Focus on Obama, Not “Dr.” Jill
A pile on on Mrs. — sorry, Doctor — Jill Biden is fun and I think I did my part just now. Democrats will gladly have you go after some miserly woman; please don’t take this bait.

Jill Biden is a wicked woman. She allowed her quickly declining husband to run for the presidency in 2020 and she continued pushing his body from global summits to campaign rallies to, finally, the June 25 presidential debate where the conspiracy exploded in her face. In that televised appearance, POTUS’s cognitive decline was unmistakable and even the Democrat apparatchiks were forced to admit that he has to go.
Yet on June 30, the Biden family made the decision to keep its patriarch in the race. The following day Jill appeared on the July cover of Vogue, igniting a storm on Twitter/X and daytime Fox News. It’s a tempting angle to pursue, but let’s not get sidetracked.
FLOTUS might be Joe’s Nurse Ratchet, but she’s really a doctor. Not the medical kind or even the Doctor of Philosophy, but an Ed.D., a doctor of education. Mrs. Biden reportedly obtained said degree for the sole purpose of putting the word Dr. next to her name. National Review’s Kyle Smith read her dissertation so that we don’t have to and concluded:
Biden’s style is atrocious, her research is comical, her reasoning is muddled, and as one finishes the final vacuous line of this student-newspaper-style exercise (“A student retention plan requires diligence and effort — but most of all, leadership”), it is impossible not to be reminded that the University of Delaware, which granted Mrs. Biden an Ed.D. in 2007, is deeply connected to her husband.
She’s definitely pushing Joe around, but she is not running the country — she doesn’t have the aptitude for that. Jill is a convenient fall guy, actually.
No matter how many Airforce One rides she gets and regardless of which designers dress her, she and her crime family will eventually get their comeuppance in this world. I’m not even sure how much fun she’s having as the First Lady. She never got the same adulation as Michelle Obama whom she spent eight years watching. Now that she’s finally noticed, hoi polloi dubbed her Lady Macbeth.
A pile on on Mrs. — sorry, Doctor — Jill Biden is fun and I think I did my part just now. Democrats will gladly have you go after some miserly woman; please don’t take this bait. We have a country to save.
There is only one candidate for the real current president of the United States, and that’s Barack Obama. As The Scroll observed:
“Barack Obama, after leaving office in 2016, purchased a mansion in Washington, D.C.’s Kalorama neighborhood, becoming the first ex-president other than the dying Woodrow Wilson to remain in the nation’s capital, where he and his surrogates stage-managed the shadow “resistance” to Trump from 2016 to 2020. Obama orchestrated Biden’s primary victory in 2020, personally convincing his leading challengers to bow out of the race, and then stuffed the incoming administration with his own loyalists—including the bizarre appointment of Obama’s former national security advisor, State Department official, and lifelong foreign policy specialist Susan Rice as the Biden White House’s “Director of Domestic Policy.” Never one for modesty, Obama also—as David Samuels
observed in Tablet last August — made sure to drop O.J. Simpson If I Did It-style hints about how a hypothetical surrogate presidency might work[.]
There are no good options for the Democrats in this election. Leaving a geriatric inmate on top of the presidential ticket will turn off a considerable number of voters. Swapping him for a younger contender — not that they have anyone good — is, for one, an admission of previous wrongdoing. And for another, it’s too late — the election is already cursed.
The Democrat electorate should be very angry at their party. Now that the primaries are over, the fate of the nomination will be decided behind close doors. The Blue Wave voters are denied the dignity to pick their own candidate. Just like in 2020 they were denied the dignity of knowing that they are voting for a demented man.
All the while they were cruelly told that Joe Biden is the normalcy candidate and the talk of democracy itself being on the ballot never ceased. But there is no going around the fact that the gang behind this campaign are, most cynically, running a shadow government. It stands to reason that they have nothing but contempt for you, the American voter, just as they have no use for American institutions, including our democratic foundations.
Under these circumstances, to “vote blue no matter who” is to greenlight a shadow government. It’s one thing to pull the lever for a deeply flawed candidate in hope that he will advance your agenda, and another to pull the lever for an undeniably incapacitated man in no position to resist his puppet masters. This kind of open rejection of democratic principles is a bit radical even for the most diehard Democrats. Sooner rather than later, the left-of-center voters have to start asking themselves who put them into this position.
