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Vance at March for Life: ‘I Want More Babies’ in America

Vance at March for Life: ‘I Want More Babies’ in America

Trump: “A reformed Department of Justice will finally investigate the radical attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers and we will bring perpetrators to justice.”

Today is the March for Life, held annually since 1974 in response to Roe v. Wade.

Even though Roe v. Wade is gone, we still have a lot of work to do to change the hearts and minds of people to reject abortion. I’m glad the March for Life still happens every year.

The rally on the National Mall has started. The march begins at 1 PM and ends at the Supreme Court.

President Donald Trump could not attend in person since he’s visiting North Carolina and California. He sent a video:

Hello to everyone at the March for Life. It’s a pleasure to speak to you from the beautiful oval office. That’s where we are right now, the magnificent Oval office. And thank you for turning out once again to show your extraordinary love and compassion for the unborn.

Each year, Americans of every age, color and background travel to our nation’s capital by the tens of thousands to stand up for precious little babies who cannot stand up for themselves. I am proud to be the first president ever to have joined you in person.

As you know, this annual march started 52 years ago, on the first anniversary of the disastrous ruling known as Roe v. Wade, that unconstitutional decision took power away from the states and the voters, kicking off 50 years of division and anger.

But thanks to your tireless work and devotion across five decades that historic wrong was set right three years ago. I was so proud to be a participant. Six courageous justices of the Supreme Court of the United States returned the issue to the state legislatures and to the people where it belongs. It became a vote of the people.

In my second term, we will again stand proudly for families and for life. We will protect the historic gains we have made and stopped the radical Democrat push for a federal right for limited abortion on demand up to the moment of birth and even after birth. Think of that after birth. And some people want that. Can you believe it?

We will work to offer a loving hand to new mothers and young families. And we will support adoption and foster care. We will protect women and vulnerable children under my leadership. A reformed Department of Justice will finally investigate the radical attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers and we will bring perpetrators to justice. We will get them to justice one way or the other.

I will also end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith, and I’m releasing the Christians and pro life activists who were persecuted by the Biden regime for praying and living out their faith. I just signed that document and they’re being released.

One such American was Paula Harlow. At 75 years old, Paula was sentenced to two years in prison after praying outside of a clinic. That’s why she was sentenced to two years. That’s what happened under the Biden regime. In her sentencing, the judge mocked her Christian faith while her husband pleaded to be thrown in jail with his wife, fearing she would die alone behind bars.

This week, it was my honor to grant a full and complete pardon to Paula and many others who were the victims of this horrific weaponization. Never again will religious persecution be allowed to happen in America.

To all of the very special people marching today in this bitter cold, I know your hearts are warm and your spirits are strong because your mission is just very, very pure. To forge a society that welcomes and protects every child as a beautiful gift from the hand of our creator.

Thank you for never losing hope and never giving up. Thank you for your tremendous support. God bless you and God bless America.

Vice President JD Vance attended the march in person, giving attendees a rousing 13 minute speech.

Vance denounced the culture in America, which doesn’t recognize the value of life.

“We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes the benchmark of national success is not our GDP number or stock market but whether people feel they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country,” Vance told the crowd.

Vance also said he wants more babies in America.

“And it is the task of our government to make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids, to bring them into the world, and to welcome them as the blessings that we know they are here at the March for Life,” added Vance.


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And those pardoned pro-lifers should be honored there.

Dolce Far Niente | January 24, 2025 at 1:44 pm

I notice the Feds in their clever Patriot Front disguises are at the March as well.

Major delusion will defeat the right – there isn’t a pro-life majority even on the right.

    beautifulruralPA in reply to rhhardin. | January 24, 2025 at 3:39 pm

    I suppose that would depend on your definition of “pro-life”. I see many as having the same view as myself: while I don’t see abortion ever being realistically outlawed (and perhaps it should’nt) I will continue to be pro-life and assist in working against and condemning the “anti-life” lies and theft of services that organizations like Planned Parenthood (which supports neither planning or parenthood) survive on and in supporting women in difficult situations.

    More than a majority of citizens have acknowledged they think reasonable restrictions on abortion should be enacted (like no partial birth abortions and not after viability, but I repeat myself) and, for sure, support and care offered for the approximately 300 babies born alive each year from “botched” abortions.

      Encouraging babies is good, draconian abortion time limits is bad. The movement at hand is the latter, under the banner of public virtue. As an election matter, it’s a sure loser.

      Whatever the limit is, it has to be long enough to find out you’re pregnant even if you have irregular periods, and if you’re not even keeping track but something’s strange, smells are strong, your breasts hurt, etc. The longer the period, the fewer horror cases of wanting an abortion and not being able to get it. So the time period has to be set so that there are few horror cases to undermine it politically.

