Walz Introduced as ‘Command Sergeant Major’ at DNC Meeting
The video cut off too soon so I don’t know if Walz corrected the announcer. I doubt it, though.

A person at the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Caucus Meeting at the DNC introduced Tim Walz as “Command Sergeant Major.”
The announcer also called him a joyful warrior. *eye roll*
🚨They are doubling down at the DNC convention.
They just introduced Tim Walz as "Command Sergeant Major" at the DNC meeting in Chicago.
Stolen valor means nothing to Democrats. pic.twitter.com/go7UniNfGu
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) August 19, 2024
I mean, how many times do the people in Walz’s National Guard battalion have to come out and correct everyone, including him?
In 2016, Thomas Behrends, a retired Command Sergeant Major of the Minnesota National Guard, urged Walz to stop referring to himself as a “retired command sergeant major” because he did not have that title when he retired in 2005:
In 2016, Behrends penned a private letter to Walz, thanking him for his service but imploring him to stop using the title, which he said Walz didn’t earn.
“It saddens me that after your long career in the National Guard, that you did not fulfill the conditions of your promotion to Command Sergeant Major,” said the letter, a copy of which was provided to ABC News. “It’s quite a title to have, when it has been earned. I would hope that you haven’t been using the rank for political gain, but that is how it appears.”

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thanks for including the
heil hitller salute !! 🙂
A lowlife introduced Tim Walz as “Command Sergeant Major.”
“Hey, get it right, pal. That’s Stabsfeldwebel Walz to you.”
In 1996, US Navy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Boorda kiIIed himself after it was determined he’d worn ‘V’ devices that he did not earn on two of his medals. Later, at an official congressional hearing, CA Representative tom lantos, while berating witness craig livingstone, implied that Admiral Boorda had done the honorable thing in committing suicide (thus implying livingstone should have killed himself. Now democrats are defending this dishonorable liar tim walz.
“Command Sergeant” Walz…
sure has a nice, sarcastic tone to it, and should be utilized to it’s full potential.
Force him to get mad by playing his charade in mockery.
He was the very model of a modern Command Sargent Major, retired.
Sergeant Major Walz Commanded his men from the safety of his basement while they were deployed to a war zone.
“Reality is what we say it is.”
They should’ve introduced him as Vice President Walz then he’d have a stolen election to go along with his stolen valor.
If they are willing to brazenly lie like this, what won’t they lie about?
I don’t think the d/prog and media allies understand how much this PO the people who understand this issue. The Nation is closely divided into Team Red and Team Blue. If this arrogant display of ‘we don’t care about facts, gonna use whatever rank we want’ moves the needle for 200K +/- voters in 3-5 States these arrogant aholes lose not just the WH but the Senate and HoR.
They’ll never correct it. Hell, Kerry still pretends he earned his Purple Hearts.
Are they sure it wasn’t “Sargent Shultz?” from Hogan’s Heroes?
So, they’re going with the strategy of “shove our ‘reality’ down their throats and make them choke on it” for this election?
/looks around/
Oh yeah, it does.
Why don’t they just promote him to O-4 and get rid of the Command Sergeant stuff?
Walz did indeed see Combat. He even cried when Vic Morrow died.
head chopped of on a movie set by a heli
Along with two child actors in a night time set for Twilight Zone… The Movie.
Like Walz, I too saw Combat. It was in the late 1970s. I used to play it with my dad on our Atari VCS.
If he wants to really fake it… why not go all the way and be “Tech Sergeant Chen”!
Hey Bob:
Anchorage Mark here.
Good to see you.
“I’m Command Sergeant Major, Walz, and I’m here to bring the glorious Workers’ Revolution to fruition and destroy the capitalist-Zionist infidels from within, dear comrades and fellow travelers!”
And Obama was born in Hawaii, Kamale is a natural-born U.S. Citizen…
I know the score.
The Republican establishment is in on it.
He was and she is. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Nor do they care about which political party they happen to help at any given moment. If you deny facts simply because you don’t like them, or because they don’t help your political agenda, then you are a leftist, and have no business in this forum.
The people who will be voting the Kamala/Abortion ticket or are persuadable that direction don’t know what a CSM is or care.
They think men can get pregnant and nod when a person says they are plural. They believe Israel is the aggressor in a war Hamas started.
Why would reality intrude at this late date?