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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is on the 2020 campaign trail, and she is quickly learning that there is no escaping her well-documented ethnic fraud in repeatedly claiming to be Native American, apparently to further her career. While attending a campaign event in Georgia, Warren was heckled by a man who shouted "Why did you lie?"  Holding up a sign with "1/2020" written on it, the man repeatedly shouted at her as he was escorted out of the venue by security.

Opponents of President Trump's declaration of a national emergency are practically orgasmic over his statement during his press conference that "I didn't need to do this . . . . " That statement supposedly will be devastating in court as an admission that there is no actual emergency. But as with so many things #NeverTrump, the words are plucked out of a longer sentence and statement in which Trump makes the case for the declaration being necessary because a wall/fencing cannot wait given the crisis. The full statement, which I quote below, will be the one in front of a court, and an appeals court, and ultimately the Supreme Court.

Over the past several days, there has been a flurry of news "reports" about Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) being a "mean boss" and a "bad boss."  In sharp contrast to these accusations, Klobuchar's 2020 presidential campaign announcement shows her to be immensely likable.  She has that genuine "it" quality that stands in sharp contrast to Elizabeth's Warren's Saturday launch.

As one of my less savory duties for LI readers, I get to watch things like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) formally announce her 2020 presidential campaign.  As we like to say, I watch, so you don't have to . . . though you can, of course—the video is embedded below. There were many interesting things about her Saturday announcement, but perhaps the most interesting didn't take place in Lawrence, Massachusetts, but in the media coverage of her announcement.  Even in Warren-friendly publications, the weight of her questionably-motivated presentation of herself as a Native American throughout her career hangs in the air around her like an albatross carcass, stinking up even her proudest moment as she announces her run for the Democrat nomination for president.

If current Virginia governor Ralph Northam (D) thought his statement on Saturday would ease the pressure on him to resign, he was mistaken. A growing number of Democrats are calling for the embattled governor to resign, and a last-minute Super Bowl Sunday urgent meeting between Northam and "top-level" staff, including Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, suggests that Northam may be planning to resign.

Billionaire and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has stirred up Democrat wrath by contemplating an independent 2020 run for president.  They and their #NeverTrump allies are ten kinds of not happy. Apparently, the left's latest attempts to dissuade Schultz from doing so will include tactics they've used repeatedly against Republicans: angry mobs confronting him anywhere and everywhere.

Newly-minted Virginia governor Ralph Northam (D, sorry, CNN, not R) is expected to make a statement this afternoon about the latest revelation in his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Following the revelation that Northam is a proponent of infanticide, a yearbook photo from his med school days (i.e. as a man in his mid-twenties, not a teen in high school) surfaced that suggested that he was either wearing blackface or a KKK costume.

Earlier this week, Mary wrote about the chaos in Venezuela as Juan Guaido Proclaims Himself Interim President, [and the] Military Backs Maduro.  At that point, the U.S. and Canada recognized Guaido as Venezuela's leader. Since then, Britain, Germany, France, and Spain said that Venezuela must agree to hold elections or they will recognize Guaido as the country's leader.  These countries have given Venezuela eight days to call the elections.

There were more than a thousand left-stream media layoffs earlier this week.  The cuts took place across the spectrum of left-stream media and included cuts at HuffPo, BuzzFeed, Yahoo News, among others. The finger-pointing has thus far been aimed at Facebook and Twitter, but wounded leftstream media warriors are irked by a reminder of their own callous response to massive Obama-era coal industry job losses.

The internet blew up over a (as it turns out) heavily-edited clip of white male Catholic March for Life high schoolers apparently taunting, mocking, and otherwise behaving badly toward a Native American elder.  Even many on the right condemned the MAGA hat-wearing boys for their perceived vile behavior. The problem?  We didn't get the whole story, and many people, including those on the left, are now expressing their regret at jumping too readily to condemn these boys.  As it turns out and in the true spirit of "unexpectedly," there is much more to this story than we were first treated to in the initial reports.

Alleged prostitute Anastasia Vashukevich, also known as Nastya Rybka,was detained last year in Thailand on charges related to soliciting for sex and conspiracy to solicit.  At the time of her arrest and subsequent plea, she claimed to have video and audio tape evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 U. S. presidential election. She has now retracted that claim and apologized for making a false claim.  It's not clear why she initially made this claim, but reports suggest that she was trying to leverage this purported "evidence" into a lesser charge/sentence.

Embroiled in controversy and losing big donors and backers, the Women's March has attempted to keep its head above water with this year's march. However, although Women's March organizers anticipated hundreds of thousands to show up for their third annual march in DC, this year's march garnered only "thousands," according to reports.