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FAKE NEWS: No, Elon Musk Didn’t Give the Nazi Salute

FAKE NEWS: No, Elon Musk Didn’t Give the Nazi Salute

So it begins…

Here we go! We have the first freakout fake news of President Donald Trump’s term!

The left and media are using a screenshot from Elon Musk’s speech, making it look like he’s giving the Nazi salute.

Oh, honey.

They wonder why people hate and despise them so much. Maybe it’s because they’re fake news and lie all the time?

Here’s the context:


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He’s so adhd high spectrum

    alaskabob in reply to gonzotx. | January 20, 2025 at 5:08 pm

    I would question that:

    having trouble focusing or concentrating on tasks?
    being forgetful about completing tasks?
    being easily distracted?
    having difficulty sitting still?
    find it hard to maintain focus when listening, reading, or holding a conversation?

    Musk’s brain is multitasking at a level few people have the energy to follow. That he is highly functional at the street level is his strength. He can safely go 200 mph on a 35 mph road in total safety. He isn’t one of us. And he is right…. you don’t want to have his brain…. You are right though…. hard to find the “off” switch.

    interrupting people while they’re talking

    healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | January 20, 2025 at 5:41 pm

    You misspelled AWESOME

Hope Elon Musk sues CNN for libel.

Before Adolf appropriated it, that was the salute the USA taught millions of school children to give our flag.

Antifundamentalist | January 20, 2025 at 5:45 pm

A German of that era giving a salute like that would likely have been shot. So, no, that looked nothing like a “Nazi salute” to anyone who had so much as looked at an old film.

The despicable, dishonest, mendacious and water-carrying Dhimmi-crat media shills/stenographers/lapdogs/trained seals, still at their old, well-worn, contemptible and failed propaganda antics.

The majority of Americans aren’t buying what these activist-zealots are selling, anymore.

I guess from now on children who raise their hands to answer a question will be disciplined for giving a NAZI salute

Who cares? The MSM has done such a spectacular job of beclowning themselves that no one pays attention to their nonsense anymore.

2smartforlibs | January 20, 2025 at 6:58 pm

How easy must your life be to have time to worry about garbage like that.

    healthguyfsu in reply to 2smartforlibs. | January 20, 2025 at 8:24 pm

    On the contrary, what a pitiful existence it must be to continue to chase nothingburgers in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. It reminds me of the mother character in Requiem for a Dream.

      DaveGinOly in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 21, 2025 at 11:09 am

      I recently tried to watch that movie. After 20 minutes I decided I didn’t care about any of the characters or what happens to them, and I didn’t care for stylistic choices made by the director (my GF concurred). I just stopped watching and the DVD is now sitting on my “rejects” shelf, awaiting transport to a second-hand store.

      Aronofsky wrote Requiem while he did not write any of the other movies of his that I have watched an enjoyed (The Wrestler, Black Swan, and The Whale). Maybe that had something to do with my dislike of Requiem.

A lot of leftists seem to believe that there are secret Nazis everywhere, trading ‘secret’ hand gestures and hiding swastikas as a sign to others. If a conservative holds his hand out at the wrong angle it’s instantly taken as proof that he’s a hidden Nazi.

CNN knows better but this is all they have left, appealing to the paranoia of their dozens of remaining viewers.

    I would only disagree with the “wrong angle” bit. It doesn’t even have to be the wrong angle – just something close enough their paranoid viewers can squint a bit and see it.

BigRosieGreenbaum | January 21, 2025 at 8:26 am

General Burkhalter says nein, that is not a proper nazi salute. Case closed.

What is wrong with the folks who casually toss out allegations or framing that ‘this person is a Nazi or a fascist’? Save it for the true fascists who want to use gov’t and corporations to run our lives to meet their self appointed quest deliver their version of utopia. When folks start tossing around ‘Nazi’ or ‘fascist’ I generally stop listening to them and I suspect most other reasonable folks do likewise. Won’t stop the truth believing kool aid drinkers and the willfully uninformed despite the ineffectiveness.

I guess he still gets no credit for being an African-American, huh?

Even the Democrat-owned-and-operated ADL defended Musk on this one.

It occurred to me that Musk was recreating this image

‘ad astra per aspera’ translates to ‘to the stars through difficulties.’