‘Bishop’ Who Lectured Trump on Immigration Justifies Politicizing Her Church
“I mean, how could it not be politicized, right? We’re in a hyper political climate.”

Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde made her media rounds today after she lectured President Donald Trump over immigration and sexuality at the National Prayer service.
Of course, she appeared on The View, where she justified politicizing her church:
SARA HAINES: Bishop predictably, you seem to strike a nerve. President Trump initially said yesterday, it was, quote, not a good service, unquote. But overnight, he took to social media to say you were a, quote, radical left hardline Trump hater, unquote, that you brought the church into politics and that you owe your church and the public an apology.
Now, given your role, it doesn’t seem surprising that you would speak out for the marginalized as anyone who’s read the Bible and knows the path of Jesus. But do you think your message is being misconstrued and politicized?
BUDDE: I mean, how could it not be politicized, right? We’re in a hyper political climate. One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live, that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying and to put them in categories such as the ones you’ve just described. That’s part of the air we breathe now. And I was trying to speak a truth that I felt needed to be said, but to do it in as respectful and kind a way as I could, and also to bring other voices into the conversation, which voices that had not been heard in the public space for some time.
Pretend independent Sara Haines whines about Trump calling out the “bishop” for politicizing the service. She claims those taking issue with the politicization were the ones politicizing: “Do you think your message is being misconstrued and politicized?”
Budde agrees that others… pic.twitter.com/ozvM1yeIMw— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) January 22, 2025
Go look and read Nicholas’s thread on Budde’s appearance. It’s so gross.
Here’s what Budde said yesterday:
In the name of our God, I ask you, to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families. Some who fear for their lots.
And the people…the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals.
They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes, and our good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, wadara [sp?] and temples.
1. Okay, first of all, there is a difference between lecturing and politicizing, and speaking out for people.
The priests at my Catholic church constantly preach about helping the poor, especially during this bitter cold, but without politicizing the issue or condescending anyone.
Even when they do ask us to ask the government to do more on an issue, especially abortion, it’s not politicized or condescending.
(Don’t even get me started on Pope Francis, though. I’m lucky my church has wonderful priests.)
2. I want to know what Bible Haines reads because Budde’s lecture sounds nothing like Jesus. He did not politicize anything. He encouraged people to help each other.
3. I also want to know where Budde has been in the past decade. These people haven’t had a voice in the public space for a long time? So deluded.
4. Don’t forget that Budde gave this lecture before Melania Trump and Usha Vance.
Melania is an immigrant. Usha’s parents came here from India in the 1980s. All of them worked their butts off and did it the right way.
5. I would have asked Budde these questions: Does she think only illegal aliens perform those jobs? Does she think that they can only perform those jobs, nothing more?

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Her speech, not sermon was nothing but a litany of items she has been anti-Trump about for years. There was no healing or bringing together of sides in her diatribe. She offered no hope for a better future only political condemnation. What she did would be the same if Dick Durbin had given the speech. Religion had nothing to do with her or her speech.
Her ego is large and got the best of her.
I disagree. Her religion had everything to do with her speech. But you have to quit seeing “religion” as a substitute for “Christianity.” She is a Progressive, and it is definitely a religion – one that is counter to Christianity and Judaism. Marxism is very anti-Christian. One of the propaganda fights they won was getting people to believe they aren’t a religion because they don’t ascribe to any particular “sky god” (their nomenclature, often). They claim to simply be “rational.” In reality, they have made their own reason their god. (Admittedly, the French started it, even before Marx. See how well it went for them, and the by-products of that revolution that we’re still dealing with.)
And, until people stop seeing Progressivism as merely a political ideology, they will continue to lose. Progressivism is a religion that has as a primary purpose to cut out all of the bits that formed the foundation of Judeo-Christian Western Civilization. – while expecting the house to still stand, Because it’s “progress.” It appears as “politicization” because they are willing to use political power to achieve their ends. But, in reality, it’s an attempt to remake Civilization in the image of idols – their own supposed “reason.”
GWB, Thank you for your excellent comment. It gets to the bottom of the problem.
You might find this article interesting.
This Budde guy is no Bishop and his organization is no church. This is just one big political PAC and should be treated accordingly. Time to start collecting property taxes on all their holdings.
I have felt for a long time that only houses of worship should be tax exempt. Many churches are running very profitable businesses, and not paying taxes. Also, look into Good Will, nonprofit except that the guy who runs it is now a millionaire.
