Fetterman: Her ‘Daddy was a Member of Hezbollah…He Brought That Danger and Evil Into Their Home’
Fetterman also warned Democrats about Pennsylvania’s special connection to Trump.

I disagree with Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) about 98% of the time. But I like that he won’t cave or toe the line, especially regarding Israel.
But it also seems that Fetterman is one of the few politicians in D.C. who is grounded in reality regarding other issues.
In an interview with New York Times reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro, Fetterman defended Israel, lashed out at Democrats over the border, and warned the party about former President Donald Trump’s connection to Pennsylvania.
Garcia-Navarro tried to get him to denounce Israel regarding the pager attack.
Fetterman reminded Garcia-Navarro that Hezbollah and only Hezbollah are responsible for anyone injured or killed by the exploding pager:
Last month, the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh chapters of the Council on American Islamic Relations issued a joint statement where they condemned you for saying that you loved Israel’s pager attacks targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon. I do. Absolutely.
They said, “When our elected officials start condoning the civilian loss of life, our collective moral compass is irreparably harmed.” It was targeted for members of Hezbollah. You know, no one uses beepers in that situation other than they were a member of Hezbollah.
There was a young child who was killed. Unfortunately, tragically, because Daddy was a member of Hezbollah. He brought that danger and evil into their home. And that’s what tragically resulted in that poor child’s death. And that’s what’s so terrible. She paid the price because her father was a terrorist for Hezbollah.
John Fetterman does not back down from his comments stating he 'loved' Israel's pager attacks against Hezbollah:
Lulu Garcia-Navarro: "You have gotten criticism from both Muslim groups and Pro-peace Jewish groups. Condemned you for saying that you 'loved' Israel's pager attacks… pic.twitter.com/1Rlikbsxrd— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) October 26, 2024
Fetterman has shown disbelief towards his party regarding the border in the past.
Fetterman also hasn’t caved to his party regarding immigration and border security:
I want to ask you about one other place where you’ve been at odds with your party, which is on immigration. You understood that it was something that was going to affect people in your state and beyond. It’s a huge issue.
The party has now embraced enforcement at the border, but comprehensive immigration reform means legalization as well. What posture do you think the party should be adopting? How can the Democratic Party really deal with what has become a very, very divisive issue within it? It’s like, why is it controversial to say that we’re going to need a secure border? And when you started looking at the numbers that were showing up, and at some months that’s the population of Pittsburgh. And so, I mean, that’s a real issue. Trying to tell people, well, don’t believe your eyes, it’s going to be OK, it’s all working out. It’s not. And I’m the most pro-immigration guy there is. But that has to be compatible with a secure border, and I will never listen to anyone’s other side until you can explain, like, how? How do we take care of them? Where did those resources come from? And where do they go? Nobody could provide a serious answer to that.
John Fetterman bemused at the Democrat party position on immigration, telling people to not believe their eyes:
Lulu Garcia-Navarro: "How can the Democrat party really deal with what has become a very divisive issue? [immigration]"
John Fetterman: "We had to address it. Why is it… pic.twitter.com/6J9MAFBRzM— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) October 26, 2024
Trump and Pennsylvania
Fetterman has also been warning his party that Trump has a connection to Pennsylvania.
The exchange with Garcia-Navarro took a funny turn because he had to explain “truck nuts” to her:
You’ve said that Trump has a special connection with the people of Pennsylvania. One hundred percent.
Why? What is it that you see that he appeals to in your state? There’s a difference between not understanding, but also acknowledging that it exists. And anybody spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity. It’s astonishing. I was doing an event in Indiana County. Very, very red. And there was a superstore of Trump stuff, and it was a hundred feet long, and it was dozens of T-shirts and hats and bumper stickers and all kinds of, I mean, it’s like, Where does this all come from? It’s the kind of thing that has taken on its own life. And it’s like something very special exists there. And that doesn’t mean that I admire it. It’s just — it’s real. And now [Elon] Musk is joining him. I mean, to a lot of people, that’s Tony Stark. That’s the world’s richest guy. And he’s obviously, and undeniably, a brilliant guy, and he’s saying, Hey, that’s my guy for president. That’s going to really matter.
