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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

Last month, Chelsea Clinton was among the many Democrats who condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her anti-Semitic ravings. Yesterday, Chelsea was surrounded by a mob of NYU students who berated her for these comments and blamed her and her comments for the New Zealand mosque attack that left 49 dead and another 48 injured.

Former Florida governor and failed 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush told CNN's David Axelrod, a former Obama adviser, that a Republican should challenge President Trump for the 2020 GOP nomination for president.

Jeb's reasoning, apparently, is that only by running a GOP challenge to the sitting and duly-elected president can the GOP have a "conversation about what it is to be a conservative."

Following the truly horrific 2015 revelations that Planned Parenthood was harvesting baby parts and haggling over baby brains for profit, Republican governors across the nation moved to ban taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood.  In February 2016, then-Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a bill that restricted state funding to Planned Parenthood. While a lower court had previously blocked the state from stripping $1.5 million in funding from the nation's top abortion provider, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Ohio can indeed defund Planned Parenthood.

I read with great interest FiveThirtyEight's breakdown of "The Six Wings of the Democratic Party," so you can imagine my amusement when "Progressive Old Guard" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) finally said what we all know to be true:  the House would be ridiculously stupid to impeach President Trump. Okay, she didn't say it quite like that, but that was the gist of it.  In an exclusive interview with The Washington Post, Pelosi announced that she was about to "give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before."

Last month, Mary wrote that British Prime Minister Theresa May Will Give Parliament a Chance to Delay Brexit if They Reject Withdrawal Plan.  The withdrawal plan comes up for a vote on Tuesday, March 12, and May has traveled to Strasbourg to meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. The UK is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29 on this year.

Another day, another TDS-addled adult bullying a teenager over a Trump hat.  This time, it's Palm City, Florida where a female bus aide repeatedly yelled at a 14-year-old male student to take off his hat before eventually physically removing it from his head. The student was wearing the hat for "hat day," and the school reportedly has no policy restricting political apparel.

On Friday, Mary wrote about Rep. Ilhan Omar's Obama-bashing interview with Politico. In this interview, Omar told Politico's Tim Alberta that, among other things, Obama's hope and change was a "mirage" and that he got away with the "caging of kids" and with "murder" because he was "polished." Upon publication of the piece and the Democrat horror that she had attacked Obama, whom 49% of Democrats think was the best president since WWII, Omar went on the offensive.

The left has an historical ability to appeal to the young. Given that polls and studies show that the majority of people outgrow their wide-eyed, ill-conceived leftist idealism, the left is ramping up its attempts to sell its shiny, empty promises to our nation's youth. In keeping with their decades-long attempts to shore up a permanent Democrat majority, the House voted Thursday on a measure to lower the voting age to 16.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that President Trump's approval rating is up and that he has strong, sustained support among his base, but it also shows that just four in ten of those surveyed would vote to reelect him next year. The president's approval rating is surprising high given the anti-Trump media and cultural onslaught he has endured since beating Hillary in 2016, but there are warning signs for him heading into 2020, each of which may be mitigated by the conflicting will of Democrat primary voters who want both "aggressive policy positions" and electability in their 2020 presidential candidate.

During his testimony before the House Oversight Committee, former Trump "fixer" and attorney Michael Cohen came across as a whiny, lying opportunist who may have violated not only lobbying but also perjury laws. This impression was not helped when it was revealed after his testimony that Trump is a “racist,” a “conman” and “a cheat” that he had been shopping a pro-Trump book that argued the exact opposite.  The president, of course, had a field day with these revelations.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has a serious problem, and it just won't go away.  She tried explaining that her high cheekbones, family lore, and Pow-wow Chow recipes meant that she was Native American; she issued denials that she claimed Native American heritage status for years; she tried partnering with Native Americans on gambling rights; and now she's trying out support for reparations for Native Americans in the vain hope this one will fly . . . and disappear her decades-long ethnic fraud problem.