White Jazz Prof Canceled for Criticizing Critical Race Theory Planning Lawsuit
“perpetuated harmful and defamatory narratives about black musicians in the jazz industry”

Megyn Kelly said the courts were the answer on stuff like this. She has been proven right repeatedly.
The College Fix reports:
White jazz professor canceled for criticizing critical race theory plans lawsuit
A music professor canceled for daring to criticize his school’s inclusivity measures and critical race theory filed suit against his school … and plans to file another one.
Martin Speake, a U.K. “composer, saxophonist, academic and educator” specializing in jazz, early last year had responded to a request for feedback regarding Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance‘s “BLM/anti-racist policies and initiatives.”
Speake (pictured) noted in his email response “that there is no systemic racial inequality in the UK jazz scene,” and that critical race theory is “divisive and dangerous.”
He concluded with Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote about judging people “by the content of their character,” not their skin color.
Here’s what followed, according to the professor:
Some time later I forwarded this email to a student with whom I had had a stimulating conversation on the topic earlier that day. This student showed the email to some peers, but didn’t forward it to anyone. Nevertheless, as some students heard about it, the email began to attract some discontent and speculation within the student body. TL [Trinity Laban] then halted my teaching and pressured me to consent to the circulation of my email to the entire jazz department.
Speake claims Trinity Laban “threatened disciplinary action” against him, that students boycotted his classes, and that the London Jazz Orchestra (for whom he was lead alto saxophonist for 15 years) requested he take a leave of absence.
According to Slipped Disc, some Trinity Laban students even claimed Speake’s email “affected their mental health.”
A Change.org petition created by “Distressed Student” notes he/she was “deeply affected” by Speake’s message that “perpetuated harmful and defamatory narratives about black musicians in the jazz industry.”
The petition alleges Speake had a “lack of sensitivity” and “created an uncomfortable and distressing learning environment.” It further demands he be relieved of his position as “his conduct and beliefs are inconsistent with the values and principles” of Trinity Laban.

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They seem really upset that a person has pointed out how overtly racist their anti-racist policies actually are. Very similar to how liberals react when I point out how the defund the po po movement to protect black people actually resulted in a 30% uptick in the murders of blacks by other blacks. You’d think by now that they would make a connection between the outcome never ever matching their intent.
Never accuse a Liberal from understanding cause and effect. They simply aren’t wired that way. Hence, directing water resources to protect a fish that hasn’t been seen in 15 years instead of being used to protect human beings.
CRT and DEI are symptoms of the widespread mental health crisis in schools, universities and organizations around the world today. Since mental health issues are a tough nut to crack, we’ll be feeling their effects for a very long time.
Imagine having all of your status tied to victimhood.
“According to Slipped Disc, some Trinity Laban students even claimed Speake’s email “affected their mental health.”
Bring back corporal punishment. Also, dueling.
Unless we begin to insist that students allow thoughts and points of view different – and in some cases vastly different – from their own to be expressed without making them ‘uncomfortable’ or ‘distressed’, then free speech will not survive. I’m not sure how you do that except to tell them in essence, you’re not going to like what I’m going to say, but tough. Suck it up, buttercup. Institutions have to support that approach though and valid threats to take away federal support if it doesn’t happen must be actually applied.