      I always suggest the limit be where a sonogram can show the fetus as cute. That’s politically stable. You lose exactly as many votes by raising the limit as by lowering it. An optimum, as calculus has it.

        Roe v. Wade at its core was a privacy issue. What was private was the ability to have an abortion.

          Sorry…..hit the wrong key and posted instead of continuing my comment.

          However, the Justices noted that while there is a right to a medical procedure, the right to kill another human being could not be a part of that procedure. Roe actually talks about how with time, medical advances will lower the age of a child to be viable outside of the womb, thus making “abortions” at certain times, murder.

          Contrary to public belief, Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization followed the line of reasoning of the Burger Court by noting that medical advances had lowered the viability of a child outside the womb, making abortion beyond that point in time, murder.

          Your position of “knowledge of pregnancy” somehow validates the killing of a child is akin to someone firing a gun at someone, hitting and killing a child behind them and then wanting to not be prosecuted because the shooter didn’t know the child was there.

          The position is ridiculous on its face.

          Bottom line is that for those who say “its a woman’s body and her choice,” deny science. The child has a different blood type than the mother. The child has different DNA than the mother. The child and the mother are two separate human beings.

          Milhouse in reply to gitarcarver. | January 26, 2025 at 8:33 am

          The whole idea that viability outside the womb should determine whether killing the baby is murder, is nonsense. Why should that be the criterion? No baby is truly viable outside the womb, not until at least a few years old. Any baby left alone will not survive. Does that make it OK to kill it?

          And cuteness has nothing to do with it. It’s just as wrong to murder an ugly person as a cute one.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | January 24, 2025 at 3:59 pm

    You are talking out your ass, as you often do.

If you want more babies, work hard to remove the vacuum hose of government taxes and regulations from the wallets of the working families of America. Make having families affordable again.

I say this not as a rebuke to Trump and Vance, but to all the administrations between FDR and Biden. Trump and Vance have the power to begin to make it right. It’s all a matter of priorities, and there are so, so many options right now.

Do taxes really “impoverish” us? Many of our American fathers and grandfathers supported their families in free-standing homes on a single salary, and paid cash for a new car every four years. Can you?

My mother’s father was a working-class Italian immigrant farmer with a small spread in the same little town LI operates out of. He had 13 children, not counting the ones that died in infancy. He married off all 10 daughters and three sons, and gave every one of his children a carve-off lot to live on, leaving only his own residence. Try doing something like that today. I don’t believe he was ever even fluent in English.

I am also quite pissed about having been suckered in while not even in high school by all the Malthusian globalist bullshit about the “population explosion” and about how it was every right-thinking American’s duty to have no more than two children, preferably less… only to be told 15 years ago that “you’re not reproducing fast enough, so we’re importing Hispanics to replace you.” If I’ve learned anything in my long lifetime, it’s that I would have been better off ignoring almost all of my government’s “expert advice.” Another hidden benefit of true liberty realized too late. I am making sure to teach it to my grandson.

I have often wondered if Roe v. Wade is part of the violence and lack of respect for the sanctity of life we see today.

After all, if the most innocent and vulnerable amongst us is nothing but a blob of cells that can be discarded, then the less innocent and less vulnerable people are mere inconveniences that can be murdered on a whim.

    NorthernNewYorker in reply to gitarcarver. | January 25, 2025 at 9:23 am

    You are exactly right. Unborn babies are an inconvenience so let’s kill them. That cashier standing between me and the till is an inconvenience, so let me kill him. My girlfriend left me; how inconvenient. Let me kill her. We’ve cheapened human life in this society and we wonder why we have so much callousness and violence.

Paula Harlow was not imprisoned for praying. She was imprisoned for invading private property, assaulting the staff, and blockading the entrance. She had no right to do that, no matter how important the cause.

Defendant invaded a reproductive health clinic [..] Defendant jostled past three employees attempting to keep the flood of obstructionists out, later body-slamming the clinic manager into a waiting-room chair. With a bike lock affixed to her neck, Defendant then chained herself to four of her coconspirators and blocked the main entrance to the clinic’s medical procedure area.

She also lied on the stand.

I’m very biased toward her cause, so I would have been inclined to give her the most lenient sentence I could. But suppose she were an antifa activist blockading a church or a Republican campaign office or something. Would anyone here not be outraged at a sentence substantially less than two years?!

It’s also simply not true that “In her sentencing, the judge mocked her Christian faith”. Trump is an outright liar for saying that, and there is no excuse. If she weren’t a public figure the judge could easily have sued him for saying that, and won.