Ten GOP Senators, Led By Mike Lee: “We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations”
“and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand”

The horrific assault on our Republic that resulted in 34 (!!) felony convictions of former president Donald Trump has reverberated across the nation. The blight on our nation caused by every Democrat who has had a hand in the banana republic disgrace of an American president being paraded around in a clown court, a Soviet-style show trial, makes a mockery of the very foundations of this (once?) great country.
Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is spear-heading a campaign among U.S. senators to stop cooperating with the corrupt Biden administration on legislative matters that do not directly affect the American people.
Strongly worded statements are not enough.
Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable.
We are no longer cooperating with any Democrat legislative priorities or nominations, and we invite all concerned Senators to join our stand. pic.twitter.com/H0CzIjXgwC
— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) May 31, 2024
Initially, only eight senators, including Lee, had signed on. The others are: J.D. Vance (Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).
Eight Senate Republicans, led by Mike Lee (R-Utah), are vowing to oppose major legislation and Biden nominees led by the Democratic Senate, following guilty verdicts for former President Donald Trump in New York.
The move could further bring legislative activity in the upper chamber to a slog. Specifically, the GOP lawmakers said they would oppose any increases to non-security related funding, Biden judicial and political nominations and “expedited consideration and passage” of Democratic legislation.
“We are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” the senators wrote.
Lee and the other signatories have invited other Senators to sign-on.
So far, two more have joined.
UPDATE: salute to @HawleyMO and @SenRonJohnson for joining our pledge! Democrats don’t get to wreck our judicial system and expect any cooperation on their legislative priorities. pic.twitter.com/tbGB7Oj5zu
— Mike Lee (@SenMikeLee) May 31, 2024
There are 49 Republicans in the Senate. There are 47 Democrats and 4 Independents. I want to see 39 more Republican senators on that letter. Verbal outrage is no longer enough. The game has changed, perhaps forever. It’s time for action.
That was my reaction, too. Where are the other Senators? Everyone knows what happened, how wrong it was and is, and there needs to be more action to hinder everything this grossly corrupt, horrifically unAmerican administration is doing.
There are 49 @GOP Sens. 49!! Where are the other signatories? They need to wake the hell up. They can't stand around the clubhouse while America burns.
"Verbal outrage is no longer enough. The game has changed, perhaps forever. It's time for action."https://t.co/IKWyY8Pk2b
— Fuzzy Slippers (@fuzislippers) June 1, 2024
100% agree. Our country is in real trouble. Republicans must stand together and end this madness. https://t.co/TLBgze6eEd
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) May 31, 2024
The White House’s weaponization of our government to target President Trump for political gain represents the pinnacle of two tiers of justice.
We cannot allow this grave injustice to prevail in the United States of America.
My Republican colleagues & I are taking a stand. pic.twitter.com/HmD2sTxHGl
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) May 31, 2024
Democrats have destroyed the integrity of our justice system, and made a mockery of the Constitution – all in the name of maintaining political power.
My colleagues and I aren’t going to go along with the status quo. Enough is enough. pic.twitter.com/QvxXdYXxQL
— Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) May 31, 2024
Joe Biden and his army of partisan hack judges have weaponized our judicial system against his political opponent.
Words are not enough. Call on your Senator to join our fight – We will block every single Biden judicial nomination until America votes on November 5th. pic.twitter.com/iEq02FtfrK
— Dr. Roger Marshall (@RogerMarshallMD) May 31, 2024
Statements of outrage are no longer enough
So I hope every Republican Senator who is sickened by what the deranged left is doing to our country will join us in taking action in the Senate pic.twitter.com/zmvMNh9bMk
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) May 31, 2024
Pure election interference.
