Trump Orders Declassification of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. Files
“Everything will be revealed.”

President Donald Trump signed an executive order to release the files on the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Section 1. Policy and Purpose. More than 50 years after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Federal Government has not released to the public all of its records related to those events. Their families and the American people deserve transparency and truth. It is in the national interest to finally release all records related to these assassinations without delay.
The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 required all records related to the assassination of President Kennedy to be publicly disclosed in full by October 26, 2017, unless the President certifies that: (i) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (ii) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure. President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, section 5(g)(2)(D), Public Law 102-526, 106 Stat. 3443, 3448–49, codified at 44 U.S.C. 2107 note.
Sec. 2. Declassification and Disclosure. (a) Within 15 days of the date of this order, the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General shall, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Counsel to the President, present a plan to the President for the full and complete release of records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
(b) Within 45 days of the date of this order, the Director of National Intelligence and the Attorney General shall, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Counsel to the President, review records related to the assassinations of Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and present a plan to the President for the full and complete release of these records.
“A lot of people have been waiting for this for a long time, for years, for decades” Trump said as he signed it. “Everything will be revealed.”
He told his assistant to give it to RFK, Jr., the son of RFK.
The classification of files have led to tons of conspiracy theories, including the CIA and FBI ordering the assassinations.
It's Official! Donald Trump signs an Executive Order ordering the declassification of the JFK, RFK, and MLK files.
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) January 23, 2025

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Capone’s vault comes to mind.
They’ve had 50 years to cover their tracks. I doubt any smoking guns will be revealed. I expect the real revelation will be found in what is missing.
People are already saying the files are whitewashed deepfakes.
In fact, someone will come along shortly and set us straight on the truefacts.
I’d rather Trump unseal the Thomas Crooks assassination file.
Was Oswald the lone gunman?
5-6 frames of Zapruder film shows when the bullet hits.
The first two of the 6 frames show grey brain matter bursting from the front of the head going forward (exit wound since the brain pieces are moving forward?)
the next couple of frames then show the head rocking back – Backward head rock as delayed reaction? note that no brain matter is exiting the back of the head.
Based on those 5-6 frames, I have the strong sense oswald was the one gunman .
Must not have watched the same film. Massive exit wound in back of head. Parkland ER doctors confirmed this, then again in 2013. Film shows head going back, along with pieces. Kinda hard to miss.
I agree that there is dispute with the parkland doctors on where the exit wound was front or back.
1) the exit was the front right in the zapruder film
2 the head did not rock back until after considerable brain matter came out the front.
3 entry wont have body parts exiting at point of entry
We’re going to find out that Steven King’s 11/23/63 was what actually happened.
Now do the Aliens!
I’m waiting for the Lincoln Assassination files released. I want to know if John Wilkes Booth was the lone gunman.
Hopefully that order specified no reductions whatsoever. Otherwise it’ll take half a century for their agencies to go through and do their redactions
Of course the stupid voice to text counted redactions as reductions. Maybe they should try to make an AI that understands spoken language better
I have never heard a compelling justification for having these documents classified for more than 60-years. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason for it and it’s done nothing but fuel conspiracy theories, some wildly far-fetched and some…perhaps not. This is LONG overdue.
That giant sucking sound you hear is massive holes being punched in the swamp floor.
There is no truth to the rumor that the declassified files show that JFK had info that could’ve led to Hillary Clinton’s arrest.
Hillary Clinton was 16. Even if she’d already started in on her criminal career, I doubt she had the kind of pull she had later in life.
Oh, and for the record I think Vince Foster did kill himself, and neither Clinton had anything to do with that, but Hillary had his body moved to the park to be found there because she didn’t want the police searching the actual location where he shot himself.
The Alinsky Bible shoplifting incident at B. Dalton is probably best forgotten.
Spoiler alert – it was the CIA.
And they left a trail of bodies keeping it covered up too.
I seriously doubt there is a confession note from Allen Dulles therein.
Guys, I was able to capture video of Elvis standing behind a screen door. The sound is a little garbled but it’s real.
Should be interesting and does satisfy another campaign promise but as stated above, 50 years is a long time to get something completely buried.
I look forward to finally learning the truth, which I’m sure will show that ██████ and the ███ were ███████ in the assassinations, and that █████ was ██████. In addition, ███████ ████ed the ██████ with the help of the ███.
███████ ███ ██████ ██ █████ ███ ██ ███████ with a ██████. And the █████ they rode in on.
Dammit, I knew it!
I knew it all along…
Here is the truth of the Joe Biden’s mental deterioration coverup which shows that Dr ██████ and Dr ███ were ███████ involved in pulling the wool over ████ eyes and ██████. In addition, ███████ was in the bunny suit that ██████ . Two days later ███ put a banana peel on the stairs of AF1.
███████ ███ ██████ ██ █████ ███ ██ ███████ Hillary ██████. Jill █████ and the broom they rode in on.
What is it with last names starting with ‘K’?
Maybe Trump’s a**a**ins couldn’t succeed, because his last name isn’t “Krump.”
Hey, that’s just as good as some of the conspiracies out there.
Be nice if they simply sent a contingent of Federal Marshalls with an archivist to the places where they’re stored with a letter from the President demanding access or your’e fired. Then seize the now unclassified material, As unfiltered as they’re likely to get. When the spook agencies decide they can keep secrets from the president, it’s time to disband the agencies. Of course, the question is where it it all? Who you gonna trust?
Based on those 5-6 frames, I have the strong sense oswald was the one gunman .
like the warren commission, you were probably not shown the moving film version until a year or so after the commission released it’s “findings” and concluded oswald (probably) acted alone–warren, et al were shown still frames only–believe it is frame #326 which shows the moment of impact of the head shot–but the motion picture conveys the actual event as it happened
other than the film itself, there are several facts of the event that blatantly contradict the “oswald only” scenario
for a rather comprehensive review of the actual “facts” concerning the shooting you might want to have a read of “best evidence” by a guy named Lifton that was published in the eighties–in any homicide the body of the victim is always considered the “best evidence” and hence the title
just one example is the two autopsies performed within 24hrs of one another yet the one in dallas (performed by genuine professionals) comes to a different conclusion/ruling than the one performed at bethesda (also performed by professionals) regards the wounds / direction of incoming fire sustained by the body
the idea that oswald carried out the murder / shooting by himself only is a bit far fetched and is contradicted by the wounding of the body–the “best” evidence itself
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