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City Councilor in Worcester, MA, Taking Month Off to Deal With Alleged Transphobia From Colleagues

City Councilor in Worcester, MA, Taking Month Off to Deal With Alleged Transphobia From Colleagues

“to prioritize their mental health and emotional safety after they were allegedly subjected to a discriminatory and toxic culture”

A city councilor in Worcester, Massachusetts, named Thu Nguyen, is ‘nonbinary’ and has accused colleagues of transphobia. Nguyen’s complaints appear to be directly tied to pronoun usage. You’ll notice that the story quoted below repeatedly uses ‘they’ and ‘their’ to describe Nguyen. It gets a little confusing.

Nguyen is now taking a month off to deal with this alleged trauma.

NBC News in Boston reports:

Worcester city councilor taking ‘hiatus’ after alleged transphobic comments

The first openly nonbinary lawmaker in Massachusetts history is taking a leave of absence after they allegedly dealt with transphobia from colleagues, including Worcester’s mayor.

Thu Nguyen, who has served as an at-large councilor since 2022, says their “hiatus” is to prioritize their mental health and emotional safety after they were allegedly subjected to a discriminatory and toxic culture on the Worcester City Council. Nguyen also said this month off will be to forge a path to address this support, asking for support in holding Worcester to a moral and legal standard “that feels like the bare minimum.”

“We deserve a government that is welcoming, embraces and takes pride in our LGBTQ+ community. As the first nonbinary elected in Massachusetts, I have always said for me it’s not just about identity politics. Making history as the first is one thing, what you do with it is another,” Nguyen wrote in a public statement. “I hope by speaking up against transphobia and hate, many of you will join me in pushing for a political reimagination of a government that holistically cares and serves everyone which rightfully includes the LGBTQ+ community.”

Nguyen has filed a complaint and formally requested the city’s chief equity officer open an immediate investigation and create an action plan to address this matter.

Of course, this has to somehow be made about Trump:

“It is unfortunate, as we transition under a Trump administration and exponential increase of fear experienced by the LGBTQ+ community that I, as a City Councilor At-Large of Worcester, had to file a complaint to our Executive Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion about my experience in the past 3 years of dealing with transphobia and a discriminatory and toxic council culture, being misgendered by Mayor [Joseph] Petty and Councilor At-Large [Kathleen] Toomey publicly on the council floor and recently learning that District 2 Councilor [Candy] Mero-Carlson has been referring to me as ‘it’ multiple times,” Ngueyen wrote in a statement posted to Facebook.

Note that in this video report from WCVB News in Boston, Nguyen is shown wearing a keffiyeh. What a surprise. You’ll also notice that a lot of this seems to be about the decision to end council meetings over Zoom and hold sessions in-person, which Nguyen doesn’t want to do.

MassLive has a statement from Worcester Mayor Joseph Petty:

Nguyen, who is the council’s first non-binary and Southeast Asian-American member, wrote that they had been misgendered publicly on the council floor by Petty. Nguyen shared a video with MassLive of a March 15, 2022 meeting where the councilor was misgendered by Petty when Petty thanked Nguyen.

In a statement released during the evening of Jan. 15, Petty said that once the mistake was brought to his attention, he quickly corrected himself and apologized.

“During my 13 years as Mayor, I have always tried to treat every councilor with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Petty said in the statement. “I would never knowingly say anything harmful, and I firmly believe everyone deserves the dignity of having their identity honored and respected.”

Petty suggested in his statement that another reason for Nguyen’s concerns was the decision to mandate in-person attendance at city council and sub-committee hearings. Nguyen participated remotely at the last city council meeting on Jan. 14.

According to Wikipedia, Nguyen was a ‘community organizer’ prior to being elected to Worcester City Council.

Featured image via YouTube.


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She works for her constituents. Did they approve this time off? I hope the ballot box lets us know.

    henrybowman in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 18, 2025 at 5:21 pm

    But s/he’s a professional community organizer agitator. It would break my heart if hizzer constituents went unrepresented for any significant period.

Also, if you are nonbinary are you trans? It sounds like you are neither cis nor trans.

Meanwhile, Xi is being treated for abdominal muscle cramps, caused when he nearly laughed his ass off.

Thu Nguyen is a Vietnamese-born activist who wants to see changes made in his home country. Right? Wrong. Nguyen wants to impose his bull crap activism on this country where he has received all the benefits it could offer while giving nothing back in return.

His real pronouns is me, me, me.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 17, 2025 at 3:32 pm

Another strong, independent woman/man who shatters like a dropped glass over a few remarks.

Whining narcissist. You can call yourself whatever you wish, put in your profile. Have at it. The rest of humanity isn’t required to join your delusions or participate in your cosplay. The 1A forbids the gov’t from compelling speech. IOW no one can be required to use the pronouns you prefer by the gov’t. As Sturgill Simpson wrote ‘That’s the way it is, life ain’t fair and the world is mean’. So suck it up butter cup.

    Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | January 19, 2025 at 2:31 pm

    The 1A forbids the gov’t from compelling speech. IOW no one can be required to use the pronouns you prefer by the gov’t.

