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Biden Issues ‘Full Unconditional Pardon’ for Family Members

Biden Issues ‘Full Unconditional Pardon’ for Family Members


Of course this dropped as the inauguration started.

President Joe Biden, with just a little bit of time left in his administration, issued a pardon for his family…including his brother James.

It starts on January 1, 2014.

Biden pardoned his brother James and his wife Sara, his sister Valerie and her husband John, and his other brother Francis.

James came up a lot during the Hunter Biden investigation and leaks from the laptop.

The pardon had the same language as the one given this morning to Liz Cheney and others.


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Did we expect anything less?

The Gentle Grizzly | January 20, 2025 at 11:53 am

“Insanity”? Nooo. Not Joe Biden!

No reason to pardon the Biden crime family if there was no crime!

Admission = that Biden knows he’s a crook.

Does that include the disowned grandchild and her mother?

I want to see all the idiot harpies on The View defend all of this criminal excusing behavior by the most deviant thing to occupy the White House.

Tom Fitton says it’s of no moment
He didn’t elaborate extensively
At some point SCOTUS may well conclude, for reasons articulated in Dobbs, that the founders never envisioned nor intended to provide a means to enable a premeditated crime spree

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to rduke007. | January 20, 2025 at 1:16 pm

    My question is, are pre-emptive pardons constitutional? I don’t see how they can be because the individual pre-emptively pardoned has not been prosecuted let alone convicted of a crime for which he or she can be pardoned.

      If you read the relative case law, there’s an argument that they’re legal. In Ex parte Garland, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 333 (1866) – a narrowly decided case involving a former confederate senator who had been pardoned by Johnson – the court said about the president’s pardon authority, it…

      “extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.”

      The only question that’s uncertain & unsettled is what did they mean by ‘every offense known to the law?’ Does that mean any offense that was illegal at the time? OR, does that mean any offense which was already understood by the law to have been committed at the time the pardon was granted? That may be a future question the Court will have to answer.

      Can Congress pass a law clarifying the pardon power? Require pardons to be for specific crimes, for the pardoned person to admit to the crime and for confiscation of the ill gotten gains.

The big fish – Fauci, Birx, Comey, McCabe, Weissman, etc., etc., etc….-are still out there. Round ’em up!

Thus cementing for all time the title “Biden Crime Family”.

Banana Republic.

An IRS civil tax fraud investigation regarding unpaid taxes and interest owed by the vile, avaricious, treasonous and despicable members of the Biden crime family and associates, can still happen and would be much-deserved and long overdue.

    TargaGTS in reply to guyjones. | January 20, 2025 at 12:23 pm

    Correct. And, any fallacious information/testimony offered by those with pardons pursuant to any future tax investigation could still be prosecuted.

      guyjones in reply to TargaGTS. | January 20, 2025 at 1:58 pm

      It would be grand to see the IRS assess back taxes and interest owed, and, take back millions in the Biden crime family members’ ill-gotten, obscene and undeserved filthy lucre obtained from their decade-old foreign influence-peddling racketeering schemes. Hitting them in the pocketbook, where it really hurts.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to guyjones. | January 20, 2025 at 5:45 pm

    Seizing all their their assets would be a great start, That would really hurt their feelings.

      guyjones in reply to JohnSmith100. | January 20, 2025 at 9:40 pm

      Start with the “Big Guy’s” beloved Corvette, and, the Porsche that ne’er-do-well, Hunter, was “gifted” by some malignant foreign state actor.

I don’t want to hear ONEFUCKINGWORD about the J6 pardons or any other pardon Trump cares to issue.

You can’t defend this.

Louis K. Bonham | January 20, 2025 at 12:26 pm

Lest we forget:

“Granting, then, that the pardon was legally issued and was sufficient for immunity, it was Burdick’s right to refuse it, as we have seen, and it therefore not becoming effective, his right under the Constitution to decline to testify remained to be asserted, and the reasons for his action were personal.”
. . .
“This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it. The former has no such imputation or confession.”

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79, 94 (1915).

So per the Supreme Court, you can choose to accept or not accept a pardon. But if you accept it, you are confessing your guilt.

I wonder if a pardon can be revoked if the POTUS mental state is found to be compromised.

    Get ready for Milhouse to tell us no, in 20,000 words.

    Louis K. Bonham in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 20, 2025 at 2:48 pm

    SCOTUS would likely hold that if Biden did in fact sign the pardon during his term of office, it’s valid. Reasoning would be that any issue that he was unable to carry out the duties of office is governed by the procedures of the 25th Amendment, which doesn’t include judicial invalidation of presidential actions based on a judicial finding of incapacity. (Expressio unios, exclusio alterios.)

    Secondary reasoning would be that it’s a non-justiciable “political question.”

And with this, Biden destroys the Democratic Party on the way out the door.

And having accepted the Federal pardon, the subjects may now be subpoenaed for testimony regarding anything they may have done during that period without the ability to hide behind 5A.

Thanks, Joe.

Juris Doctor Doom | January 20, 2025 at 12:43 pm

“No one is above da law! Da Law! No one is above it!”

Juris Doctor Doom | January 20, 2025 at 12:44 pm

Do you think Trump can get Worker’s Comp if he develops carpal tunnel from signing pardons?