After projecting all sorts of hope and change into Obama in 2008 and then sort of kind of forgetting about him when instead of entering the promised utopia the country continued sliding into the dustbin of history, Democrat voters will have to admit they were conned.
Right now, too many are in the denial stage of grief. A post-debate CNN poll revealed that 33% of the responders thought that the sitting president won it. Barack Obama wrote off his former veep’s disastrous TV appearance as a mere “bad debate night” — which was certainly good enough incentive to continue with denial.
However, at some point even the most committed partisans will have to start believing their lying eyes. Our job is to point the blame not at some kind of deliciously grotesque character in the president’s entourage, but where it belongs — on Barack Hussein Obama. The realization that the politician who once inspired a full-blown pagan cult is the greatest villain in American history is not going to be easy.
It should lead to reexamination of the basic philosophic assumptions of a very large chunk of the population. Some Americans will prefer being Obama faithful to rescuing our democracy. Still, we should not let them look away.

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Dr. Jill’s. dissertation is as legitimate as Barry’s birth certificate.
The lie that paved the way for all the rest!
Two crooked to their core hookup, and the teach their children to be as bad as they are. Then they sell out our country,
Or Big Mike’s senior thesis. Or any of Biden’s plagiarized speeches. Or John F’n Kerry’s Purple Hearts. Or Warren’s native American cred,
Etc., etc., etc….
I am old enough to remember when the voters at least had the appearance of control of the elections….
Could we stop discrediting where we are in the right which is 99% of the time because you can’t handle that HAWAII a state that last had a Republican statewide official BEFORE IT WAS A STATE is leftist?
I would rather win people over with truth than pretend Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii.
It happened in the middle of the 20th century, we are past the first fifth of the 21st get over the fact that Obama was born in the USA.
Who do you think was on the fence and saw that you are still a birth certificate truther and decided “You know the right is the place for me”.
Stop with the conspiracy lies, because they discredit us when we have actual conspiracies to expose.
I don’t think Obama’s BC is worth digging any more (damage is done), but the suspect means and timeline by which that was produced is not an open and shut case at all.
BC isn’t even a requirement to be president you have to be born an American citizen, which the son of an American citizen by definition is.
It is a matter of even if there was something there it would be irrelevant and Obama released his birth certificate over a decade ago anyway.
What continuing to try to float the conspiracy theory does is reduce our credibility on other things.
That comment by Mr. Hunt also hurt Prof. Jacobson’s site because what if a moderate decides to see what the window dressing on the site is and gets (rightly) disgusted seeing that a conspiracy theory from 2008 is just refusing to die?
It would be one thing if our comments became a “for subscribers only” but it isn’t.
Obama is a bad American, like the Americans who spent July 4th burning the flag, lets focus on the evils he did.
Lets focus on his starting the transgender revolution
Lets focus on his starting the race revolution
Lets focus on how horrible a spender he was
Lets focus on his policy of empowering and enriching Iran
Lets focus on his expanding free trade
Anything but something where he is in the right and bringing it up just makes us look like assholes.
No, the language is not “American citizen”, it is “Natural Born Citizen”, a phrase which had a very specific meaning when they chose it. That meaning is to be the child of two citizen parents, which Obastard is not.
You are incorrect, though Ironclaw. That was never the meaning of “natural born citizen,” but I’ll leave it to Milhouse to explain it more thoroughly for you. 😉
Being born an American citizen makes you natural born no matter where it is and Obama’s mother was an American Citizen when he was conceived and when he was born which made him a a natural born citizen.
You could have been bringing up Fast and Furious, or Transgenderism, or his race baiting.
By bringing what you 100% at this point know is a lie, and a lie that does not make him look bad anyway you are distracting from that as well as making everyone on the right wing look bad.
If you don’t think the BC is relevant, why do you waste so much effort arguing about it?
It could have to do with the way you are discrediting out cause with it.
It was a flop in 2008, flop in 2012, would be irrelevant if true because Obama is the son of an American Citizen which makes him a natural born American citizen, and makes us look like a bunch of lying assholes without intelligence.
Nobody wants conspiracy theories, and bringing them and mixing them with real outrages just makes it all looks like a conspiracy.
Keep your desire for the public to hate you outside of my attempt to fight back against the left.
The BC conspiracy theories helped Obama win re-election in 2012, they are baseless and costly.