Why do you keep insisting this chick is a guy?
Are you angling for a seat on the Supreme Court?
Now you see why there is such a schism in the Episcopal Church and it is in freefall. I was appalled at that spectacle.
that diocese is full of synagogues of satan. that so-called bishop, proudly lives in sin in rebellion of God’s Laws.
coming from a Protestant family, I know the difference between episcopagans and Episcopalians (aka JV Catholics). Pop’s side of the family are largely faithful and God-fearing Episcopalians. Mom insisted their children be baptized in her Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, Once the PCUSA went nuts, I joined Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), which is faithful to The Holy Bible and is NOT woke.
My WASP ancestry of settlers were entrenched in Virginia and the Carolinas by the late 1630s.
This Republic and these shores have been great to my entire family, which is why we’ve defended them ever since.
Our local Lutherans have ancestors that were disgruntled, and they started the Episcopal church which stood until it divided into reformed Episcopal and Whiskypalian.
Lutherans are Reformation. Episcopalians are Anglican. Two different heritages.
Mostly different. The Church of England had its issues with reformers, too.
But Henry couldn’t have done what he did without “that drunken German monk” stirring the pot.
(And, yes, reformers go back before Luther, and after as well. But the spark caught with Luther.)
Why do you refer to “synagogues of Satan,” and not “churches of Satan?”
It’s odd to invoke a Jewish place of worship, when writing to criticize a Christian church.
The phrase is from the Book of Revelation.
I wonder if this bishop can distinguish between Marx and Matthew? Did she think about inviting souls to Christ even if just a short sentence? She took the opportunity and missed the opportunity her professional calling asks.
And, why should you never play chess with Episcopalians?
Because you cannot tell their Bishops from their Queens.
I’ll have to pass that on!
You should have said “between Marx and Mark.” Better alliteration. 😉
Take Matthew 18:15 out of the bible where it says, “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone” which means you should privately confront the person about their wrongdoing before involving others.
“That’s the old way,” Bishop Mariann says, “Let me show you a better way. From now on, no more counseling people in private. When someone needs to be chastised, clergy should do it publicly during their sermon, preferably televised.” (paraphrased)
Her inappropriate comments are particularly bad when you consider that other than her immediate friends and family, absolutely no one cares what she has to say.
Where is her concern for Laken Riley, who has been “marginalized” and “not been heard in the public space for some time”?
Bishop Budde is more concerned is for the man who killed Laken Riley. Bishop Budde could’ve been right there when it happened and still sympathized with the killer.
Illegals and mentally-ill DIDs (Dudes In Dresses) are her pets and mascots. But she is not about to open her church – much less her home – to a leering “refugee” from Guatemala who is getting handsy with the neighbor’s 10-year-old girl.
This is the kind of woke nonsense that President Trump has to put up with all the time. The political hack “pastor” thinks she got a big win yesterday. She thinks she “spoke truth to power”but in reality she made a complete ass of herself and her Church by politicizing a non political event. She’s a loser. She should have asked for God’s blessing on President Trump, Vice President Vance and their families, and continued blessings on our great Country. But she couldn’t stop herself from being a partisan idiot. Trump would have been more than justified in walking out during that “homily”. Only his grace and class prevented they from happening…
I didn’t leave the church. The church left me.
I feel the same about ELCA Lutherans.
Absolutely. ELCA is far removed from the gospel.
My brother and I left the Episcopal Church long ago. I became agnostic and he converted to Catholicism.
Once you start making crap up there’s no limit on what the bible says.
Babylon Bee had Trump in the Bible.
Paula: “Bishop, what about Joe Biden?”
Bishop: “He never sinned.”
Paula: “I’m not surprised. Descent guy, How’s he doing?”
Bishop: “He’s adjusting to the nursing home very well.”
Bishop Maryannn Budde said some transgenders fear for their lives under this Administration …. really??? Shouldn’t she be ministering to them? Maybe guide them to a good psychiatric hospital? Nice of her to lecture the President on immigrants – two of his three wives have been immigrants. VP Vance’s only wife is the daughter of immigrants. Pray tell them more about it. The good bishop is pretty full of herself!!!
Maybe she genuinely believes that G-d makes mistakes and “oops, wrong body! Guess you’ll need ‘top surgery’ now, my son/daughter/whatever.”
