U. Minnesota Suspends and Fines Pro-Hamas Rioters Who Took Over Building
“Alongside arbitrary suspensions, the university intends to withhold the transcripts of those arrested”

We covered this when it was happening. It’s good to see there are consequences.
Algemeiner reports:
University of Minnesota Suspends, Fines Pro-Hamas Rioters: Campus Groups
The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities has reportedly suspended and demanded financial restitution from seven pro-Hamas activists who were arrested for commandeering the Morrill Hall administrative building on Oct. 21, an action which aimed to pressure school officials into enacting a boycott of Israel.
According to a statement from Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and other anti-Israel campus groups posted on social media, seven of eight students charged with misconducting themselves on that day have been “found guilty” by a university disciplinary tribunal. Each has been fined about $5,500, the statement further alleged, and suspended for periods ranging from one to five semesters.
“Alongside arbitrary suspensions, the university intends to withhold the transcripts of those arrested,” the statement continued. “This means for the duration of the suspension the students are unable to transfer to a different institution without forfeiting the credits they have rightfully earned and paid for. To even be readmitted after suspensions, the students have to do 20 hours of community service and write a 5-10 page essay about the ‘difference between vandalism and protest.’”
A spokesman for the university declined to comment on the matter, saying “federal and state privacy laws prevent the university from confirming or commenting on any specifics related to individual student discipline.” Instead the university pointed The Algemeiner to the university’s “Student Conduct Code and its Administrative Policy: Resolving Alleged Student Conduct Code Violations, as well as the Twin Cities campus-specific Student Conduct Code Procedure,” noting that “together, these outline how disciplinary processes work, from collecting and investigating facts, to initial recommendations regarding discipline, through appellate rights and hearing options.”
Students for Justice in Palestine is getting out ahead of the matter, however, and calling on its followers to deluge university officials and local lawmakers with demands for all charges against the students be dropped.

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I don’t think it’s enough (by far), but, at least, it’s something.
I think CAIR will pay their fines and they’ll be lauded as heroes when/if they do return (to teach?)
“Students for Justice in Palestine is getting out ahead of the matter, however, and calling on its followers to deluge university officials and local lawmakers with demands for all charges against the students be dropped.”
The left is often willing to escalate to the point of bloodshed. School administrators often submit.
In addition, they should be required to watch videos of what Hamas did on October 7, and write detailed reports on what they saw.