Biden Rewrites History in Farewell Speech
“To me, it felt like Biden’s farewell speechwriters have already left the building, and they asked ChatGPT to write a speech for Joe in which he doesn’t remember he was president for the last four years.”

President Joe Biden delivered his farewell address to the nation on Wednesday night. He opened his remarks by taking full credit for the hostage deal between Israel and Hamas announced earlier in the day. Notably absent from his account was any acknowledgment of the crucial role played by President-elect Donald Trump’s negotiators or the fact that Trump’s victory itself made Hamas significantly more willing to strike a deal.
“After eight months of nonstop negotiation, my administration — by my administration — a cease-fire and a hostage deal has been reached by Israel and Hamas, the elements of which I laid out in great detail in May of this year,” he said.
“This plan was developed and negotiated by my team, and it will be largely implemented by the incoming administration. That’s why I told my team to keep the incoming administration fully informed. Because that’s how it should be: Working together as Americans.”
Biden then shifted the discussion to the construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, a gift from France to America after the Civil War, highlighting its profound symbolism. “Like the very idea of America, it was built not by one person but by many people, from every background, and from around the world.”
He described how “she was built to sway back and forth to withstand the fury of stormy weather, to stand the test of time because storms are always coming. … The Statue of Liberty is also an enduring symbol of the soul of our nation, a soul shaped by forces that bring us together and by forces that pull us apart. And yet, through good times and tough times, we have withstood it all.”
Despite calling MAGA supporters “garbage,” he emphasized that he has been a president for all Americans. [For those who may have missed it, Trump’s white garbage truck with the MAGA logo on its side that he trolled Biden so humorously with, will be featured in his inaugural parade. But I digress.]
Similarly, forgetting that many first responders lost their jobs as a result of his administration’s ill-conceived vaccine mandate, Biden praised them as the “heroes” on the frontlines who guided us through the pandemic.
He spoke of the Declaration of Independence, our system of separation of powers, checks and balances, and the significance of the words “we the people” in our Constitution, as if he actually reveres any of these ideals.
Next came the lies. Biden disingenuously claimed that his administration “brought violent crime to a 50-year low. … We have created nearly 17 million new jobs, more than any other single administration in a single term. More people have health care than ever before. And overseas, we have strengthened NATO. Ukraine is still free. And we’ve pulled ahead in our competition with China. And so much more.”
After Democrats and journalists have spent the entire election cycle claiming that crime is down, the FBI three weeks before an election revises their crime statistics showing that crime increased by 4.5% in 2022 instead of dropping 2.1%.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 16, 2024
Then came the warnings. Biden said he worries about “the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultrawealthy people, and the dangerous consequences if their abuse of power is left unchecked. Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead. We see the consequences all across America.”
He blamed “the existential threat of climate change” for the California wildfires and the hurricane that devastated western North Carolina.
Citing former President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial complex in his 1960 farewell address, Biden said he was “equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech-industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country as well.”
He attacked misinformation, disinformation, and lamented the decision of Big tech leaders to end fact-checking on social media sites.
Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit. We must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families and our very democracy from the abuse of power. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is the most consequential technology of our time, perhaps of all time.
Nothing offers more profound possibilities and risks for our economy, and our security, our society. For humanity. Artificial intelligence even has the potential to help us answer my call to end cancer as we know it. But unless safeguards are in place, A.I. could spawn new threats to our rights, our way of life, to our privacy, how we work, and how we protect our nation. We must make sure A.I. is safe and trustworthy and good for all humankind.
As always, he called on wealthy Americans to pay their fair share (of taxes). This was especially rich considering he shamelessly pardoned his son Hunter in December who tried not to pay his fair share.
The guy who just pardoned his son for tax evasion charges is giving the “pay your fair share” speech again. What an embarrassment this dude is.
— Jimmy Failla (@jimmyfailla) January 16, 2025
And on it went for 17 excruciating minutes.
Biden ends his presidency by using rhetoric that would be right at home in a third-world communist dictatorship.
This may be the worst farewell speech in presidential history.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) January 16, 2025
One thing was clear: Biden ignored the miserable reality of his time in office and instead painted a picture of how he wants his presidency to be remembered—two starkly different narratives.
[Please scroll down to watch the whole speech. A full transcript of the speech can be read here.]