    Not in the workplace it doesn’t. The government as an employer is allowed to restrict how its employees talk to each other and to the public.

    And a legislative chamber is allowed to require courteous speech from its members.

We deserve a government that is welcoming, embraces and takes pride in our LGBTQ+ community.
If you take pride in perversion, then you certainly do deserve the gov’t you get. Right where you get it.

as we transition under a Trump administration
my experience in the past 3 years
So, you’re filing the complaint now because things will get worse under Trump, but you’ve experienced all this discrimination and such under the Biden administration? Seems you have an issue with cause-and-effect. (Much like you have a problem with other aspects of reality.)

Look, I’ll be as polite as I can to folks. But I will NOT endorse your delusions. Just because you think you’re a turnip, I am not going to “peel” and boil and mash you to go with my haggis. If you claim to be Napoleon, I will NOT accompany you to Moscow.

This councilor really does need some mental health days, but not for the reason they think.

Nguyen “identifies” as nonbinary. If he/she doesn’t know which he/she is, how can the rest of us know? This isn’t “transphobia” or hate, it’s nothing more than confusion – on the part of this person for starters.

Every time somebody says “he/she” I want to reply with “Bless you.”

    That’s why I prefer she/he/it. Say it a little bit slowly, out loud, and you’ll understand my preference.

    Milhouse in reply to DSHornet. | January 19, 2025 at 2:35 pm

    “Nonbinary” people don’t not know what they are. They claim to know exactly what they are. “Nonbinary” is an identity, and that’s who they think they are. And in this case Nguyen wants to be referred to in the third person as “they”, and feels insulted and hurt when someone uses a different pronoun. Which is mostly a they problem, not an everyone else problem.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 17, 2025 at 3:43 pm

The Ng thing says that it was really hurt that someone had called it an “it”, but that’s exactly what it is really driving towards. Somehow, trying to identify as a group of people is more reasonable that being identified as an object … as this Ng thing is clearly an object, at best.

But I have many less problems with the it thing that is giving the rest of the city council a break from it than I have with the sick pieces of slime who voted this perverted lunatic into office.

Normally, I would add a comment about my offense at people trying to write “Ng…” in English, which is completely unpronounceable in any rational way, but given that this is a place where “Worcester” is pronounced “wooster” I guess that complaint would have to sit this one out.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 17, 2025 at 3:50 pm

I saw a report about this on TV and I have to say that I was extremely disappointed (though no surprised) to see the other council members apologizing for possibly having called the Pat thing an “it”.

As to the “they” BS, I am really sick and tired of these insane leftists trying to force language on us. People who do that and try to use government coercion to enforce it are criminals and need to be sent to prison to get some time in isolation in order to contemplate their idiotic crime and why they should not do it. I can call people anything I like. They have absolutely no control over how I address them. That is my choice.

BigRosieGreenbaum | January 17, 2025 at 4:01 pm

DENIED! Next! Is that non-binary enough for you councilor?

It is mental illness, plain and simple. End of story. Blaming is on others is convenient but it rests squarely on the shoulders of the VINO – Victim In Name Only.

    sfharding in reply to WestRock. | January 17, 2025 at 5:23 pm

    Yes. And these mentally disturbed individuals should receive true gender affirming mental health care. That is care that affirms their actual true sex and gender, not the gender they wish or imagine.

E Howard Hunt | January 17, 2025 at 4:36 pm

It’s a case of a phenomenal, cognominal pronominal.

I identify as Gender Flex. This means my gender can change suddenly and without warning. It means I can sue the a** off anyone who mis-genders me.

My pronouns (as of 3:37PM Central Time on 1/17/2025) are F/O/A/D.

City councilor is having mental issues.
Why is he there then?

The residents of Worcester should petition for a law prohibiting mentally ill people from serving in their government.

2smartforlibs | January 17, 2025 at 5:12 pm

I know a 4 year old that would say suck it up buttercup.

ANY position where you can just take a month off to ‘prioritize their mental health and emotional safety’ is a position that shouldn’t exist.

I almost pulled a muscle laughing when I read this

“and recently learning that District 2 Councilor [Candy] Mero-Carlson has been referring to me as ‘it’ multiple times,”

I am sure everyone is sorry the perverted snap will miss a few meetings

Sounds to me like He/She/They are choosing to vacate their seat.

E Howard Hunt | January 17, 2025 at 9:19 pm

The city is in a death spiral. The bent, corrupt and stupid leaders allowed almost 40:percent of the real estate tax base to be lost to lefty and sham tax exempt nonprofits. The city is a third-world hell hole made possible by 2 generations of Irish/Catholic politicians.

Claiming to be nonbinary should be automatic grounds for disqualification for office due to mental healh. Then again, someone voted for this sickness, so you just have to shake your head.

Take the whole year off, Leslie.
We’ll soldier on without you.

She’s been “off” for a long time.

Dolce Far Niente | January 18, 2025 at 11:09 am

Rather than asking these mentally ill individuals “what are your pronouns?”
we should be asking “what are your chromosomes?”

Go ahead and take the rest of your term off, while you’re at it, freak.

He/she/it got hurt feelz?


Is it a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man or does he know if he is a man or woman?