Trump Cancels Fauci’s Security Detail
Trump: “All the people you’re talking about – they can hire their own security. They made a lot of money.”

A source told CNN that President Donald Trump canceled Dr. Anthony Faucis security detail.
The source also said Fauci hired private security.
Trump pulled security detail from many people, including John Bolton and Mike Pompeo.
Trump confirmed the moves in North Carolina.
A reporter asked Trump if he “would feel responsible” if anything happened to Fauci or Bolton.
Trump answered: “No. They all made a lot of money. They can hire their own security too. All the people you’re talking about – they can hire their own security. They made a lot of money. Fauci made a lot of money. I would not take responsibility.”
🚨 OMG. Trump on stripping the security detail away from Anthony Fauci and John Bolton…
REPORTER: Would you feel responsible if something were to happen to Fauci or John Bolton?
TRUMP: No. They all made a lot of money. They can hire their own security too. All the people…
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 24, 2025

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Canceling all his federal research grants would hurt a lot more.
Canceling his taxpayer funded limo rides would suck.
Replying only to get this up at the top:
His security protection was removed by the Biden/Cabal 30September2024, and NOT by Trump.
Let’s repeat that to make it clear: It was the Biden Administration that allowed his security to lapse almost 4 months ago. Trump did NOT remove it.
He needs to be publicly broken, get his crimes against humanity out in the open.
Wait for it. MSM will soon enough be claiming that Trump has, by this action, put a contract out on Fauci. It just never ends.
in re A. Fauci
send him to be tried in the Russian courts
Sorry, but this is a big unforced error. I certainly hope there are no attacks against Fauci (and Bolton) but if there, it will absolutely rebound against Trump. He’s guaranteed it.
Biden was playing games with security details during the election, especially with regards to RFK, but it was wrong then, and it’s wrong now.
Those were candidates for high office, not bureacrats
Why do you imagine Fauci deserves taxpayer funded security forever? Or EVER deserved it?
This isn’t about security for these people, its about the perks of office, having a coterie of “people” to follow them around and make them look important.
Just like all the rest of the American people, these out-of-power grifters can worry about their own safety. Not my concern.
Who exactly is any threat coming from?
Trump is correct, these people are wealthy enough to hire their own security. If they are that fearful of violence then they won’t hesitate to hire people using their own money.
If they don’t hire security then clearly they have no real fear of being attacked.
If he can plunk down $15 Million for an estate on the Potomic he can afford his own security detail but just like the taxpayer funded limo it’s not about that. It’s about how important he is in his own mind.
“having a coterie of “people” to follow them around and make them look important.”
Hey, the KGB did that to Americans, also for their “protection.”
If Fauci complains, Trump should replace his entourage with a “protection detail” who dog him 24/7 and report everything he does to Trump.
Who exactly is any threat coming from?
Trump is correct, these people are wealthy enough to hire their own security. If they are that fearful of violence then they won’t hesitate to hire people using their own money.
If they don’t hire security then clearly they have no real fear of being attacked.
The Science can fend for himself.
What’s wrong is that Fauci had a security detail to begin with.
Because leftists fevered imaginings picture an Ultra MAGA supporter around every corner waiting to gun them down. Or those awfuls that attend school board meetings demanding accountability from elected officials.
Will.some try to.frame it that way….as you do here? Sure. If Fauci will turn in his fellow criminals he can go into witness protection program in exchange for his testimony. I’m sure he’d like like spending his final years in a small rural community working for the Indian Health.Service.
Did you ask the Indians?
A better choice might be goats.
Unfortunately the Indian Health Service in terms of staffing competent folks is probably lower than the VA…which is an accomplishment but not a good one.
So your ‘solution’ is to just let Democrats play games, while Republicans whine about it and do nothing.
Yeah, we’re long past that point.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
They repeatedly denied RFK protection despite him having FAR more credible threats than Fauci. They tried to revoke Trump’s protection despite many, MANY explicit and public threats. They treated him like a ‘former President’, instead of the candidate he was, and they were explicitly refusing to provide proper security for Trump despite repeated requests.
Don’t like it? Democrats better do something to prevent the next Democrat from doing stupid stuff like this.
This is the new normal. Enjoy it.
The Democrats didn’t want to treat Trump like a ‘former President’. The Democrats wanted to treat Trump as the criminal they accuse him of being. Representative Bennie Thompson of the chair of Pelosi’s (un)Select J6 Committee introduce a bill to strip Trump of his Secret Service. Essentially, Bennie Thompson wanted to put out a hit on Trump.
Brilliant reminder. And, don’t forget Biden stripped RFK Jr of his security detail, too.
Hope Trump remembers to replace Biden’s detail with “KGB political officers” as well. Boy, that would put a crimp in his corruption.
Hey! I spent years in the Muddled East, Somalia, Panama… in the AF. People scream death to America/Americans. Where’s my security?
