Trump’s “Unleashing American Energy” Declaration Ends Biden’s War on Appliances
Trump’s order demands that real science be utilized rulemaking, as well as forces agencies to evaluate the likely consequences of their regulations on this nation.

Shortly after his inauguration, President Donald Trump unleashed a blizzard of executive orders implementing his America First agenda.
Much of the focus was on his directive to exit the Paris Climate Accord and to halt funding to globalist economy-crushing environmental initiatives. Trump also put a pause on offshore wind projects and other wind-energy projects out of real concerns they are adversely impacting the nation’s environmental health.
But no less important was one order with a short but sweet name: Unleashing American Energy.
America is blessed with an abundance of energy and natural resources that have historically powered our Nation’s economic prosperity. In recent years, burdensome and ideologically motivated regulations have impeded the development of these resources, limited the generation of reliable and affordable electricity, reduced job creation, and inflicted high energy costs upon our citizens. These high energy costs devastate American consumers by driving up the cost of transportation, heating, utilities, farming, and manufacturing, while weakening our national security.
It is thus in the national interest to unleash America’s affordable and reliable energy and natural resources. This will restore American prosperity —- including for those men and women who have been forgotten by our economy in recent years. It will also rebuild our Nation’s economic and military security, which will deliver peace through strength.
This order followed one declaring a “National Energy Emergency.”
The declaration is far-reaching and includes measures to expedite energy infrastructure delivery and emergency approvals by agencies to help the nation effectively take advantage of our resources and achieve energy security.
In the executive order, the President’s sweeping new energy policy is to “encourage energy exploration and production on Federal lands and waters, including on the Outer Continental Shelf, in order to meet the needs of our citizens and solidify the United States as a global energy leader long into the future.”
The President’s executive order also aims to establish the U.S. position as the leading producer and processor of non-fuel minerals, including rare earth minerals, “which will create jobs and prosperity at home, strengthen supply chains for the United States and its allies, and reduce the global influence of malign and adversarial states.”
The new policy also includes the elimination of the “electric vehicle (EV) mandate” and the promotion of true consumer choice, which is essential for economic growth and innovation, by removing regulatory barriers to motor vehicle access. The measure would ensure a level regulatory playing field for consumer choice in vehicles, the Trump White House said.
The executive order includes many other provisions to help support the energy industry and infrastructure, as well as permit the exploration and tapping of new resources by:
- Expediting and simplifying the energy permitting process, including for liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects.
- Disbanding the Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases.
- Rescinding several of Biden’s executive orders on energy and the environment.
- Directing the Department of Energy to restart the review of LNG export applications.
- Seeking to reduce regulatory burdens on domestic energy production and use.
And all the funding for Biden’s de facto Green New Deal has been slashed.
Massive. Buried in Trump’s “Unleashing American Energy” EO: All green spending under Inflation Reduction Act and infrastructure law is immediately paused.
That includes the $400B green loan program AND the failed EV charging station program that has yielded just a few stations.
— Thomas Catenacci (@ThomasCatenacci) January 21, 2025
And the War on American Appliances is over.
The federal war on gas stoves is over.
— Steve Everley (@saeverley) January 21, 2025
The best part: Trump’s order demands that real science be utilized rulemaking, as well as forces agencies to evaluate the likely consequences of their regulations on this nation. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now under this order:
The calculation of the “social cost of carbon” is marked by logical deficiencies, a poor basis in empirical science, politicization, and the absence of a foundation in legislation. Its abuse arbitrarily slows regulatory decisions and, by rendering the United States economy internationally uncompetitive, encourages a greater human impact on the environment by affording less efficient foreign energy producers a greater share of the global energy and natural resource market.
Consequently, within 60 days of the date of this order, the Administrator of the EPA shall issue guidance to address these harmful and detrimental inadequacies, including consideration of eliminating the “social cost of carbon” calculation from any Federal permitting or regulatory decision.
I am grateful much of Trump’s personal energy is directed an protecting, preserving, and expanding our energy resources….and saving the gas stoves!

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Better Yet: Stop all rules and regulations from all the agencies.
Return the legislative process to the legislative branch.
This exactly and the EPA is a prime example of an agency this should be done to! The EPA should have such regulation making authority revoked, be vastly downsized, and it’s role changed to a research and advisory agency: investigate environmental issues, create reports about said issues and make recommendations on what should be done, but it’s up to Congress to create and pass legislation and the President to sign off on it in order for any action to be done.
They don’t want it. Why do you think they keep delegating authority to someone else?
Why do you think they haven’t declared war in 80 years?