What do you think it does? I was truly alarmed about that when he started showing up. I mean, I’ve been there, not at that rally [in Pennsylvania], but when they were having the A.I. conference in Washington, he showed up at my building at Russell, and senators were like, [Fetterman’s voice gets very high] Ooh, ooh. They were like, I got to have two minutes, you know, please. So if senators are all like ooh! Then can you imagine what voters in Scranton or all across Pennsylvania — you know, in some sense, he’s a bigger star than Trump. Endorsements, they’re really not meaningful often, but this one is, I think. That has me concerned.
Pennsylvania is a place with a lot of union workers. Did it make you nervous that the Teamsters, for example, didn’t back a Democrat for president? Well, I think that’s finally making the grass roots more official. I’ll never forget, I live directly across the street from the steel mill, and we were doing an event there for [Hillary] Clinton, and I asked the union president, Hey, where are we on Trump? And he’s like, Yeah, probably half or 60 percent to two-thirds are voting for him. And I was like, Oh, that sucks. And then immediately there was a guy, he had a truck, and he had truck nuts on it. You know what truck nuts are?
Do I look as if I know what truck nuts are? It’s balls hung on the hitch of a truck, and he honked, and he was like, “Go Trump!” as he drove by, and it’s like, Hey, we’re in trouble and it’s undeniable. And some unions like [S.E.I.U.] and the government kinds of unions are still very, very Democratic. But those others, I think a lot of their membership, for a lot of people, Trump has that kind of a connection. That’s real. I witnessed that. And that’s why I’m concerned, and that’s why polls were inaccurate. And that’s why now I’m saying we got to fight for every last vote. It’s going to matter.
John Fetterman describes the extraordinary connection Trump has with the people of Pennsylvania:
"Anybody who spends time driving around, and you can see the intensity. It's astonishing." pic.twitter.com/j0PyZd9aGP
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 26, 2024
John Fetterman explains what truck nuts are to a New York Times reporter:
John Fetterman: "I live directly across the street from a Steel Mill. I asked the union president
'Hey where are we on Trump?'
'Half or 2/3rds are voting for him'
That sucks.
Immediately there was a guy… pic.twitter.com/qst8jgUh0D— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) October 26, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
sure,, he gets credit for doing the right thing here
And he should. He should also be replaced with a conservative ASAP.
but poppa was a rolling stone
This interviewer making the claim that ‘…comprehensive immigration reform means legalization as well’ sums it up pretty clearly. The leftist wokiestas pushed for open borders/lax enforcement PRIOR to any change/reform bargain but want their actions letting in tens of millions ratified via an amnesty. Nope. They refused offers to settle a limited amnesty on the ‘Dreamers’ b/c they wanted a wedge issue. Eff them, no deal. Build the wall, round up every last illegal alien, cut off all govt funds to support illegals, arrest the employers, use civil asset forfeiture to seize the plant/equipment of those employers. IOW end all the current incentives and replace them with much harsher disincentives, set legal immigration at zero until we get results. Do that for same amount of time since the last grand bargain for immigration reform ’86. Then in four decades or so in the future we.can see how well assimilation has gone and we can discuss any change to immigration rates above zero.
Illegal immigration should always be as close to zero as we can make it.
“…Fetterman defended Israel, lashed out at Democrats over the border, and warned the party about former President Donald Trump’s connection to Pennsylvania.”
Whatever happened to Dr. Oz?
oprah needed labiaplasty
Dr Oz was a celebrity idiot and not right for PA. GOP should have never foisted him on PA.
And Trump endorsed him. One of those occasional things he does that make you hit your forehead and ask, “What are you THINKING?”
‘Pro-Peace Jewish Group’ is one of the dumbest, ill-informed phrases I’ve ever heard. Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Al Qeada etc don’t want peace with Israel. They want its destruction and the death of every spiritual and ethnic Jew on the planet…and that’s just their opening act. They’re not advocating for peace. They’re advocating for self-destruction…and I’m reasonably certain most of them understand it.