Following the speech, Fox News’ Dana Perino made an interesting observation. She said, “To me, it felt like Biden’s farewell speechwriters have already left the building, and they asked ChatGPT to write a speech for Joe in which he doesn’t remember he was president for the last four years.”
.@DanaPerino: To me, it felt like Biden’s farewell address speechwriters have already left the building, and they asked ChatGPT to write a speech for Joe Biden in which he doesn’t remember he was president for the last four years.
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) January 16, 2025
In the clip below, CNN’s token conservative commentator Scott Jennings corrects his colleague’s assessment that Democrats lost in November because of a “communications failure.”
He tells her, “For Democrats, it’s always been about communications failure and no introspection about the policies that led to him [Biden] leaving office as one of the most unpopular presidents. When I watched this tonight, I remain astonished that he, his family, and other people around him thought he could ever run for another term. There’s no way he could serve another six months let alone another four years. The fact that they pursued that farce for as long as they did, to me, remains one of the most astonishing things about this term.”
My immediate reaction to Biden’s farewell address on @cnn tonight.
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) January 16, 2025
Jennings is, of course, correct.
Decades from now, historians will look back in amazement at the fact that Americans elected a senile man to the presidency. And that even as his condition became increasingly alarming, he was allowed to remain in office. Worse yet, his party continued to support his bid for reelection—until a disastrous debate performance finally derailed his campaign.
In the meantime, we can take comfort in the knowledge that in less than 99 hours, he will be gone, and our four-year national nightmare will be over.
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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And you were expecting?
People who can fix an election do things like that
Actually, it was exactly what I expected. I only watched because I was asked to write an article about it! 😁
You have our sympathies!
If that last comment doesn’t describe Trump to a tee,I don’t what does!!!
A trump supporter complaining about some overstating their accomplishments . That takes some real chutzpah
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. It reminds the rest of us to be grateful that the tide has turned, and the lunatics are soon to be no longer running the Asylum.
enjoy it while it lasts. 2 years. nothing much accomplished.Like last time.
Biden brought disease, slavery and disaster to Native Americans.
In a nutshell, yeah.
You must remember that leftists view the loss to Trumpism as a messaging failure; had they just explained things better, reality would not have had its chance to raise its ugly head.
Describing Biden’s 4 years in rosy and fabulist terms is merely the latest attempt to hammer the truth into something favoring the progressive narrative. And heaven knows there are plenty who appear to swallow this bilge and regurgitate it obediently.
That’s far too generous. It’s more likely something like this:
“If the people who voted against their wishes had just had the intelligence to understand their message,… If these same ignorant unwashed unbelievers in the cult of progressivism just understood how Biden made things so much better… Ah well I guess the answer is more money to education (not a free exchange of ideas mind you because that’s too dangerous but more brainwashing programs are the only ethical way to get everyone to agree with us)”
It was a messaging failure. The Democrats were unable to control the message as they did in 2020. The truth was able to come out and get around the Democrats attempted roadblocks. That is why the hate Musk so much as he opened up Twitter/X to be a freer, as in speech, platform. That is why they hate the alternative and at least somewhat conservative media. If Democrats had their way the only message you would hear would be their lies such as Biden is as sharp as a tack.
His warning about “wealthy oligarchs” made me laugh out loud–this guy has no self awareness at all.
Not two weeks ago, Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros.
George Soros? Wealthy oligarch?
Can you spell irony?
“No self-awareness” is one of the senses on my list of “three senses missing from most Leftists,” the other two being a sense of irony and a sense of humor. It’s really remarkable how often the first two are on display together. Most everyone here has long acknowledged the last.
I don’t think we need lecturing about self awareness from the redhat crowd . 3 frauds. Sexual assault. libel. Felony conviction. 91 indictments. 2 impeachment. Redhat: ‘ Trump’ s innocent. Lawfare.blah blah blah’
And the traitors responsible for all this political chicanery will soon be held accountable, which is only fitting and will be quite fun to watch.
suuuuure they will buddy.hahahahhaLiz cheney-guil
ty! …of doing her job.. Jack Smith.GUILTY!!! of trying to hold the felon in cheif accountable for his crimes. The
biden crime family …Pelosi…GUILTY…of …er uh something. HAHAHAHHAHHAH
Failure to recognize the obvious shows your bias and stupidity.
I’m surprised Biden completely left out the part about him personally extinguishing all of the California wildfires. What humility!