“BC isn’t even a requirement to be president you have to be born an American citizen, which the son of an American citizen by definition is.”
Cite the federal statute/court case that backs up your assertion.
He was born in Washington state. Your ilk is why one con follows another.
Which country is Washington State in?
Hint they have two senators in the U.S. Senate.
Being born on American soil is not a requirement to be president being born an American Citizen is, and his mother was without doubt an American Citizen.
How about bringing up Obama’s non-stop race grifting? How about his pro-Iran policy?
How about bringing up his police state? His abuse of the FBI? How about his abuse of the IRS?
Instead you decided you wanted our side to have the window dressing of being assholes clinging on to a conspiracy theory that never had a single shred of evidence and was utterly obliterated over a decade ago.
I won’t go into all the details of the issue (I’ll just say that I’m of the belief the Obama is a citizen qualified for the office of the president), but the “birth certificate” that was posted on the Internet by the Obama White House was fake. I was a publications specialist for several years with a State government (and have been a Photoshop and Illustrator user for decades), and I know a fake when I see one. The certificate was issued as a PDF document. Its creation would have been simple – take the document and scan it to PDF, or scan it to an image file format (JPG or PNG), and then create a PDF from it. Either process would have yielded a “flat” document – the only object in the document would be the image from the scan.
But that wasn’t the case with the Obama birth certificate. I took the PDF and opened it in Adobe Illustrator, and Illustrator revealed it was composed of several individual elements, some text and some images, scattered across several layers. This was a dead giveaway that the document was assembled and was not the result of a scanned document. No scanned, single-image document would be broken into the elements I saw in the issued PDF. Whoever created it forgot to “flatten” the components.
If Obama had actually been born in Hawaii, why issue a fake birth certificate?
Correct. They issued the fake PDF because they were hiding something, maybe a lot, just as they have done with his school records and a host of other things. Beyond those glaring inconsistencies the Constitutional requirement of being a Natural Born Citizen was to avoid foreign powers to infiltrate the highest 2 offices of the land by plugging into the system someone not “properly” born in (to) the USA. Yet look where we find ourselves, guessing and smudging the rules, and nearly always done on the Democrat side.
Mr. O’s mother was a US citizen, not disputed…but the father was Kenyan (could have been Frank Marshall Davis, but maybe was, maybe part of his hidden record). That’s the rub…is he an NBC, which believes BOTH parents should – minimally – be citizens? Ted Cruz was born in Canada, his parents were Canadian citizens, he was Naturalized (different deal) while in the USA…so under the spirit of the Founders argument to avoid infiltrators Cruz technically would not be eligible for either office (P or VP). Doesn’t mean he’s not a champion for The Constitution, but once the rules start getting ignore a little, pretty soon they get ignored a lot.
Many Constitutional scholars/adherents believe The Founders wanted NBC to include both parents as proper citizens, not merely naturalized as many have become since the [necessary] Naturalization Act was ratified, but actually born on us soil to parents legally living here.
Same goes for Birthright Citizenship (a follow-on to NBC) conferred to those born on American soil to foreigners…a totally bogus concept that is more stupid than anyone could argue for the practice…except those who look to buy votes. Try it elsewhere in the world…won’t happen.
This is what happens when attorneys define the world (or clear Constitutional language) in their terms then argue forever about the meaning of those terms…which is always about splitting hairs to gain some preferred outcome.
“Same goes for Birthright Citizenship (a follow-on to NBC) conferred to those born on American soil to foreigners…a totally bogus concept”
That is an understatement, the crux of the anchor baby problem
Apologies long post coming
Even granting that what you would have to prove to show he wasn’t qualified is his mother wasn’t actually a citizen during his birth anyway.
More importantly I did not chose place or location I was born and neither did you. This is a story which if true does not actually change anything (Obama being a natural citizen by right of blood even if he was born inside the Kremlin building), and bringing that instead of say his endless race baiting or his love of Hamas rapists means you are sending a message “Obama is fine, I’m not” by using it. The story was perceived as fake news at the time, and the fact that his birth location wasn’t relevant anyway made people to be blunt have very little patience for it. I have no love for Obama and I have no patience for the “story”.
The people of this country didn’t like the claim way back when, and as I said a natural born citizen means you aren’t an immigrant which the son of a citizen is not.
By far the best thing Trump ever did was delay Obama’s third term.