Unfortunately, the “legislative branch” has its “legislation” written by lobbyists.
Yeah, we need some serious reform in that branch too, and that can’t come from Trump. It’s unlikely to happen unless there’s a significant movement among the American people every bit as overwhelming as Trump’s election.
It is laudable and welcome, though unsurprising, that #47, Vance and their team have accomplished more substantive, beneficial and assertive policy results for the U.S., our civics and our allies in a mere seventy-two hours, than the utterly wretched, vile, stupid, incompetent, despotic, corrupt, lawless and vindictive “Biden-Harris” Administration, during an utterly interminable and insufferable four years.
Can anyone name one policy Biden’s team enacted helpful to the American people?
Well, not so much a policy, but he did withdraw from his reelection campaign.
He chose someone entirely unelectable as his running mate.
Intentionally done to give a F Y to Obama, Pelosi and the other back stabbers. It worked.
Banana. Banana is way better than Vanilla.
Democratic elites, who all cook with gas, breathe a sigh of relief. But don’t let anyone catch them.
The Study claiming 12% of asthma cases are caused by gas stoves is blatant academic fraud.
Everybody promoting the study knows it is academic fraud.
That so called “study” which was the basis for trying to essentially outlaw gas stoves was particularly galling. It was some of the most shoddy research and analysis I’ve ever seen.
Two blatant signs of academic fraud in the Gas Stove study
1) It was a meta study (a study summarizing other studies with a selection criteria that specifically excluded a study finding the opposite, and
2) The study used the Population attribution fraction methodology which is well documented in the professional literature that it is invalid with there are multiple cofounding variables.
Why was this ‘study’ ever undertaken? Well, natural gas is very clean and arguably the best choice in terms of low-pollution, low cost, consistently available fuel. In addition it’s abundant.
So…. the Left had to find SOME reason to object to it. Health problems? Yeah! That’s the ticket!
Our move out of the progressive shithole that is Austin, TX continues apace. The builders are decking the roof. The septic system went in the ground last week (conventional, yay!)
I think I’m going to put in a 2,000 gallon propane tank (or rather, two 1,000 tanks), just like Barack Obama has.
Always watch what the proggie liars DO, not what they SAY.
Great. How long until we get dishwashers that actually wash. Oh, and clean laundry.
I bought a speed queen about 10 years ago. Loved that thing. when it died, I replaced it with another speed queen. only, this was done after they had to conform to energy/water regulations. I swear it does not clean my laundry. I wish to high heaven I had kept the old one and found someone who could fix it.
We bought a HE washer several years ago and ended up doing twice as many loads because it just didn’t work so we had to load it half full. Sometimes articles would still come out of it completely dry. Hunted around and found a basic washer that fills with water. Works great.
Can I have my incandescent light bulbs back please?
Yes. Walk into any big box store and buy some.
Unleashing energy will stop capital outflow, and should greatly lower costs of goods and services.
Now can we get toilets you only have to flush once?
I must add that having used a quality gas Honda lawmower for 20+ years, I am quite happy with my EGO self-propelled electric one – cut not quite as good, but much more convenient to use.
Fine, if the product is better at meeting your needs then by all means, use it. But we most certainly don’t need a bunch of corruptocrats in Washington DC deciding what we MUST use or CANNOT use.
Except you chose that product, it wasn’t forced on you
Quite a number of people I’ve spoken with have one and says the same thing. For a small lawn they work great as do the electric weed wackers. They should be a choice for use, though and not a mandate. Same for electric chainsaws. They have a place like topping in a tree or small limbs but not so much for exclusive use.
War on Appliances. Good one!
Theater of tha absurd that was the B**** administration..
We defeated the Kaiser and the Fascist alliance, but… appliances?
Well, we defeated the Axle Powers.
Comment of the day, Henry!
Gas furnace, water heater, stove.
Don’t trust electric power grid to always be there for me.
Exactly! Anyone who has been through an extended power failure with gas stove, gas water heater, and gas fired furnace that can be powered by a light duty generator knows how things can get inconvenient in a hurry when the lights go out. BTW, I have all three.
When we bought our house in a place where hurricanes are a thing I immediately took out the electric furnace, water heater and stove replacing with all gas. Heat is zone with a propane heater on the wall in each room.
Where are we WRT to the non-condensing gas tankless water heater rule? The one put in place a few weeks ago. Did that get the axe? (Like my comment did in that thread!)
I hope so. The little wall mount on demand propane heater I put in is fantastic.
The Department of Energy is showing 0% usage of its offices in DC, we don’t need them.
I hope they turned off the *^&%#@ lights.
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