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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been harassed and confronted by anti-Trump and anti-Kavanaugh protesters, including outside a restaurant, at the airport, and on the street after a Georgetown University event. This fits a pattern of attempts to intimidate Republican lawmakers and figures at the urging of Democrats such as Maxine Waters.

Earlier this week, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas revealed that Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) conceals her actual position on issues such as gun control in order to get elected. McCaskill is now demanding that state Attorney General Josh Hawley open an investigation into O'Keefe's investigative journalism, charging that Project Veritas engaged in "fraud" under Missouri's Merchandising Practices Act.

We keep hearing the media insist that they are not blinded by partisanship and bias, that they are not purveyors of #FakeNews, yet we also keep seeing the evidence pile up that they are not only biased #FakeNews peddlers but that they appear to be intentionally fanning the flames that are fueling leftist #Resistance mobs.

#MeToo, we are told, is an important socio-cultural movement; we should believe all accusers as "survivors" and treat every incident of alleged sexual assault as a mass attack of white male privilege on hapless females.  This mentality is so ingrained among the #MeToo and #Resistance left that protesters mobbed lawmakers insisting that their stories be heard in conjunction with the Kavanaugh hearings. The idea was that any woman who had been sexually assaulted must be somehow weighed in the Kavanaugh hearings and confirmation vote.  None of these women were claiming that Kavanaugh had assaulted them, just that they had been assaulted . . . and that Kavanaugh must pay.  You know, for their victimhood or as a scapegoat or Christ figure sacrificed for the sins of the many.  Kavanaugh's defeat was to be redemption for these women who had never met him much less been assaulted by him.  He was to be the figure, the totem, of their healing.   Burn him, and they are freed.  Or something.

As we move ever closer to the 2018 midterms, all eyes are fixed on House and Senate races.  The need for President Trump to maintain, even expand, the number of seats in both Houses of Congress cannot be overstated, so it's heartening to see Republican candidate for Senate John James surging in Michigan. James, a combat veteran and businessman, describes himself as a "conservative Republican" and is seeing a surge not only in support via polling but in donations as money is flowing into his campaign.  While James is still a bit of a long-shot against incumbent Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow who has held that seat since 2000, the recent surge opens the possibility of a stunning—and very welcome—upset.

Out of all the horror and vileness of the Democrats' all-out war on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, there comes a most welcome surprise:  Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  The man has been on fire all week, and he is not close to stopping. Following are Graham's five most awesome moments in defense of Kavanaugh.

As we continue to celebrate the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, it seems rather fitting that a video from a 2017 weekly presser is making the rounds.  It shows House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) explaining to the assembled press what a "wrap-up smear" is and how it can be used to harm political opponents. It reads like a template for the base and unfounded attacks on Justice Kavanaugh during—and after—his confirmation hearings.

Christine Blasey Ford's letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) kicked off what has to be—and will go down in history as being—among the most embarrassing and shameful episodes related to the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice in recent memory.  Feinstein chose to sit on the letter and only reveal it after the confirmation hearings had concluded, putting Ford in the unenviable position of having to present her testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee under the media spotlight and with all the hopes and dreams of vindication of the radical left on her shoulders.

The Obama administration was stuffed to the gills with unsavory characters, but one that stands out above most others is Susan Rice. And now she's hinted that she might consider running against Senator Susan Collins (R-ME). As we've covered here at LI, Rice has been at the center of far too many Obama-era scandals. From lying about the cause of the Benghazi compound attack that left four men, including an American ambassador dead, to lying about the deserter Bowe Bergdahl having "served with honor and distinction, to unmasking Trump campaign officials, Rice was front and center.

I fervently hope the reports of increased GOP enthusiasm for the midterms are accurate because there will be a lot on the line as we head to the polls next month. Not only is their entire agenda an unworkable hodge-podge of prohibitively expensive "freebies," but Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they will launch numerous investigations into President Trump with the hope of removing him from office.  Should he be confirmed to the United States Supreme Court later today, we can add Brett Kavanaugh to the list of promised investigations, as well.

According to a report published by Politico, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) chose to appear pressured when, in fact, he masterminded the latest Kavanaugh delay. His subsequent media statements about his motivations and his media appearances in light of this report suggest Flake's true motivations are far less pure than he would have us believe. Flake's focus on optics, on his raw ambition (for 2020?), and on the kind of "swamp creature" political maneuvering surrounding this planned reversal paints for the American people a hideous and disturbing portrait of the Arizona senator.

[Edit: FS] We will be updating this thread throughout the day. Mark Judge has denied the allegations made by Julie Swetnick, the latest client of porn lawyer Michael Avenatti.  Swetnick alleges that Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were present at parties in the 1980's when girls were drugged and raped by multiple high school boys.

Here's what we know because we've been repeatedly told: One, if the Democrats take one or both Houses of Congress, President Trump will be, at best, more lame than the lamest lame duck in the history of our nation as he complies with a zillion Congressional inquiries and demands and fights impeachment (should the Dems win the House); two, the leftist dream, of course, is that President Trump be removed from office (should the Dems win the Senate); and/or three, he will be impeached and removed from office if Democrats take both the House and the Senate. This isn't rocket science or tea leaves, it's what they've clearly and constantly said since President Trump trounced twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

Twitter hashtag games are a fun and effective way of sharing our ideas, no less so now that Twitter is silencing conservatives. Case in point, Ben, of Ben and Jerry's ice cream fame and fortune, coordinated a "name the ice cream for seven up and coming progressives" effort with and got far more than he bargained for.