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Author: Mary Chastain

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Mary Chastain

Mary is the resident libertarian. She covers stories in every vertical, but her favorite thing to do is take on the media. She saw its bias against the right when she was a socialist.

Mary loves the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks, tennis, cats, Oxford comma, Diet Coke, and needlework.

Hundreds of Native Americans recently demanded Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) renounce any claim to Native American ancestry and admit that her family lore stories were false. This led Fox News anchor Bret Baier to ask 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (MN), during her town hall appearance on Fox News, if Warren should do drop those claims.

Protesters from the Black Emergency Response Team (BERT) at the University of Oklahoma have staged sit-ins at interim President Joseph Harroz's office in Evans Hall to demand the resignation of Provost (senior administrative official) Kyle Harper. The protesters claim Harper "allows racism to fester on campus" after two professors used the n-word in classrooms, the College Fix reports.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Roger Stone to 40 months in prison, $20,000 fine, and two years of supervised release. A jury convicted him "on seven charges of obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering" last year.

Richard Grenell made history when President Donald Trump appointed him as the U.S. Ambassador to Germany because he was the first openly gay man to serve at such a high level in an administration. Grenell made history again on Wednesday night when Trump picked him as his acting Director of National intelligence. Grenell is the first openly gay person to serve on a president's Cabinet.