Border Czar Tom Homan: ICE Arrested 308 Criminal Illegal Aliens in 24 Hours
“Some of them were murderers. Some of them were rapists. Some of them raped a child, some were sexual assault of a child.”

President Donald Trump’s Border Czar, Tom Homan, told Fox News that ICE has already arrested 308 criminal illegal aliens in the past 24 hours.
LAWRENCE B. JONES: Let’s talk about ice visiting folks because when I look at it, I look at the law, people that have final deportation orders, people that are criminal aliens. What would a person have to do to get a visit from ICE?
HOMAN: Be in the country illegally, first of all. I mean, there’s nothing in the immigration law that says you got to be convicted of a serious crime to be removed under the law. So if you’re in the country illegally, ICE can visit you.
But right now, as we said repeatedly, in the present, Trump’s been clear, we’re concentrating on the worst. First, the public safety threats and NASA security threats.
And just yesterday, in the last 24 hours, ICE arrested over 308 serious criminals. Some of them were murderers. Some of them were rapists. Some of them raped a child, some were sexual assault of a child.
So ICE is doing their job. They’re prioritizing just as the president said they would. So ICE is performing excellent right now out in the field, and they’re going to continue every day.
Trump border czar Tom Homan announced that in the last 24 hours, ICE has already arrested 308 criminal illegals responsible for crimes including murder and child r*pe.
Winning 🙌
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) January 22, 2025
Homan also had harsh words for the sanctuary cities and those trying to interfere. From Fox News:
“We’re just trying to help public safety in your community,” Homan told Lawrence Jones during “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday.
“Help, work with us because you’ve forced us in the community. Here’s what’s going to happen. We’ll find the bad guy, but when we find him, he’s going to be with others, others that may not be a criminal priority. But guess what? If they’re in the United States illegally, they’re going to be arrested, too.”
“Sanctuary cities are going to get exactly what they don’t want, more agents in the communities, more people arrested, more collaterals arrested. So that’s a game they want to play? Game on,” he continued.
Homan then called out Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes who said she would push back and not work the Trump administration to weed out illegal aliens. I guess that even means the criminals:
Homan called her remarks “insulting” and a misrepresentation of the truth.
“We said right out of the gate, Lawrence… we’re going to concentrate on public safety,” he shot back. “So she’s saying that she doesn’t want public safety threats out of the community? I also am insulted by the term concentration camps. Are you serious?”
“We just lost a Border Patrol agent to a shooting up in Vermont yesterday, and they’re the Gestapo? Are you serious? Concentration camps? ICE has detention centers. They have the best standards in the entire industry,” he continued. “I’ll compare ICE detention standards in any state or federal facility or any county facility in the entire world. We got the highest detention standards, so that’s an insult, and it’s a lie.”
Homan added:
“I want to save lives. Secure border saves lives,” Homan said. “When President Trump locks this border down, less women and children will be sex trafficked in this country, less aliens would die making that journey. Under President Biden, we’ve had a record number of people die crossing that border [and a] 600% increase in sex trafficking.”
“You can’t have strong national security if you don’t have border security,” he continued. “So we need to know who’s coming in, what’s coming in, where it’s coming and why is coming in. So, again, President Trump [is a] game-changer. [He] already made a significant difference on that border. This country’s already strong because of President Trump.”

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Which is about 308 more than the entire 4 years prior to yesterday!
Glad to see that the illegal loving pols will come under scrutiny as well.
When you wish upon a tsar
I’m trying to think, who was the previous border czar and how many did they arrest?
I don’t recall her name at the moment, but I think she ran for president in 2024.
Was it Emhoff?
Homan is welcome to single out Kris Mayes for all the attention he can give her. She is already being called to account for a plethora of malfeasances, and she deserves more and heavier piled on.
They’re arresting the sex offenders who do the rapes Americans won’t. Democrats are so sad.
Only 14,999,692 to go. At 300/daily, it will take us 136.9-years to deport all those who have entered the country illegally.
We only have 8,500 ICE agents. If each of them deport an illegal a day (which isn’t possible), we could deport most of the illegal in just under 5-years. We’re going to need to use the US military if we’re really serious about this…and we have to start very soon.