The good bishop is pretty full of herself!!!
That right there is the essence of both Original Sin and Progressivism: PRIDE.
She’s full of herself because she thinks she is God.
Anyone still wonder why the Episcopal Church – along with so-called churches like United Church of Christ, Rev. Wright’s denomination – have lost so many members? She’s Exhibit A.
Same with PC(USA) which had many members and congregations leave years ago and form the doctrinally conservative PCA. PC(USA) is about a third the size it was decades ago while PCA has steadily grown. According to one of the deacons in our PCA church, about 31% of the members are former Southern Baptist so it appeals to many who would leave that group. We did.
Dull boilerplate drivel. She’s a Leninist lickspittle throwback. No one believes she’s authentically religious. Quite the opposite; she’s a wolf in lamb’s wool. And we’re required to accept the misrepresentation – because that’s how Bolsheviks maintain control.
No one believes she’s authentically Christian. She absolutely is religious, but that religion is Progressivism.
What would the Left do if a Catholic Bishop delivered an anti-abortion, pro-life sermon in the same situation?
No, her Pope is Marx
After all this, I have to wonder why the dignitaries chose this church to attend?
Was it a walking distance thing?
Maybe be more selective in the future.
It’s the National Cathedral and a customary stop. I bet Trump and Vance never set foot in it again, though.
The pope just blasted Trump on immigration!
During the last four years “Catholic” Bidon, arguably, took the most proabortion position of any US president.
The pope did not object to Bidon’s active promotion of abortion.
Question: Why the double standard?
Okay, just between us: The Pope is actually a closeted Episcopalian. Doesn’t that explain a lot?
Because he is a socialist
Because the Pope is not Catholic. He’s a Jesuit.
That’s a person who thinks he represents the RCC, but actually worships Marxism.
“The pope just blasted Trump on immigration! … Question: Why the double standard?”
Because the Pope is a hypocrite.
The institutions have been wholly captured by the wokiesta left. That definitely includes the mainstream denominations. They have been over their skies for a while but have successfully used the legacy clout of these institutions to squelch dissent. That has definitely changed in the last few years with a series of schism among Methodists, Episcopalians among other denominations.
The quote was “…some who fear for their lives,” not “lots.” Listen to it. It’s pretty clear.
Tell us more about the Trinity while being exclusive…I’m all disbelieving ears, Bishop.
This is why I hate people using religion for their own ends. Free exercise is fine but don’t weaponize.
Point of order “Bishop.”
The guilty should fear when justice comes for them.
Sinners should fear bucking against the Order of Creation. And especially the Order of Salvation.
Nothing like another smug, sanctimonious hypocrite that pretends to speak for morality while wearing blinders. Most can see the reality.
I am interested to know whether Bishop Butch had anything to say to the Camelot Whore when she denied God in her rally just prior to the election.
Would those be the voices of the news media, academia, woke churches, woke corporations, and every single other institution captured by the Left who blares (((THE MESSAGE))) 24/7?
That’s the voice “not heard in the public space for some time”?
Give us a fracking break, lady.
This is further proof of why Protestants have lost parishioners over the last few years. People feel the church has moved from them to a bad place.
The Episcopal Church USA left Christianity a long time ago. It has lost most of its members. Baptism and marriage are down by more than 80%. Gay”.arroage” does not seem to encourage either marriage or children.
This “bishop” is exhibit A. It used to be required that all Episcopal priests pray for the President by first name each week. This custom was made non-mandatory for W. I wonder if ANY Episcopal priests pray for Donald at this point.
It depends. Pray for him to what?
Like others in the Communist Party the bishop has no empathy for anyone outside of her social class.
Of course she has empathy. As long as brown people clean her toilets and her floors, pick cotton (oooops, I meant fruits and vegetables) like slaves, and work menial jobs for slave wages. I don’t recall seeing many brown people sitting in those pews while the ordained and oddly dressed Bishop Queen drones on about having mercy for brown people to do her bidding.
What’s interesting is the “brown” Episcopalians worldwide are far more conservative than she is and they are picking up new members while her brand is losing.
She’s a leftist masquerading as a Christian–nothing about her “sermon” was all that Christian
Reading the article I’ve attached below, the Episcopal Church has been in very serious decline for quite a few years now.