“17 million new jobs” particularly irks me. More than 100% of the modest growth in new jobs versus pre-Pandemic levels has gone to people not born in the USA. That means that, after 4 years, jobs for US-born have not even recovered to pre-Pandemic levels.
As to the “existential threat of climate change”, where were you, Nero Newsom and Mayor Bass? If that is what you expected, shouldn’t you have led in being prepared for more wild fires and more serious ones? Instead you did the opposite – cut budgets, did not clear brush, blocked an effort to bury power lines underground to protect a weed, kept a reservoir empty for a long period, and shipped excess water into the Pacific.
The overwhelming number of “new jobs” are just people going back to work after being forced to stay home. Of those the majority are foreign workers. Of the minority of jobs by Americans gained, the majority are government jobs which add nothing to our economy. A quick look at the claims explodes them. This guy should never have been installed as President and thankfully he is now soon to be gone and forgotten
The other thing with the jobs is that so many of the “new” jobs went to foreigners – with Americans actually having lost jobs in the private sector – and the ridiculous expansion of government to goose the job numbers (even beyond the lies about the numbers that went on for the entirety of Traitor Joe’s illegitimate Presidency).
The damage he caused will be with us for quite a while, I fear.
by “damage,” you mean record DOW? low unemployment? record job creation? inflation under control? record domestic oil production.? that ‘damage”? hahahhah Don’t worry-‘the moron ‘ is going to fix everything! lol
Is is amazing and extremely worrisome to me that Potatus could spew forth such merde and not be called out by any of the legacy media in the United States.
Wouldn’t you think that they would have learned something since election day? The leopard truly can’t change its spots. Sad.
Nearly half the country lives in an alternate reality in which everything Biden said is true. We are no longer a serious country, with half of it living in a fairyland of their own creation.
a trumper who supports this has no standing to talk about ‘alternate reality’. 3 frauds,sexual assault, libel,91 felony indictments, 34 count felony CONVICTION. 2 impeachemnts. SMH
Actually, this helps us keep in mind that there is a large minority in our society who are going to continue to believe whatever lies the Left tells them via their legacy media mouthpieces. This allows them to continue to incite and weaponize their fringe elements for violent mayhem, and therefore this threat must be monitored and neutralized. Our current DOJ cannot accomplish this, but somebody should.
This describes you
A cult is a dangerous group that uses manipulation and authoritarianism to control its members. Signs of a cult include:
Fear: Members are instilled with fear of the outside world, leaving the group, or being shunned
Unquestioning loyalty: Members are expected to have absolute loyalty to the leader or group, and are discouraged from questioning or dissenting
Charismatic leader: The leader is seen as all-knowing and right, and is the sole source of truth and validation
Black-and-white thinking: The group promotes a simplistic worldview that positions itself as good and the outside world as evil
Brainwashing: The leader uses coercive persuasion to isolate and control members
Financial secrecy: The group doesn’t provide meaningful financial disclosure
Illegal activities: The group may engage in illegal or dangerous behaviors
If they had done a better job of fundraising and outspending Trump in the election…..
oh, nevermind.
“…the elements of which I laid out in great detail in May of this year…”
And which Hamas didn’t find persuasive because of Joe’s feeble “leadership” and apparent animosity towards Israel. Trump is the only reason why this similar deal is now viewed advantageously by Hamas, because it may save them from complete destruction, something they were fairly sure wouldn’t be allowed during Biden’s presidency.
>>This may be the worst farewell speech in presidential history.<<
Why is that surprising, It's coming from the person that oversaw possibly the worst presidential
regimeadministration in the history of the United States presidency.To Jesse’s point, he probably DOESN’T remember he was in office for the last 4 years.
At least he’s gone in like 4 days and hopefully the adults can be in charge for a few years.
The worst President in modern history, arguably in American history, has the worst departure speech. At least there wasn’t a red background with Marines forced to stand there.
When this old codger finally bights the dust ,I won’t be flying my flag at half staff. If anything I will make my 25 ft flagpole 15 foot higher and raise a 4×6 , MADE IN THE USA, flag on it- At full staff!
Hahaha! Me too!
Traitor Joe’s “Bye, bye Cruel world” speech was nearly perfect. It was a great picture into his pathetic Presidency. About the only things that were missing were Joe trying to steal the resolute desk (having Hunter bring a crew in to haul it away as the speech was ending) and then Joe falling on his face while trying to walk out.
