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Georgetown U. Looking to Hire Transgender Studies Literature Professor

Georgetown U. Looking to Hire Transgender Studies Literature Professor

“for its Women’s and Gender Studies Program and Department of English”

This is further proof that the academic left is flat-out ignoring the lessons of the 2024 election and just doing what they want to do.

The College Fix reports:

Georgetown to hire transgender studies literature professor

Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic University in the United States, is hiring a transgender studies professor for its Women’s and Gender Studies Program and Department of English, prompting some criticism.

The job listing is for an “Assistant Professor in Transgender Studies Approaches to Literatures, Media, and Cultures of the Global South.” The listing requests a candidate that researches anti-colonialism, transnational or diasporic cultures, or migrants and migration.

The new position comes after the private, Washington D.C.-based institution began allowing “gender-inclusive” dorm options last fall. Campus leaders also allow students to change their name and preferred gender pronouns.

This hiring will build on Georgetown’s large contingent of English professors who have a focus on topics regarding race or gender.

Out of 37 listed full-time English faculty on Georgetown’s website, 13 have an academic focus on race or critical race theory, and 12 have an academic focus on feminist, queer, gender, or disability studies. Additionally, the Women’s and Gender Studies program has 19 dedicated faculty.

John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action, a Catholic group dedicated to “pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-God ideals,” said he believes the new job is inappropriate for a Catholic institution.

“Georgetown has been heading away from God for some time,” he said, adding that a transgender studies professor would “twist” biology.

When asked what’s specifically wrong with a Catholic university having a program that disseminates transgender ideology, he told The College Fix in an interview that “it is sinful to offer a program that directly offends God and goes against His teaching.”

He said that gender ideology contradicts Catholicism “because Catholic teaching is clear: God created us male and female. That reality is good and self-evident. Therefore, the denial of one’s biological sex assigned by God is morally wrong. … A woman cannot claim she is a man, and a man cannot claim he is a woman.”


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Maybe they’re just taking advantage of the extremely loose labor market for these “professionals” at this time, as the unemployed DEI rats are pouring out all the other fumigating ships.

ahad haamoratsim | January 26, 2025 at 4:02 am

Is that a prof who teaches transgender literature or transgender prof who teaches literature?

Remember- the one eyed one horned purple people eaters became extinct after a pandemic wiped out its food supply, the one horned flying purple people.