My full statement on today’s verdict against President Trump: pic.twitter.com/btmJJCnK34
— Coach Tommy Tuberville (@SenTuberville) May 30, 2024
Senator @JDVance1 : If they turn the American system of justice into Banana Republic garbage, they're going to suffer consequences. This won't stop with Donald Trump. Banana Republics never stop with the guy at the top. pic.twitter.com/GZPjv1JkXy
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) May 31, 2024
My two senators (Scott and Rubio from Florida) are already signed on, so I don’t have anyone to write to or tweet or call. But it’s just a shame that there is not more of a stand being taken—by all Senators, not just Republicans—against the degradation of our great nation by power-hungry tyrants who somehow believe that persecuting/prosecuting political enemies mere months before an election is not just excusable (because Orange Man Bad) but acceptable. It’s neither. Not in America.
And it won’t stop with Trump, that’s the problem with opening this particular Pandora’s Box, once it’s open, all the horrors swoop out and cover anyone and everyone deemed a political opponent.
I’m glad to see these ten senators taking a stand and hope that more join them in the coming days.

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Anyone who works with Traitor Joe is, himself, a traitor. After the civil war that the dems are pushing has really taken off the dems and their quislings are are going to regret having earned that label.
It’s been clear since 2008, there will eventually be a national divorce … at best. No one can be expected to live in a society that has anything more than 4% insane nihilists … and AMerica has a ton more than that. We will have to split from them, because they – the democrats and their shills – are death – perverted, demented, sick death.
I love this, bring Congress to a standstill until Trump is elected, Even better to to get or make dirt for Dems. Make them rue the day they started this war.
I’m confused. Does the Gang of 8’s plan to “stop cooperating” mean that until Trump was convicted they had been cooperating in confirming Biden’s nominees and implementing his legislative priorities? Biden has been pursuing an America last agenda for decades–and his anti-American agenda kicked into overdrive after the 2020 “election.” Why haven’t the Gang of 8 been using whatever power they may have to impair his implementation of his agenda during the past four years? I hope Congressional Republicans grow a pair and use whatever constitutional power they have to oppose Biden’s nominations and legislative plans to “fundamentally change” our great country.
Republicans tend to vote on merit which means that even if someone is nominated by a pedophile like Joe Biden, they’ll usually give that person a fair shake rather than just voting against because they’re the pedophile’s nominee.
I think what Senator Lee is talking about are largely procedural motions (“expedited consideration”) such as limiting debate, “unanimous consent”, bypassing oral readings, etc. That’s why the Politico article mentions ‘slog’. It’s basically the equivalent of a ‘work to the rule’ strike by a union where instead of doing things efficiently even if they aren’t 100% in line with official procedures and union authorization, you do everything exactly the way the it’s defined in the Senate procedures with no short cuts. Call for a division of the house and recorded votes on everything. Force the Democrats to keep sufficient Senators to be sure they can always have a quorum and win procedural votes.
Such things are usually pointless to contest if you know you are going to lose the ultimate vote by party line, so why make everybody miserable and waste not only the Democrats but your own time? Until you reach a situation like we see today.
“It’s been clear since 2008, there will eventually be a national divorce … at best.”
Agree 100%. Progressives are now TWANLOC (Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen).
It would be best if we could peacefully separate from them, but their lust for power will not permit that.
So we will very possibly have to fight for what we want.
The left doesn’t see it that way. It’s just Trump getting what’s coming to him owing to his dictator inclinations and his mindless cult of supporters.
Which idea you are re-enforcing, far from winning against.
Remember, or become acquainted with, what used to be an argumentum ad hominem. It works by appealing to the interests and conceits of the opponent, not by attacking him.
It’s the only thing that will defeat cognitive dissonance.
Game theory would dispute your claim. It says when your opponent cheats, the surest way to get him to stop cheating is to begin cheating oneself. I don’t think that’s off the table, but we can start with absolute, no compromise, hardball politics and see if that works. If it doesn’t, just about anything should be on the table, and it will be well-deserved.
It’s been many years since talking sense to the Dems has done any good. They literally lie, cheat, and steal. The only time they make deals is to take political pressure off themselves, and then they promptly break their promises when it’s expedient for them to do so.
After the record turnout of black voters in Georgia’s 2022 primary voting, some Dem hack said “Voter suppression isn’t about preventing people from voting”, providing proof positive that the Left isn’t interested in having intelligent conversations about anything.
