Over 120 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense
“He has studied and experienced the disastrous effects Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has on our military and he is committed to expunging it from our armed forces.”

We have been following President-elect Trump’s nomination to Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, Trump Nominates Army Vet Peter Hegseth for Defense Secretary, and his tortuous path to confirmation:
- Democrats and the Media Are Trying to ‘Brett Kavanaugh’ Trump DoD Pick Pete Hegseth
- FOX News Employees Defend Pete Hegseth After NBC News Publishes Anonymously Sourced Hit Piece
Fortunately, Hegseth hasn’t withdrawn, Pete Hegseth: ‘I Have Never Backed Down From a Fight and Won’t Back Down From This One’, and even managed, apparently, to get some formerly negative U.S. Senators on his side: Sen. Joni Ernst Might be Warming Up to Pete Hegseth ‘After ‘Encouraging Conversations’.
Then, of course, came the ProPublica attempted hit piece and West Point’s staff lying to said left-wing media outlet about whether Secdef-nominee Hegseth had lied about applying and getting accepted to West Point (spoiler: he was accepted at West Point and he did not lie about that): West Point Lied Twice About Pete Hegseth Applying to the Academy.
So after all this hate and discontent on the way to the January confirmation process, I was happy to see the following story about numerous retired generals and admirals endorsing Hegseth for Secretary of Defense. From the Daily Wire:
More than 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals signed onto a letter released on Monday expressing their “strong support” for President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, U.S. Army veteran Pete Hegseth.
The letter comes after Hegseth endured several intense weeks of media coverage of allegations primarily made by anonymous sources.
They wrote:
He understands combat from the grass roots level and will take that much needed perspective with him as the next SECDEF. He has studied and experienced the disastrous effects Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has on our military and he is committed to expunging it from our armed forces. His focus is solely on warfighting readiness so that our military is prepared to fulfill its mission—to fight and win our Nation’s wars.
The retired generals and admirals said that Hegseth’s passion for the military was obvious, and his record in Iraq and Afghanistan showed that he was the “warrior” the U.S. needed to lead its military.
Incidentally, I have read Pete Hegseth’s book The War on Warriors, which is excellent and which chronicles the disastrous effects the Biden Administration’s DEI and transgender policies have had on the U.S. military.
As a retired Navy Captain, I am officially endorsing Hegseth for Secdef as well.
You can review the Generals’ and Admirals’ letter here, and at the end of this post.
Absolutely. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. 120+ Retired Generals, Admirals Sign Letter Supporting Pete Hegsethhttps://t.co/D3q7HAuM9g
— Lady Tigress (@LadyConstance8) December 18, 2024
More than 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals put their name to a letter Monday expressing “strong support” for President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, U.S. Army veteran Pete Hegseth.https://t.co/CwLk9HvG6d
— Secure America Now 🇺🇸 (@SecureAmerica) December 20, 2024
JUST IN: At least 123 retired generals and admirals sign a letter supporting Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense.
Awesome. pic.twitter.com/pGQz2j4Llx
— Ian Jaeger (@IanJaeger29) December 17, 2024

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Its great that such a high percentage of generals and admirals are endorsing Hegseth.
Though the fact that there are so many generals/admirals both retired or active points to a very bloated military.
There are almost 700 flag officers in the uniformed services (excluding the USCG), which is down about 20% from 5-years ago (the number of uniformed service members has been shrinking every year for the last decade). I think the annual turnover rate is (very roughly) 20%, which means there are about 200 retiring each year. Just guess, but there are probably comfortably more than 2,500 retired flag officers still alive today, and that’s a conservative estimate. That they could only find 120 to sign their names underscores how many deadbeats have made to to O-7 in recent decades.
There is one Marine on that list – MajGen James E. Livingston. The guy is a one of the last last living legends of the the Marine Corps. If you have him on any list, that’s the only person you need.
So the new criteria for being an excellent Trump Secretary of
Defense cabinet member is being a self acknowledged alcoholic and wife cheater. You will notice that all of the 150 are retired. My guess is that they are also alcoholics and wife cheaters.
You idiot. You really don’t know shit about the military do you.
First of all, Hegseth isn’t an alcoholic. Second, no one cares about him being a “wife cheater,” not when his predecessor, a DEI hire if there ever was one, presided over the worst US military debacle since the fall of Saigon, and went AWOL for a few days leaving exactly no one in charge at DoD.
We only care that he restores our military to unmatched lethality and rips out the cancerous DEI.
Of COURSE all the flag officers are retired. They can then make political statements.
See the Hatch Act if you need clarification.
By the way, each one of these retired flag officers has done more with their careers than you’ve likely been able to accomplish your whole entire life. That you feel comfortable enough to insult them by calling them drunks and “wife cheaters” reflects far more on your own complete lack of character than it does on all of them.
Quit upvoting yourself, clown, and get the hell out of here.