IMO the sweet irony here is that if Dr. Jill had not gotten greedy and retired the figurehead after the originally promised one term, the primary process would likely have delivered a candidate who would still have lost, but by a smaller margin, with the Democrats regaining control of the House. That difference is a very big deal for the Trump administration.
Biden: “It’s a good thing I came in between Trump’s first and second term. He’ll thank me later.”
Paula: “That’s right Joe. In many respects Trump had his hands tied in his first term, not to mention the fact that he was surrounded by traitors and back stabbers. If he had just gone straight into his second term, he would not have the tremendous impact that he is having now. As it is, he has had time to regroup and lay plans to make a much bigger difference this time.”
Sometime in the future, Joe Biden will die. I wish him no ill will; I hope he will live as long as the good Lord wants him to live.
BUT(!) … when Biden does leave this earth, the media treatment of him, his career, and his presidency will make the spectacle we just experienced with Jimmy Carter’s passing seem like Little League. Carter was not as good a man/ex-president as he was made out to be, and was an absolutely HORRIBLE president. Just look at the Electoral Vote map of his loss to RR and you’ll see what I mean. The dogs back then did not like the dog food … justifiably so.
When Joe passes, the legacy media will make him out to be the greatest leader of the modern era. In truth, he was a scheming, vindictive, smarmy little man who set our country back probably a generation.
You know I’m right. It’ll be hard to watch.
Nothing’s that hard to watch after you’re already six toasts in.
Dark money Joe from Scranton.
“Biden said he was “equally concerned about the potential rise of a tech-industrial complex that could pose real dangers for our country as well.”
That’s not what you said about them when they were doing all your censorship for you.
“Decades from now, historians will look back in amazement at the fact that Americans elected a senile man to the presidency. And that even as his condition became increasingly alarming, he was allowed to remain in office.”
Historians will be smart enough to realize that all of this was because that senile man’s own party of filthy traitors also controlled both houses of congress, and the media.
Unless, of course, they are Democrat historians.
A legend in his own . . . uuuh . . .
Poor Joe. If he only had a brain.
Reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz who says to Dorothy: “I haven’t got a brain…only straw.”
Dorothy says: “How can you talk if you haven’t got a brain?”
Scarecrow says: “I don’t know…..but some people without brains do an awful lot of talking don’t they?”
That last comment describes the felon in chief doesn’t it? Haha. The only time he shuts his big mouth is when he pleads the fifth. Hey only guilty people do that right paula? Hahaha
Enjoy your little chuckle, clueless that the joke’s on you. It’s fun to watch!
Clearly spouting a near perfect line of BS and attempting to gaslight the world is not rewriting history. Too many has witnessed Slow Joe’s decline into dementia. Who is really in charge?
Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out who has really been calling the shots over the past 4 years. Their goal has always been to destabilize and then transform our society into something that furthers their own interests, so therefore we should be able to just follow the money..
Millenia from now people are going to look at this American population and use us as a cautionary tale about the brittle nature of civilization. They will be amazed that we brought Barky in as the instrument of our own destruction and then they are going to laugh when they get to the part with Traitor Joe. But they will be laughing AT us, though it will be a with more than a bit of trepidation at how easily seemingly advanced and comfortable Man can go right over the edge.
WR Elizabeth, there are many people, myself included that don’t see this as a fact. I hope that history clarifies what the hell actually happened during the 2020 election.
You may want to speak with Ron Coleman who witnessed some of the shenanigans in Phili. I think it is a disputed fact. Oh, and Pam Bondi witnessed some stuff too. Her response will be very interesting. We suffered for 4 years, I see Monday as a light at the end of this dark tunnel. But unless we learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.
Well- what did she witness, and why wasn’t it taken to court?
“The moron’s’ own AG , and his own lawyers concede he lost. What more do you redhats need? SMJ
Biden is the epitome of filthy human garbage.
Slight correction:
“Bidens are”
The whole putrid, criminal family is a stain on humanity.
Crime “reporting” is way down if you can find an officer to report it to. The real measure of crime is the level at which they will actually send someone to investigate. In Portland they can barely get officers there to protect their precinct.
I don’t think he re-wrote. I think he doesn’t have clue and his handler lie to him and then he repeats those lies as if they’re facts.
That’s problem when have dementia and the people around you only want to use you for thier gain.