One of the ways he did it was to drop the birth certificate stuff and refuse to discuss it further when asked to. Reporters thought they had an owning Trump moment asking him why it took him so long, Trump owned them by demanding they focus on current needs and issues.
It goes much deeper than Obama, and will take an angry populace with arms to purge the evil.
Their clubhouse is Pratt House in NYC.
NWO Central = Council on Foreign Relations
All administrations over the last 100 years, whether D or R, has been riddled with CFR members. The overall ratcheting only goes one way – more and more government.
it has been well know that
BO has been pulling the strings
to fundamentally transform this nation… he still isn’t done.
Uh, point of order jqusnr:
…”BO has been pulling the strings to fundamentally transform this nation…”
Is actually a true statement.
The problem is that the transformation has been a very negative transformation.
“…fundamentally transform…”
They claim they’re “patriots” who love America. But nobody who loves something wants to “fundamentally transform” the object of their love.
No man ever told a woman, “I love you, but I want to fundamentally transform you.” (Well, maybe a really, really stupid man did, or a smart guy who wanted to break off the relationship.)
Curiously, many women do precisely this, though they’re too savvy to come out and tell him so.
Could we have a “Part II” article that indicates exactly how and where Obama has been in control?
Obama’s years up to becoming a Senator and voting “present” *suggests* that he’s not the most ambitious man, other than mooching off of people around him. He’s influential, but does not seem ambitious on anything that requires work.
I personally find it more believable that it’s Jill and Hunter who have tried to make up for the parts in the day where Biden is not lucid and direct Biden where possible. Considering Jill and Hunter are the last one’s standing in the way of Biden stepping down, this feels more likely. It’d explain the disastrous schizo decision making coming from the WH if three people are at the wheel for their individual pet projects.
But as I said, I’d love a Part 2 that describes in more detail the scenario in which it’s been Obama all along.
Agreed, but his “lack of ambition” might also be seen as picking a path to virtue signal his way through the government, but taking the middle road, avoiding controversy and making big stinks about issues, but not backing them up with action.
That said, I don’t believe he is the “second messiah” that the left would have you believe. The sealed school documents, fake ascension to the Harvard Law Review (an early indicator of today’s Harvard as an institution of racism?), his muddled personal history, his easy assimilation into Chicago politics, his corrupt real estate dealings with Tony Rezko, yes, the birth certificate, bowing to foreign leaders, his inability to continue a rally when his teleprompter breaks (Sarah Palin had no issue with that at the Repub, Convention), litany of America destroying programs, and yes, his “mom jeans.”.
All point to a very polished stooge, a “clean and articulate” way to suck in the minorities, the leftist chardonnay suburban housewives and the “white guilt” rubes.
Maybe we have to dig deeper…..a lot deeper. Schwab? The mullahs? Soros? All the above?
Don’t ignore his islamification of our foreign policy, especially the suicidal empowering of Iran.
Did Valerie Jarrett drive those policy decisions, or was she brought on board to wrangle an already-determined foreign policy agenda?
Read the VERY long link in the piece above to get a lot more color on the “manufactured Obama”.
I believe that Zero is a puppet himself, just like Biden is one. The difference is that we’re allowed to see Biden’s puppetmaster, whereas Zero’s remains well-hidden, for obvious reasons.
You know how the British media always has a pool camera pointed at the front door of 10 Downing Street? Someone in conservative media should do the same thing to the front of Obama’s Kalorama home because that’s where the real White House is and has been since 2021…and perhaps since 2017. Obama’s never really relinquished control of the NatSec/Fed Law enforcement apparatus.
What about traffic cams, that data might be very interesting.
Dream on. The Feckless “conservative media” take after their host. They don’t even do scandals well.
Obama was just as empty as Biden. The right hand doesn’t control the left, but both are controlled by the brain.
What/who is the controller, here? What all do they control and to what degree? How do we rid our institutions of that control?
Those questions are the necessary ones if we are to save our nation.
Yes, this. Obama is empty but more charming…so who is he the middle man for ???? I think to say Soros is too easy although certainly possible.
My first impression of Obama was that of a “stuffed shirt.” I don’t think I’ve been proven wrong.
My first impression was of a particular kind of con man, like the shallow “experts” on the new, new thing who appear in business and tech.
He’s closest to Newsom among the current crop.
Somebody or some group that you and I have never heard of.