There is no indication that he’s an alcoholic. At “worst”, he likes to drink, and once in a while he gets drunk. That is not an alcoholic, that’s well within the normal range. If anything, Trump’s teetotalism is abnormal.
Supposing he were an alcoholic, though, that should not be a disability so long as he manages it. It’s not a moral failing. It’s only a problem if he lets it affect his work, and even the worst attacks on Hegseth admit that he doesn’t.
As for his relationship with his wife, that’s entirely a matter for the two of them, and none of our business. There’s no reason it should disqualify him from being a Secretary of Defense.
Especially under a president who is the first one to have been elected despite it being public knowledge that he has been an adulterer. The voters said they’d still rather have him than Clinton, (Biden,) or Harris, none of whom are known to have cheated on their spouses, but all of whom would have been (or were) utter disasters.
So if the voters were OK with an adulterer at the helm, they should have no problem with one at the Pentagon.
Does anyone seriously believe that William Jefferson Blythe Clinton never cheated on his wife?
Never publicly accused? yes.
Never raped Juanita Broaddick? If you say so.
But she should get some ice for that.
None of that was known at the time of his reelection, let alone his original election. At that time it was all just rumors and scurrilous accusations with the same credibility as the ones against Hegseth, Kavanaugh, etc. It was only after his reelection that the evidence became public.
Likewise with previous adulterous presidents such as JFK and Harding, the voters didn’t know.
Did you forget about Monica Lewinski? Or do you think getting a blow job from your intern isn’t “cheating”?
Markm, no one outside her personal acquaintances ever heard the name Lewinsky until 1998. So she’s irrelevant. Nor had anyone heard of Broadrick until then.
There were names bandied about in 1992, but there was no convincing evidence and most voters dismissed it. Trump is the first person to have been elected president despite being publicly known as an adulterer.
Concur that Hegseth would not be considered an alcoholic.
That being said, there are indications that HRC is an alcoholic (sober during the day, but 3-4 drinks in the evening ) and possibly Harris being somewhat similar, though not as heavy of a drinker as HRC .
I stop reading whenever someone writes, “The criteria…is….” It indicates to me that the writer is either poorly educated or ignorant, or both (and quite possibly an alcoholic and wife cheater, whatever that is). Stay warm, I’m sure you have plenty of coal to burn.
I don’t trust any “####” support candidate John Doe. It has been used too much in the past for nefarious ends.
Agreed, but I think there is some value in smashing the prog’s faces in their own pile of stupid poo by responding to their dumb list with a longer list of people supporting him. If nothing else, it forces them to say ‘but waaahhhhhh the guys on your list are biased!’ which highlights the inanity of their list as well. Rule #4, make them live up to their own set of rules.
“Incidentally, I have read Pete Hegseth’s book…”
And so should you.
Same goes for Hillbilly Elegy.
Part of the big 🖕 aimed at the media must also include doing your own background and reading your own source material.
In both cases here, you will not be disappointed.
I just finished Hillbilly Elegy and consider it possibly one of the dozen or so I’ve read that can change the life of a reader who is having personal difficulties. It’s quite inspirational to think that a child with JD Vance’s family experiences can aspire to the second highest office in the land with a clear path to the highest. The book IMO can be summed up in a simple statement: You can do it.
If you haven’t read it, do so at your earliest convenience.
Those who oppose Pete Hegseth have made it clear he has merit, funny how that works.
‘Over 120 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense’
Is this like a ‘fifty-five former high rank intelligence officers certify Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation’ proclamation so Joe can steal the election, or is this a ‘honorable stars n bars purged out by Obama’s witch hunt against ‘white supremacy” proclamation so Trump can remove bvtts3x flags from military bases, and make our military great again?
I gots to know!
I will go with Door #2.
It is far beyond time for a huge sting operation.
ABSCAM comes to mind.
Show no mercy.
I think he should get confirmed, but the endorsement game from retired GO/FOs for either side of the aisle isn’t helping.
I generally don’t go for endorsements myself, but coming from people who have, literally, “been there and done that” does tend to add credence to this particular case.
Does ‘MOH’ (next to the last signature on the first page) stand for Medal of Honor?
Quite probably: he was awarded the Medal of Honor for evacuating 51 seriously wounded men from the battlefield, using 3 helicopters (they took damage) near Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam, January 6, 1968.
Trump is, of course, clueless about defense and foreign affairs. He spins the wheel of moron daily. What Moron thing can I say today? “Hey lett’s take back the Panama Canal. Lots of deep thought went into that. HAHHHAHA..This incompetence and lack of knowledge was confirmed by Kelly, Milley, Esper and Bolton. So who does he nominate? A Fox News commentator who has never run anything and served in relatively positions in the military. LOL . But hey – he seems to have the same view about women as p-grabber Trump. Just another low class MAGA lackey like Trump. What a s…t storm this country is going to go through. Hey–We warned ya.