftists took over the education system Video: Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer Analyze the Liberal Takeover of Higher Ed Professor attacks Pope for blessing disabled man, claims Christian bias against disabled USC Student Exposes Professor Who Routinely Calls Republicans Stupid and Racist Wisconsin...

As noted yesterday, the widespread attention to the mainstream media's news blackout on the Kermit Gosnell trial evoked a pushback at with the claim that "feminist" writers had written about the horrors, and therefore according to Irin Carmon, There is no Gosnell coverup. That gave rise...

I have been encouraging readers to get on Twitter. #Victory Just a few thousand more to go. @leginsurrectionYou begged for me to get on twitter so here I am. My first tweet.— Catherine E. Harrop (@Catherine_in_Va) April 13, 2013 And she sent yesterday's Broadcast Tweet! #IcingOnCake Break #Gosnell news blackout...

Terry McAuliffe, perennial Democratic partisan and Clintonite, wants to be Governor of Virginia. But he has a problem. A big problem, Terry McAuliffe's Solyndra.  Go read the article at the link.  All you need to know is in this Dukakis-in-a-tank-like photo: While the issue had received attention, it was...

There is some very lame pushback against the overwhelming evidence that the mainstream media has a virtual news blackout on the Gosnell trial. It started with a post in Slate about how "feminist" bloggers have written about Gosnell, and the NY Times reported on the...

TMZ reports (h/t @baseballcrank): Jonathan Winters, the comedic film and TV actor who was huge in the '70s and '80s on shows like "Mork and Mindy," has died at age 87 ...

The mainstream media is ignoring Kermit Gosnell's abortion shop of horrors. In addition to the near total blackout at newspapers like The NY Times and Washington Post and all major networks except Fox News, mainstream news sites like Politico are silent, with not a single story...

1) How to fight asymmetric warfare Once again Charles Enderlein and Philipe Karsenty are back in court. Enderlein was the reporter who created the story of Mohammed al-Dura. Karsenty is the media critic who had the temerity to question the much honored "journalist." Back in 2008...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco .. Twitter @afbranco ...

Missouri Broke Own State Law, Shared Detailed Conceal Carry Records With Feds: This story is gun registration opponents worst nightmares coming true. Missouri officials broke their own laws and shared detailed conceal carry records with the feds. Dana Loesch is all over this story: The Missouri State Highway...

Source: Progress Kentucky Behind Mitch McConnell Campaign Recording:
A secret recording of a campaign strategy session between U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell and his advisors was taped by leaders of the Progress Kentucky super PAC, says a longtime local Democratic operative. Mother Jones Magazine released the tape this week. The meeting itself took place on Feb. 2. Jacob Conway, who is on the executive committee of the Jefferson County Democratic Party, says that day, Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison, who founded and volunteered for Progress Kentucky, respectively, bragged to him about how they recorded the meeting. Conway says neither the local nor the state Democratic party had any part in the incident.
This is the same Democratic PAC which ran racist ads against McConnell's wife. As previously discussed, the means of recording would determine whether it was illegal.  The report is that they were not in the room and therefore not a party to the conversation, but eavesdropped:
Morrison and Reilly did not attend the open house, but they told Conway they arrived later and were able to hear the meeting from the hallway. “They were in the hallway after the, I guess after the celebration and hoopla ended, apparently these people broke for lunch and had a strategy meeting, which is, in every campaign I've been affiliated with, makes perfect sense,” says Conway. “One of them held the elevator, the other one did the recording and they left. That was what they told to me from them directly.” The meeting room door is next to the elevators on that floor. McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton has told multiple media outlets the door was shut and locked on Feb. 2. But the door has a vent at the bottom and a large gap underneath. “Apparently the gentlemen overheard the conversation and decided to record it with a phone or recording device they had in their pocket. Could've been an iPhone, could've been a Flip camera or something like that,” Conway say.
If this holds up, it is very, very big time, and on its face appears to be a violation of law. Mother Jones and David Corn better start lawyering up (which I assume they already have), because the question

Susan A. Patton, a  Princeton University alumna who was among the 200 'pioneer' women enrolled in the Ivy League school in 1973, penned a fascinating letter to the editor of the Daily Princetonian addressed to the "daughters I never had." Here’s what nobody is telling you:...

I subscribe to the view that barring something truly unforeseeable, the Democratic nomination in 2016 is Hillary's for the taking.  There is no second Barack Obama out there to take the nomination away from her. In fact, the non-Hillary Democratic bench is pathetically weak. Hillary's many...