Once players in this shadow government are identified, what can be done to punish them?
Dr. Biden is one of the world’s finest physicians – I have that on good authority from none other that Whoopie Goldberg herself – and I join Whoopie is supporting the Good Doctor to be our next Surgeon General.
(Sarcasm aside, she’d be every bit as qualified and effective as the current one).
Isn’t it funny that on our side we have an internationally renowned pediatric neurosurgeon – who coincidentally is black – who is discounted by the left in the same breath that they hold up Jill Biden, a woman who would be laughed out of any Ph.D. program not in the state her husband represented in the U.S. Senate?
I’m sure DOCTOR Biden will be able to heal any pox I wish upon her.
We already had a black, female surgeon general. Jocelyn Elders wanted to level the playing field by making masturbation available to all by primary school instruction. It was to be no longer the sole domain of PRIVATE schools.
Obama grabbing Uncle Joe’s wrist and leading him off stage was an unsubtle signal to friend and foe alike.
I’m the puppeteer.
There is indirection and there is misdirection.
I am continually amazed to see nonsense written like, “Pay no attention to Dr. Jill behind the curtain, the real puppeteer is Obama.”
Obama is not SPECTRE’s Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Obama is Blofeld’s cat.
Obama isn’t the mastermind of anything. He’s a street-smart gay hustler from Chicago who was groomed to be a future asset in the same manner as Biden was — to be a palatable (nay, attractive) front man for the intelligence community cabal. His job was to be black, eloquent, inspiring, and gratefully compliant, just as AOC’s job was to be a perky Hispanic female you wouldn’t (immediately) kick out of bed, and Joe’s was to be an elder statesman with gravitas who would nonetheless shut up and do as he was told. (Hell, AOC was chosen as a candidate by her personal bush-league puppet-masters by literally winning an audition.)
Obama was an American President Without Portfolio. Any and all record of his life before state politics is not only unknown, but unknowable. He has no thesis, no college acquaintances, no work record. His record has been scrubbed by professionals who are paid by your tax money to scrub records for a living. His “autobiography” is a ghostwritten fraud (plus it makes an unfortunate revelation about his birthplace that eventually had to be “walked back.”) He was tapped to deliver Slick Willie’s nomination speech, to widespread murmurings of, “who the hell is this guy that nobody has ever heard of?” (It was on that very day that my tinfoil hat first alerted me to the distinct aroma of Men’s Grooming Product,)
Long ago, probably on Ed Sullivan, I remember watching a ventriloquist whose shtick was that the dummy on his knee had a dummy of its own. Nobody but kids (and maybe Democrats) were fooled by the illusion, but it sure was fun to watch the talented dude at the top of the chain make it all happen.
The president of Columbia University will be Kamala’s Secretary of State.
It’s a done deal. Obama told me.
Louis Farrakhan will be Attorney General
And Christopher Wray is going to be replaced at FBI by Claudine Gay.
I’ve been told that the two leading contenders for Secretary Of State under President Kumala Harris are Louis Farrakhan or the current prez of. Columbia University.
Claudine gay will be Attorney General
“Democrat voters will have to admit they were conned.”
Democrats have been so heavily invested in believing the con that they will never be able to admit it.
“The realization that the politician who once inspired a full-blown pagan cult is the greatest villain in American history is not going to be easy.”
I dunno. Many of us have already realized it. When will Democrats realize it? Probably when they’re scrounging for food in the aftermath of CW2.
its a womens prerogative to do so and has been that way from day1
when it comes time to “Changing the flatten tire” ( as had been said 10000000x) there are
no feminists
just helpless women who become childlike and get a male to do the dirty work
and nothing wrong with that
just stop the other 99% of the time pretending those times dont really exist
joe mccarthy had it correct
his moving against private citizens ( even if correct) was the wrong move
now that the UK has shown what happens when a pro UK gov is in charge,,,BUT REALLY NOT in charge
the gop has to be held accountable
as rinoism is comforting to the speaker
the usa wilts and a hunkogarbage like obamabiden can take control and yes
fundamentally change america
it worked
dei under whatever name it goes under becomes stronger
you see who they put into the state department recently??
as moderate blacks rally AGAINST those who would dare take their victimhood away ( illegals..for the moment) demrinos will push out even more programs to appease them
even djt cant or wont stop that freebie train
we are thankful that THIS fourth of july the blmplo ges tapo havent kicked in our doors
thanks dr. jill you and your family have a lot to be proud of
It took me a long time to understand that Joe McCarthy was right about commies. I had a friend who was caught up in that, it was his wife who made his whole life difficult.