If those asshats get whacked, that’s on them. Not the President. Let them do what I do. Concealed carry and hope the LEOs don’t get a hard on to search me.
I joined you in Egypt, Honduras and other not so cool places. I’m sitting here in a house I paid for myself without a limo and security detail.
I still have my Task Force Bravo coin from the nice people who worked there when we did a milk run in a C5
There was no error, so she’s protection in September 30th 2024. Who was president then?
There is no legal obligation to provide any of these people with security. Further I assure you that had there been any verifiable threats against Fauci the press would have been all over it.
Further, Fauci absolutely CAN afford his own security detail.
“According to required federal ethics and financial disclosures, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, who also worked at the National Institutes of Health, saw their net worth increase from $7.6 million to $11 million during the pandemic years.”
Even assuming any valid threats, I doubt if he or his family will be in any danger unless they choose choose to employ the former FBI agents assigned to Trump during the election.
“I certainly hope there are no attacks against Fauci (and Bolton) but if there, it will absolutely rebound against Trump. He’s guaranteed it.”
Trump got literally shot in the head because America’s enemies sapped his official security detail, then went on the news nightly calling him a threat to democracy, an incipient dictator, and literally Hitler.
When I see Trump on the nightly news inciting the incels to shoot Fauci, then I may call a foul. Then again, I may not. Democrats need to experience the joys of Muh Democracy from the pointy end for a change.
Fauci is/was the highest paid government employee, and he wasn’t elected. If anyone should be paying for his own security, it’s Fauci.
Not everyone who serves in the federal government should get a security detail. Biden was playing chicken with the lives of two opposition candidates, one of whom was a Kennedy (with all the family history that entails) and the other was targeted twice for assassination during the campaign. Fauci is a retired government worker and Bolton was just a careerist too. These are not people who should have taxpayer paid security.
Good, let him use that royalty money from the fake vaccines if he’s worried about it.
They’re retired they shouldn’t be getting it. It’s not like they are former Presidents.
I say we give Fauci a permanent security detail. To keep him in prison.
Trump technically could revoke all of the Biden pardons that have not been formally accepted.
Don’t think so
I don’t think he can do that as pardons don’t have to be accepted to be in effect. I would like him to rescind the preemptive pardon nonsense and fight that in the Supreme Court.
Preemptive pardons are not nonsense, they have been part of our legal system for centuries, going back to the UK, and in 1868 the Supreme Court explicitly endorsed them:
Senator Rand Paul said Fauci should never have been provided the taxpayer-funded security detail in the first place:
“I’ve had 34 death threats in a week before. I have had death threats as soon as this last week. So we get them all the time, and nobody picks me up in a limo and takes me to where I want to go every day.”
Says the guy who was ACTUALLY attacked for his politics.
Let Fraudci pay for his own damn security, out of his obscene and undeserved $500K-plus annual pension.
Canceling Bolton and Fauci’s security details is one thing but Trump also needs to make sure he’s also canceling their security clearances so they cannot legally access classified information. Since they no longer have government jobs they no longer need any privileged access.
He did that with Bolton already.
Do not understand why Trump canceled Mike Pompeo’s security detail with the Iranian threat of assassination hovering over him.
This may have disastrous long-term implications.
If you are asked to take a government job where you might draw the attention and ire of the nastiest foreign powers in the world, are you going to take the job if you know you won’t be protected long term? Not likely.
Fauci doesn’t qualify, but Pompeo and Bolton do. They shouldn’t have had their protection revoked.
Too much short-sighted pay-back, and not enough long-term thinking. (And too much of Trump’s worst instincts overcoming his good ones.)
Now tell us how Delta and other tier 1 veterans are provided lifetime security details. Working at high level govt is always gonna have whackos drawn to them. Heck, I suspect the DMV jerks or local building permit folks face more threats.
More realistic threats, I’m betting.
When reading your comment, I immediately thought about an incident last spring when a ‘former’ Russian/Chechen military veteran turned (alleged) ‘asylum seeker’ who was working (again, allegedly) as ‘telephone inspector’ and ended up getting shot to death because he was trespassing (after dark) at the home of a SpecOps Colonel. Understandably, the county sheriff refused to prosecute the Army officer but – for reasons only known to them – USA CID and FBI are reviewing the case.
That case is SHADY AF, as reporters from Townhall and Hotair reported several times last year. The Colonel’s redlights were going off and it appears he probably had very good reasons.
Rather than getting taxpayer-funded protection, he’s having to beat two criminal investigations.
I don’t think it would be a bad idea for “someone” to review both the USA CID and the FBI and their reasons for reviewing this particular case
Why not? Can’t they afford to protect themselves? That’s what all of us peons have to do.
Reportedly Fauci is/was the highest paid government employee in the history of the country
Yup. He should retire to a nice villa in Delaware, or Southern California, or Hawaii, and exercise his Second Amendment rights to keep himself safe, like all Americans can.