Bozo Joe must have run out of “Presidential Medal of Freedom” medals.

I don’t think blanket pardons are Constitutional, personally.

Well golly gee whiz!! Why, oh why, would James Biden need a pardon??

A final gasp of obnoxious and brazen corruption, from the despicable, avaricious, treasonous, entitled, lazy and corrupt crime boss/dotard.

The ultimate example of projection.

Biden has been erroneously claiming nonstop for the past four years that Trump is a criminal, a felon.

Only to pardon everyone on his way out the door. I’m sure the Founders thought to themselves “Hey, we better provide an escape hatch for everybody that takes advantage of the power of the presidency”.

The one person that does not have a pardon is Biden himself. He allowed for a former president to be persecuted with just cause.

If Trump were to instruct AG Bondi to nail Biden’s sorry (bleep) to the wall I’d be completely in support.

Love the 4 years lecturing about rule of law by the most lawless president of all.

Disgusting, pardoned Mary McCord

The precedent this establishes is ominous. The need to find way to pick this apart.

Time to investigate the “Big Guy” himself.

Joe didn’t pardon himself or Jill, so can we now have Jim, Valerie and Hunter testify against him?

Joe Biden takes one last massive dump on America and its people.

Since Democrats have led the way on lawfare against previous administration staffers/appointees/supporters they now lead the way on how to indemnify those same people from any consequences.

I wonder if such pardons will become a requirement of every departing administration, particularly Republican, to protect against a vicious and politicized bureaucracy in the subsequent administration

I wonder why Biden didn’t pardon the entire Democrat party since they are all guilty of treason. They all knew Biden was incompetent yet put party before country. That’s treason!

Sure seems to be a admittance of guilt

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Skip. | January 21, 2025 at 4:10 am

    They don’t have to admit it. Everyone has always known that Biden was one of the most corrupt people in Washington and that his dirtbag family has no business other than “Joe Biden”.

    The whole thing really defies the imagination – he took his bagman along with him on Air Force Two, bragged about his clear criminal efforts, gives and gets more “loans” from his family members than most banks deal with a year, has 20 shell corporations running in the background for a business that does nothing, has taken out in excess of 40 mortgages on his two homes!!! (who the hell ever even heard of such a thing?!), and is caught in lie after lie after lie about things that people can see with their own eyes.


I’m surprised his staff didn’t get him to pardon all of themselves.

Alexander Vindman: “What about me?”

Sooooo . . . I’ll ask because I’m curious.. If someone benefitted from a criminal enterprise, does he have the power to pardon his co-conspirators?

Does anyone know if this is within the bounds of the pardon, or is this a state-level issue:

MoeHowardwasright | January 20, 2025 at 3:58 pm

Haul everyone who received a pre-emptive pardon before Congressional and Senate committees. Better yet make it a Joint Senate and House Investigative committee. Make them all testify before the American public about their individual culpability for various crimes that they were pardoned for. They can’t claim the 5th. This allows the House and Senate to craft laws preventing any of these crimes going forward. Also draft Constitutional amendments that address family involvement in financial crimes of politicians, especially the President and VP. Also an amendment covering House, Senate, President and VP who show signs of Dementia or memory impairment. Forcing an examination by and independent physician.

    Biden’s pardons don’t cover State crimes. My bet is that if these folks were called to testify, they would hire Bragg to invent some related state crime that their testimony could relate to, so they could still “take the Fifth”.

“I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those
activities. None…”

Righteous, dude. So refuse the pardon. Go ahead, it’s easy.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 21, 2025 at 4:06 am

“Full and Unconditional Pardon”

This is complete BULLSH*T. There is no such thing. These blanket declarations of complete legal untouchability are not “pardons” and have nothing to do with what is written in the Constitution.

A person may only be pardoned for a criminal act or conviction. It must be specified and tailored as to what is being pardoned. The President is not given G-d-like powers to declare any individual (or any tens of millions of individuals) officially outside of all aspects of the federal legal system. That is just completely crazy and is a perversion of the language, not to mention a descent into complete and utter lawlessness – or even worse – general outlaw behavior being given license by the new King.

No. A pardon is an executive’s determination about a specific person and issue and not a general declaration that some favorite of the King is allowed to just get away with any criminality he has been engaging in for ten or twenty years.

If people insist on claiming that they don’t understand what “pardon” actually means and they continue to argue that it gives the President the power to waive the legal system off of any person for anything and for everything, without limit – which is so insane and stupid it boggles the mind – then this power will need a Constitutional amendment to limit it to specific details and limit the number of times it might be invoked.

This is all just crazy stuff. What Biden has done are NOT pardons and they should be fought in court. Language has meanings and limits.

    Read Ford’s pardon of Nixon. It was a pardon for any and all crimes committed during a specified time (Nixon’s entire term as President). That was nearly 50 years ago. It’s never been challenged in court, and Nixon’s acceptance of it has never been used as evidence of any particular criminal act.

If these pardons were to “stick”, so to speak, do they preclude any state prosecutor from going after any one of those turds for for state-level crimes they might have committed? That’s one thing that’s not clear to me as I’m not an attorney