There will have to be severe penalties imposed for anyone who hires an illegal.
Yes, if they can’t find employment and can’t obtain social services, they’ll start to self-deport, which in reality is probably the only way we can get a significant percentage out of the country. But, I’m hugely skeptical the GOP wants to increase penalties to employers who hire illegals much less actually could get such legislation enacted. Big Biz is addicted to cheap labor.
Getting e verify passed into federal law seems very mainstream. Same.for the existing legislation about becoming a ‘public charge’.
The electorate has shifted on these issues after having Biden add an additional 10 million + aliens. I really don’t think there’s gonna be too Mich pushback on enforcing these points and deportation outside the usual wokiestas.
IMO the way to blunt criticism about these policies being ‘mean’ or ‘not what Americans want’ is allow any US Citizen to sponsor an alien seeking asylum or one of the DACA folks. However, that sponsorship requires housing them in the primary residence (no paid apt) plus fully funding ALL expenses of the alien to include medical and education plus post a $100 K bond. If the alien runs then the bond is forfeited and bail bondsman/bounty hunters are set loose to bring them in.
In 1954m 750 agents sent over 1M back to Mexico in about twelve months.
Some were deported, a lot self-deported.
I was there. We were farmers in southern AZ. About an hour’s walk from the border.
A family anecdote. My father was out of town on business–rare, but he was. My mother had a month old baby and three other young children. It was summer, hotter than Hades. We had no AC. It was a difficult pregnancy, she wasn’t doing all that well. Pedro and I were running the farm. I wasn’t good for all that much–being about 12. The Border Patrol showed up at the door with Pedro. Wanted to speak with the “man of the house”–who wasn’t there. The BP guy assessed the situation–if he took Pedro, my mother was even worse off. He said: “I will be back in a couple weeks, after your husband is home.” He never bothered.
Up until about 20 years ago, my parents would get a letter every now and then from Pedro. His wetback days were long over. He had a small farm and a large family in Mexico. He wrote in Spanish–my Dad could struggle through it. They would write back in English. My parents are gone, Pedro probably.
How many of the 308 will be relocated to Nantucket?
37 .973,000 to go
I’d predict that useful more or less Americanized illegals will be left alone. They pay taxes and fill in the declining birthrate’s failure to supply young workers.
Just get the criminals and maybe welfare queens.
They pay income tax and SSI/Medicare? If they are illegal aliens and do that they are guilty of ID theft (illegal aliens don’t qualify for SSN or tax ID #). If they are employed and don’t do that they are guilty of tax evasion. and working without authorization/work permit). Not to mention their employer is guilty alongside them especially if they paid in cash under the table and avoided paying employer portion of SSI/Medicare, didn’t pay into workman comp and so on.
Tell you what how.about any illegal alien who is truly not guilty of any felony or serious misdemeanor who agrees to elocute to all the minor crimes and rat out every employer (who then gets charged, assets seized and ultimately goes to prison) who can them find a.Citizen to be their Sponsor (not just in name but fully financially supports them b/c they ain’t getting any pubic support) can stay with that Sponsor and live with them, forever b/c they ain’t getting a work permit.
This way folks who SAY they truly care about illegal aliens can take a personal action that directly impacts themselves and their own future to become a.sponsor. I suspect not many folks will care enough to take on the personal consequences of their alleged beliefs.
I lost track of all the crap the Bidenistas gave anyone who came over the border. There were the phones, the debit cards, and all that stuff. I can’t believe they didn’t include some sort of “legal because Joe says so” work permit of some sort or other. Otherwise, even an idiot would realize that the illegal horde could never be sustainable.
Biden admin did give out work authorization for the folks he granted TPS. Two points on this. First it can be revoked by a new Admin. Second the ‘asylum seekers’ and TPS recipients are not ‘illegal aliens’ b/c they were granted approval to temporarily remain, thus their temporary presence is not ‘unlawful’ as would be some guy who just hopped a fence or overstayed a visa and didn’t seek any temporary permission to stay via a bogus ‘asylum’ claim.