“In 2019, TEC reported 17,713 baptisms. This was halved in the first year of the pandemic, but numbers began to recover quickly. By 2021, nearly 17,000 baptisms were performed, just shy of the 2019 pace. In the last two years, baptisms exceeded 20,000, showing a solid rebound. For context, however, TEC conducted more than 30,000 baptisms in 2015, so it’s still a 50% decline from a decade ago.”
Mercy is an interesting demand to hear about from someone who supported the architects that created the issue. Doubtless this ‘Bishop’ has been steadfast in pushing for open borders and virtually unlimited mass migration and ‘trans rights’.
Now that a majority of tens of millions of fellow Citizens has elected a new political order which explicitly campaigned on not just stopping but reversing those excesses she demands …mercy?
How about this instead. We politely, civilly and non Kinetic as possible deport the illegal aliens and deter the tranny who wants to invade spaces reserved for the opposite sex. However, there should be zero mercy for anyone, like her, who encouraged and supported criminal behavior. She and her ilk set these folks up for failure. They will pretend to care and complain but in the end these sorts are really narcissists b/c they crave the attention their antics will create. They crave being able to (unjustly) claim superior virtue/morality over the rest of us.
An angry, man hating lesbian whose level of entitlement has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 4 years. Thinks she gets to lecture everyone who refuses to think like her….calls herself a pastor, but has a level of hate that is palpable.
“I mean, how could it not be politicized, right? We’re in a hyper political climate.”
How could the Episcopal Church not be politicized? That depends. Politicization has been going on for some time. Membership in the Episcopal Church has declined about 50% since the 1960s ( 3.4 million to 1.6 million), when the population of the US has nearly doubled.
Evangelical churches, which are not as political, have seen membership increases during this time.
Keep being political, and you will continue to see shrinking congregations. What did Lenin say? “Fewer, but better.”
Disclaimer: I have never been a churchgoer.
This is why the Apostle Paul forbade women teaching in the church.
Expanding on Kepha H’s comment above: –
Paul in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 wrote:
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. (KJV)
Deuteronomy 22:5:
5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. (KJV)
And, then there are the many verses in the Old and New Testaments concerning the “abomination” known as homosexuality, the Episcopal church ignores.
Last, there is nothing (I am aware of) in the Bible which instructs Christ’s followers to rule this world; a fact apparently lost on this self-anointed, pontificating, lost-soul.
The following link is to a webpage which lists the bible versions of the Episcopal Church; first on the list is the King James Version (not really surprising):
The Episcopal Church is not now (if ever it was) a Christian denomination; and this mariann edgar budde is an apostate, if ever she was a follower of Christ.
It is all tragic for her, and all those who choose to be willfully ignorant of the false nature of the Episcopal Church. [Sadly, the same can be said in respect of other major “supposed Christian” denominations including the Anglican and Roman churches (both founded to support OWGs), ELCA and so many evangelist churches.]
This Budde guy is cross-eyed, or has a lazy eye, and is trying to take his misery out on everyone in the world. Pathetic.
The person he really ought to take his anger out on is whoever did that job on his hair. Man, that is nasty!
“Episcopalian” pretty much says it all. There’s been an internal war in the church for about 6 decades now. Many of the churches have become nothing more than organized grifting for the left wing. When the National Cathedral started charging admission fees for attendance passes, it became pretty clear they had an agenda other than spreading the word of God.
There is a reason that the National Cathedral has moved it’s services online. One is that “bishop”. That she decided to do a national media tour right after that appalling display tells you everything you need to know about what is going on in the Episcopalian Church and why they have split. The Dean of that Church needs to immediately remove her if he want’s to have any church left.
A good illustration of wolves in sheeps’ clothing.
Funny how the left is always screeching about the separation of church and state, yet suddenly and hypocritically forgets that blabbing and whinging when it comes to moments like this. This kind of ambush is hardly Christian, and certainly not in keeping with what good pastoral practices, according to our own pastor. There’s a time and a place for redressing grievances, and a nationally televised prayer service in such a large venue is not one of them. Considering it happened in the Episcopalian LGBT+ Social Club, I’m not surprised.
That cretin was asked about “politicizing” issues, and replied: “… how could it not be politicized, right? We’re in a hyper political climate. One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live, that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying …”
“To improve the world, start with yourself” should apply here, because SHE (or IT, or THEY, whatever!) politicized what should have been a time of peaceful reflection. And if she got “the worst possible” blowback to her political nonsense, she only had herself to blame.