Russell Vought Attends Hearing to Direct Office of Management and Budget
The Democrats will likely attack him over his chapter in Project 2025. Ooooo….so scary.

Russell Vought will face the Senate Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee for his hearing to direct the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Vought led the OMB during President-elect Donald Trump’s first term.
Money for the Wall
Isn’t it weird when Congress “forgets” what they did?
Random Democrat senator: "You designed the plan to abuse the National Emergency Act to circumvent laws passed by Congress by moving military construction money to build a border wall." @russvought: Actually, Congress gave us authority.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) January 15, 2025
The Hearing
So why am I doing a blog on Vought? Even though no Republicans have hesitated about his nomination, the hearing might get testy due to him having a chapter in Project 2025, the Democrats’ boogeyman:
Despite Trump distancing himself from the Project 2025 policy blueprint during his presidential campaign he is bringing contributing author Vought to lead the Office of Management and Budget.
Vought wrote a 25-page chapter on executive power elaborating on the barriers against the president’s task “to limit, control, and direct the executive branch on behalf of the American people.”

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Go Russ da man. As an aside, is stockman still in prison? Hope not Bless him
If the d/prog in Congress want to remove the decades long delegation of legislative authority to the Executive Branch ….I don’t think they will find much opposition on the other side of the aisle. Sure the DC establishment folks of both parties will whine but if the d/prog bring their Senate and HoR in unity to revoke rule making and leeway for Executive Branch budget moves then enough GoP members will vote for it to secure passage.
The d/prog don’t want to do it and would oppose it b/c they like the bureaucracy just like it is. Plus both parties like being able to blame the ‘bureaucracy’ for doing unpopular things instead of Congress making tough decisions.
I know the Democrats job is to try and derail Trumps nominee’s but why do they keep teeing up questions the people can hit out of the park? It is looking pretty grim for them and their reputations.
“Why did you do this”?
“You gave us authorization to do it”