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Yale Course Wonders if Science Can ‘be Made Queer’

Yale Course Wonders if Science Can ‘be Made Queer’

“a background in the development of sex science, from evolutionary arguments that racialized sexual dimorphism to the contemporary technologies”

Another progressive pet project disguised as the pursuit of knowledge. Who pays for a course like this?

The College Fix reports:

Yale course asks: Can science ‘be made queer’

A class offered by Yale University this semester will ask students to consider “whether science can be made queer.”

The course description asks, “Can facial recognition technology really tell if you’re queer? Why is everyone so obsessed with gay penguins? For that matter, how did science come to be the right tool for defining and knowing sex, gender, and sexuality at all?”

The class, titled “Queer Science,” will be taught by Juno Richards (picturedright) and Joanna Radin and will give students “a background in the development of sex science, from evolutionary arguments that racialized sexual dimorphism to the contemporary technologies that claim to be able to get at bodily truths that are supposedly more real than identity.”

Richards, who uses “they/them” pronouns, and Radin (picturedleft) have not responded to requests for comment on queer science as a field of study, their qualifications for teaching a course on the subject, and their responses to criticism of the course’s academic relevance. The College Fix sent two emails in the past two weeks; neither could be reached by phone call.

An education policy expert criticized the course in emailed comments to The Fix.

Jonathan Butcher, a research fellow in education policy at the Heritage Foundation, said it is dangerous to conflate ideological perspectives on gender with real science, especially for “young people—minor-age children—who have been encouraged in some cases to believe they were born in the wrong body. “

“By pursuing hormone treatments and puberty blockers and even surgery to permanently alter their bodies, the adults who are socially affirming minor youth who are confused about their sex are hurting these young people,” Butcher said. “Research finds that in most young people, the confusion over their sex resolves on its own as they complete puberty and enter adulthood.”

The course description says “students will engage with the tools, methods, and theories of both STS and queer studies that emphasize the constructed and political underpinnings of scientific thought and practice.”


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Start with climate science because they are already running on logic fumes.

Rice Univ has course in AfroChemistry.

Why not Gay Geology?

Clown college.