The game theory goal is more clicks for right wing sites. It’s better from that perspective is the divisions get bigger.
Look at Harry Litman summarizing the situation. I like him for crazy eyes and TDS, but the thing to realize is that he’s in deep cognitive dissonance. Think about how to appeal to his interests and at the same time offer the right’s perspective, not make him more firm in his delusions.
I listened to 6 or 7 minutes of this. I don’t hear any cognitive dissonance.
Shut down the country over the continuing resolutions.
Oh wait, they’d need spines.
“We are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” the senators wrote.”
When you can’t be roused from slumber until someone kicks you in the balls, you are defective.
When cleaning out the gutter one has to accept getting dirty in that process.
You can’t understand a metaphor until you understand what’s being recommended.
“Which idea you are re-enforcing, far from winning against.“
This is not English.
That dude is so committed to his pretense of being “intellectual” that his posts are nothing but laughable word salads. At his core he’s a Jew-hating, racist, rape-apologist, but he thinks his flowery language elevates his to some lofty level of thinking.
It’s one thing to refuse to prosecute your own, no matter how flagrant their (actual) misdeeds may have been (I’m looking at you, Hillary). It’s an entirely new ball game when novel legal theories are deployed to bring unique, never-before-seen prosecutions of political opponents. They stepped over a line and sown the wind. They should reap the whirlwind.
How to reap? They are either betting it all on a gamble.. or they know the fix is in. The Left can draw power from so many aspects and have the street thugs to enforce their will. Their game has been to win and now …at all costs. They can see the history of the socialist takeover of countries. Only one major country “overcame” some of that….. Russia. However, it took outside force plus decades of murder or suppression coming to a boil to change this. The world today has no external force to prevail and the spin up of human rights abuses has been muted. The days of the Left having to steal elections is ending…. the influx of illegals… plus the core believers will rule the day. Their permanent “majority” will are legal….. built by illegality.
What is needed IMO is for every Red County DA to do the same thing to d/prog. We are well past the point for more protestations about norms, civility, honest discourse from surrender monkeys such as David French. If those preening lectures from the surrender caucus on their version of morality and civic virtue (which mostly seemed to consist of bending over, taking it good and hard then thanking the totalitarians for the ride) had been effective we wouldn’t be here.
Let every Podunk rural County DA start getting their next grand jury to issue indictments for whatever they can figure out. Issue warrants. Issue subpoenas. Gee whiz MR d/prog donor vacationing in a Red State, doing business there, just passing through the airport….got a warrant for you. Same for you MR d/prog politician local, State or Federal. Don’t make any sudden movements ….officer safety is paramount ….sorry your family had to see you shackled and frog marched out of there and the video splashed on the internet. Sucks to be you. See how they like it times eleventy million. That’s the only way this stops, kick the d/prog totalitarian bullies in the jimmy until we get tired of it, then kick them in teeth till we get tired of that, then tag to someone with a claw hammer then tag out to someone with a blowtorch… metaphorically of course…still punch the bully in the nose and usually that’s enough to at least make them understand they gonna have to be willing to receive punishment if they want to keep dishing it out. No mercy.
Murder has no statute of limitations. Barack Obama intentionally killed as many as five American citizens without trial (extra-judicial killings, if you please). Two of those Americans were Anwar al-Awlaki (or Aulaqi) and Jude Kenan Mohammad. The former was born in NM, but also resided (as far as I’ve been able to determine) in Nebraska and Virginia. The latter was a resident of Florida.
Nebraska, Virginia, and Florida all have Republican AGs.
Catch my drift?
Stick with County DA. Far more of them by several orders of magnitude than State AG, something like 3400 Counties across the US. Lots more locations to be tied up in CT. Even Blue States have Red Counties. Let Boss Hogg and Sheriff Roscoe out in the hinterlands have a shot at the administration of Justice for the d/prog, they can’t do words than than Bragg and Willis.
Timely comic on this.