It’s hard to believe that almost a quarter-century after 9/11, the mainstream media still doesn’t understand the existential threat Islamic Jihad posses to ‘Infidels.’ When they say ‘Death to America,’ they really, really mean it. This is where I part ways with the emerging segment of the right that believes if we just ‘mind our business,’ no one will bother us. It’s pitifully naive. Iran with a nuclear weapon is horrible news for humanity. Horrible.
Say what you will, Fetterman is classic Pittsburgh (where I’m from). Democrats foolishly listen to the woke radical left and lost the working class center, who doesnt care about men dressed as women, in womens bathrooms. They care about jobs moving overseas. There is a big sign in Braddock, across from the former steel mills (or used to be): They used to employ seven hundred thousand people, now they employ very few. While we are being green, China is building a coal factory an hour, and using the power to build the slop we import.
Also, “Do I look like I know what truck nuts are”: Fetterman was restrained. He should have said something like, “The fact that you dont and live in your little Upper West Side bubble is exactly why Trump is winning PA.”
That one clip demonstrates the modern Democrat party in a nutshell.
It’s not that she doesn’t know what they are. It’s that she’s arrogantly and condescendingly dismissive of such peasant matters, and how dare he suggest that she might know about such things that are so far beneath her Elite Status.
She thinks they are those things on the wheels that she calls a greasy deplorable to unscrew when she has a flat.
Is the interviewer too sophisticated to know what “truck nuts” are? Does anyone on Kamala’s team know what they are?
Kamala thinks that they are between legs hanging down, she is so dumb, a testament to what is wrong with Affirmative BS.
Truck Nuts, soon to be called “Deese Nuts”.
I can hardly wait to see KH get teabagged.
Morris Dees Nuts?
I look at that picture, and now I have solved a question that has never been in my mind: whatever happened to all those pantagraph dentist drill sets? They’ve been recycled into microphone stands.
It’s amazing how things could be repurposed. After the radio industry switched to digital tuning, there were warehouses full of dial cord. They’ve repackaged it as dental floss and encourage us to floss as often as possible. Brilliant!
How do you get the wax out from between your teeth? And what about the taste of that dial cord? Yeah, I’m old enough to remember that, too.
You rinse your mouth with tuner cleaner. They just threw a little dye into it and call it mouthwash.
Sen. Fetterman should hook up with Trump and form a new party that works for the American people and tells the Pedo-Facists and to pack sand.
“Do I look as if I know what truck nuts are?”
Remember when someone asked reporters if they even knew anyone who owned a truck?
And what does someone who knows what truck nuts are look like?
Sometimes clickbait headlines are inadvertent, but they’re still misleading. Writing “HER Daddy” instead of “Daddy” would have relieved me of the impression that Fetterman’s father somehow belonged to Hezbollah. I thought I was about to read a campaign-affecting revelation.
Thank you!
Concerning the pager attack – I’d like to see someone do an analysis of the matter. I’m betting civilian casualties due to the pager attack were fewer than the civilian casualties that would have resulted if it had been necessary for Israel to inflict those losses on Hezbollah in combat.
From the Liver to the Knee….
Thank you! I burst out laughing when I read that. Consider it stolen.
Kamala thinks that they are between legs hanging down, she is so dumb, a testament to what is wrong with Affirmative BS.
Fetterman’s Capitol Hill office walls are covered with 8 1/2” x 11” posters of the Israeli prisoners. It’s quite remarkable actually, especially given that he’s a Democrat.
“the government kinds of unions are still very, very Democratic.”
Progressives killed blue collar non-government heavy industry unions; mining, steel/aluminum and industrial fabrication etc., (alongside ridiculously ossified and spoiled union members/reps.)
Truck nuts.
Learn something new every day.
They’re just something vulgar and crude. Just my opinion, but then again I’m not trying to put on the image of being a a good old country boy.
“Truck nuts” are the approximately 70% of overly aggressive pickup truck drivers in Florida.
Florida? You’ve never driven anywhere else have you? Crazy drivers are everywhere and it only takes one or two out of 100 to make it impossible to relax while driving.
I lived in Boston for a year. The traffic and drivers there are worse, but there are much fewer pickup trucks.
About 70% of pickup truck drivers (here at least) seem not to understand there is nothing preventing the driver they are tailgating from doing a panic stop at any time. They seem to think they are gods.