Well, it is easily avoidable. Do not undermine or countermand the orders of the president and you won’t be singled out.
My stance is that both of them should have kept their traps shut, stayed apolitical, and just done their jobs.
But both of them didn’t hesitate to do the “My “d” is bigger than yours.”
When one works for the government, they work for the United States, not a political party or a person. Neither of them had the brains to just STFU.
Speaking of d-wars, how’s Lori Lightfoot’s security detail?
Oh look, and she’s still alive.
Please cite the most recent examples of government bureaucrats being attacked by… well, anyone, much less “foreign powers”.
You can’t because it hasn’t happened and won’t happen, and its not because these retired apparatchiks have limos and security details.
Its neocon fantasy that evil foreign gummints are waiting crouched outside the doorways of these brrraaaaavve civil servants like Pompeo and Fauci, and we taxpayers should be on the hook for millions to keep their comfortable tails protected forever.
Nope, sorry.
I’m not sure what he was thinking with that. However, an assassination of a former US official on US soil by a foreign power would be an act of war. Perhaps Trump is assuming Iran doesn’t want to glow at night.
Because they can pay for it themselves with their tv appearance fee’s and book deals.
“Do not understand why Trump canceled Mike Pompeo’s security detail”
General Swampery?
I sincerely hope nothing happens to Fauci, except to find a way to arrest him and lock him up. Maybe some enterprising state AG could prosecute him.
I wud prefer someone take him into the deep desert … tie him up … and let
the sand fleas eat him alive ….
like he did to those poor beagles.
I guess that settles his science alright.
Another thing to ponder in terms of the scope of government:
If the government didn’t have this much power, these folks wouldn’t be able to meddle in people’s lives so much, and they wouldn’t need security.
Give him those clueless secret service chicks.
Real Bodyguards of Beverly Hills
From the quick look at a few of the female agents it doesn’t seem to be much chance Playboy gonna be running a ‘Women of the Secret Service’ issue.
Exactly. Fauci has a net worth over $10 million and has a pension that pays ~$400,000 a year.
He freaking well pay for security himself.
Fraudci had US Marshalls protecting him with a limousine set up with bulletproof glass and door panels. Fraudci gets a 350k retirement along with his royalty payments from Big Pharma. He can afford his own security. Same for Bolton and Pompeo. All President Trump did was pull these three (and I’m sure more coming) away from the trough.
What nobody is mentioning is that Anthony Fauci’s security detail ended September 30, 2024.
Who was in office then?
I’m glad you clarified that, I couldn’t parse your earlier posting.
Among the eleventy billion things I don’t know, I had no idea Fauci had a security detail.
If you spend enough time in DC, you get the impression everyone who works for the Executive Branch at a GS-15 (sometimes even lower), gets a security detail. One time last year, while I was there for a dinner in G-Town, Thomas J. Vilsack pulled up to the restaurant I was at in a convoy of black SUVs. There were at least 3 armed, earpieced security guards. Vilsack was the Secretary of Agriculture. He was apparently very afraid of some sheep or soybean looking to settle scores.
He had reportedly received a manifesto.
Sure, everybody who’s anybody has a detail and if they didn’t …well other people, little people like you and me, wouldn’t be able to ask..’hey, who TF is that person that rates a security detail’? It makes them feel important and increases their detachment from the everyday concerns of the rest of the Citizens.
Security details are status symbols. Removal is saying you’re no longer important. Go pay for your own if you want to keep up appearances.
Besides, the ones prone to carrying out violent attacks are leftists. Since Fauci is loved by them, he’s not in any danger.
I dunno. Never know when there may be a cold-disher still peeved about his earlier mishandling of AIDS.
According to Matt Margolis, Trump did not cancel Fauci’s det
Fauci is probably in more danger from loose nuts than any organized attempt on his life. Still, with a 12 million dollar net worth and one of the largest pensions from the US Government plus other income, I think he can manage his own security.
Pompeo is a little different. I think Iran would be more than willing to burn a few hundred mil to get him, and although the *official* security detail has been called off, I’d be willing to bet hard cash that the FBI and various other intel agencies are keeping a very close eye on anybody who might be a threat. This action may even be a ploy to get one or more foreign agents to raise their heads up high enough to get nabbed.
Welcome to the chumbucket, Mike!
They also serve, who only sit and bait.
why would all these people who no longer work for the government have government funded security details? Of course they should be canceled.
A presidential pardon comes with the presumption that a crime was committed. Since Dr. Fauci worked in federal government for 56 years, including the 11 years encompassed by the pardon, it is reasonable to assume that this crime (or crimes) was/were committed while he was working for the government. Why should anyone get personal security at taxpayer expense under those circumstances?
No, it does not. Especially when the president explicitly states that the person has not committed any crime.
Your position would have the absurd result that a person pardoned because of his innocence would automatically be presumed guilty!