In favor of most deportations, butttt….
Deportations should use “common sense” as their guiding light.
Used to work at a campus Dominos. Lot of the workers were non citizens. One in particular was a huge Asian guy (6’+) who – with his wife – had both been students at the local uni, so had had student visas. Like many such he’d been working PT to make ends meet, which I understand IS illegal, but (imho) stupidly so, as long as they’re actually enrolled, I don’t see a problem for the US. Now it wasn’t hard at the time to hire drivers, but good insiders were a problem. This guy was so good he was an PT assistant manager. And when he graduated, his wife had another year to complete her degree. So he worked FT, rather than be lazy. Someone at work must have narced him out, because immigration showed up to arrest and deport him for working.
Total bullsh@t.
You’re a violent criminal or…..
you’re sucking up govt safety net money with no end in sight…..
Deport them.
Don’t deport half of a married couple who’s actually contributing to society and is planning to leave (or apply for citizenship) in a year when his wife graduates too.
Make America Not Stupid Again. MANSA.
Lots more to go but it’s encouraging to see, hopefully some will just leave on their own now out of fear.
They’ve been arrested, so they’re still here. Wait for the ACLU and NGO lawyers to jump in. This is a publicity stunt. Means nothing. And, no, none of the people who broke in illegally should be allowed to stay. Don’t care how much they pay in taxes. These illegals are costing taxpayers a fortune.
It may be useful for ICE/DHS to consider deputizing some of us older folks, veterans, law enforcement types, who can help to keep things moving along and get them physically out of the United States.
Soros and his servants can pick things up on the south side of the U.S.
For that matter, Soros ought to be deported and have his assets taken into custody while the amount he spent on violating the U.S. can be determined and reparations to the federal government reimbursed.
As Elizabitch Cherokee-Warren likes to say, none of those Obamigrants got where they are, on their own.
Soros is a US citizen and he has as much right to be here as you do. His assets are his, and taking them “into custody” would be outright theft. He has done great harm to the USA, but he has not broken any laws, or done anything wrong; he is simply very wrong in his politics, and in this country that cannot be criminalized.
“. . .in this country that cannot be criminalized..”
But it CAN be dealt with. permanently. The bastard is a US citizen because of Bill Clinton’s influence in helping him escape British justice.
Glad to hear that Soros hasn’t broken any laws or done anything wrong.
As per his 60 minutes interview, he is self-confessed as being a Nazi collaborator. I don’t recall which famous person once quiped “Behind every Great Fortune is a Great Crime.”, but in Soros’s case it’s true, and not just socialist blathering. He, and his dad, made their intitual wealth, working for the Nazis helping seize and sell the homes and possessions of the poor bastard Jews being sent to the death camps. His initial seed money was blood money.
Since WWII y understanding is it’s been common practice on citizen applications to include a “have you never worked for been a Nazi” question. More than one US citizen who lied about their wartime past on their application form has had their US citizenship revoked.
I would appreciate finding an estimate of how many illegals are in the US today. I do not accept the 10 – 15 million count.
Illegal immigration, on a massive scale has been occurring since before obama. … I suspect a realistic count (including all the undocumented obama and biden brought by the plane loads; then children born here and NGOs facilitating “chain migration” by the illegals here, fraudlent marriages, etc.) approaches, if not exceeds 100 million.
This has been going on for a LONG time. When I lived in Takoma Park, MD it was alive with folks trying to assimilate. I’m always the “odd man out” on this topic, for a hardcore conservative right-winger.
Clearly, circumstances have changed and the “content of their (Soros sponsored Obamigrants) character” has changed.
Deport the villains, without qualification. OTOH, those who have found a path into what makes America a place of possibilities might need just a wee bit of slack and some opportunity to make Philadelphia, Detroit and similar underperforming locales become more than what they have devolved into.
At a minimum, if they cannot speak and read English, I’m less persuaded of their commitment to assimilate into the culture they say they want to a part of..
12 million was the estimate before 0bama. Figure another million or two under him, the better part of a million under Trump despite his efforts, and maybe 8-10 million under Biden.
That only leaves about twenty eight million or more to go.