McCarthy is a good object lesson in contrast to Obama, that it matters *how* you present at least as much as how right you are.
The focus on Biden’s physical and mental decline is a distraction. The POLICIES he has pushed, with the approval of the Democrat Party, are the real problem. We should not let the Democrats chalk up the damage over the last 3+ years to Biden being Biden.
With all the talk about Biden’s health and the possibility of replacing him, we seem to have largely stopped talking about:
The border.
The Afghanistan pullout.
The continued effort to undermine Israel.
Weakness toward China.
The “Ministry of Truth”.
COVID “vaccine” mandates.
I think it’s six of one and half-dozen of the other. Either way, the Democrat party owns Joe Biden, his agenda, and the damage they’ve both done. There is no escaping this conclusion. They knew of Joe’s condition (and probably had a plan to take advantage of it). To what end? To advance their agenda either with or through Joe.
The problem with that line of argument is that huge numbers of Democrats love those destructive policies, think they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. Argue with those policies and you’re arguing preferences with all those people. But argue that the man is senile, and you’re arguing fact, a fact that all they can do is try to deny, and that train has flown. No one rational is going to argue with you that he prefers being ruled by a brain-dead president.
Two other red herrings have been prominent over the course of this story.
The first is that there’s concern over Joe’s “age.” This is plainly untrue. The concern is for his cognitive/mental state. “Age” is being mentioned in order that the issue can be turned against Trump.
The second is that in every MSM story about the debate, he official narrative is “Trump lied and Biden under-performed.” Biden’s “under-performance” is being used to avoid discussing Biden’s lies, creating the appearance that Trump was the only candidate who “lied” during the debate.
I have absolutely no problem hating all of those communist retard traitors equally.
Nicely put: “The realization that the politician who once inspired a full-blown pagan cult is the greatest villain in American history is not going to be easy”.
I admit that I was initially charmed by his ability to give speeches. But I realized that he was a complete fraud when he accepted the Nobel Peace prize after having accomplished absolutely nothing. It was confirmed by his “you can keep your health plan” intentional lie and then his stoking the fires of racial and anti-police hatred when Prof Gates was arrested in 2009. It only progressively got worse throughout his presidency.
Obama is indeed a very ambitious, charming politician and dangerously wrong headed.
Since when is aptitude required to be President? Frau Doktor Jill Biden is smart enough to realize that if you want to be the power behind the throne, the best thing to do is stay behind the throne.
Contrast Jill Biden’s low-key style with Hillary Clinton. The latter was ruthless, loud-mouth, and greedy, a public menace whose abrasive personality eventually cost her the Presidency when she finally ran.
I find all this speculation about “who’s really running the White House” to be unproductive. It should be enough to know that it isn’t the man who was elected to do so, and it isn’t anybody who has lawfully succeeded him. That’s basically a coup – a soft coup, but a coup. And Democrats, along with their media, tech, civil service, and academic allies, are pretending that’s okay. It’s not okay, and we need to be shouting that from the rooftops.
Hardly unproductive.
America’s greatest current malaise is the certainty that we have selective justice, under which no one on the “privileged side” ever has to pay for their misdeeds.
America badly needs to identify whose heads will eventually slake the guillotine.
The new meme seems that those around the president are as good as having a real President, just trust those minions to do the work you need them to do.
The Meta-Chevron Doctrine.
First Lady Dr Jill is just another opportunist symptom. Focus on The Apparatus that installed both Joey Mumbles and The Lightbringer into that office, and tried to install Herself. The only way to survive is “Anything but them”
Offense — The con / scam of foisting that tottering figurehead on us, propping him up, etc. etc. is just too demeaning to tolerate. Again. After they did it before with the other guy. They gotta go.
Damage — The policies and proclivities of their Cabal are far to damaging to continue surviving. They gotta go.
Oversight — We’ll never know what’s going on with another insider installed. BUT, they’ll go after any outsider relentlessly, on everything. They gotta go.
Joey “It’s just my brain.” and “It’s Doctor” Jill just show us starkly what’s up. Like that “debate” performance, we knew, but now there’s no pretending.