(Check out yesterday’s — “Prev” — for a little context.)
Barack is pretty big fish. Can a county prosecutor handle the legal firepower someone like that can bring to bear? Can his office afford to do so? I think not on both counts. State AGs are the way to go. (Although a sufficiently savvy prosecutor from a well-heeled city may also fit the bill.)
Bragg is the NY Cointy DA (Manhattan). Willis is the DA for County GA. The Court rooms may not be as opulent out in the hinterland, though some are very impressive, but all you need is the will to use the same tactics b/c the powers for a grand jury, DA, Judge and jury are roughly the same. Comes down to, IMO, a willingness to recognize that the civic norms are gone and continuing to restrict yourself to the traditional civic mores is just tiring your hands behind your back. Lets see how 100 or more separate County DA filing charges do before we abandon it. Especially as the State AGs have yet to show much willingness to brawl in the gutter as the d/prog County DA do.
Obama better hope Trumps Immunity claim is found valid. If not it’s open season on all former politicians, elected officials, judges, police officers etc. How dangerous this jihad against Trump has not resonated with Dems yet but it will.
That is bullshit. Treasonous bullshit, even. 0bama ordered the US military to kill enemy soldiers in war. That’s what every president does, and it’s every president’s duty. That’s what war consists of: killing the enemy. And it has never made the slightest difference what passport an enemy soldier carries.
And it is the military and only the military, acting for the president, that identifies who is an enemy soldier. Courts have no authority and no place in the process.
But we are now in a world directed by novel indictments. Wrapping state law in a federal wrapper. This isn’t a mental game now…
As for Obama….. Remember he said the drone killed the enemy..not him. The “murder” accusation doesn’t hold water and is far less damning than Biden abandoning Afghanistan… leaving British troops to shoot there way out of the collapse…let alone abandoning allies to die.
So Milhouse… Comfortable with how the country is going Soviet?
What has comfort got to do with it? The position you’re taking, that US Armed Forces cannot conduct war, and must account to a court for each enemy combatant they kill, that they must provide some sort of due process before shooting someone, is next door to treason. If taken seriously it would destroy the USA’s ability to wage war, and make a joke of it, to the obvious and great advantage of our enemies. You have never made any such demand of any Republican president, or even any Democrat president before 0bama.
“The position you’re taking, that US Armed Forces cannot conduct war, and must account to a court for each enemy combatant they kill, that they must provide some sort of due process before shooting someone, is next door to treason.”
Lieutenant Calley, you have 60 seconds for rebuttal. Your time starts now.
So anything and everything is hunky dory with you to get Republicans/Conservations but as soon as it’s your Marxist Fascist leftist hero’s suddenly it’s…. Muh but THE LAW!
You have so been revealed poser.,,
What the Hell are you talking about? You’re delirious and delusional.
The bullshit is your comment. Obama has stated he was personally selecting the drone targets from a list provided by various TLAs. In more than a few cases, such as those mentioned by DaveG, the evidence that these American citizens were cooperating with the enemy was at best dubious. In addition, many of the strikes definitely killed non-combatants. One drone strike was very likely directed at a wedding party attended by a single individual targeted for killing. This was neither Seal Team 6 targeting Bin Laden nor a general order to execute combat operations against an enemy force. It’s certainly a better case than calling a dispute over bookkeeping entries a felon.
Yes, the commander in chief chose targets from among those suggested to him by his US military. He personally approved each strike. In other words he exercised responsibility and control, as was his duty.
The targets were enemy combatants, no different from any enemy soldier in any war the USA has fought for the last 250 years. That makes them valid targets for the US armed forces. There is no such thing as due process on the battlefield; if there is reason to believe someone is an enemy soldier he’s fair game, and it is nobody but the military, acting for the commander in chief, that decides this. No court has any right to interfere.
As for collateral damage, that is the case with every military strike. There is always collateral damage, and that is acceptable. That is how war works, and the laws of war allow it, so long as the risk to civilians is proportionate to the importance of the target. If the target is important enough, it’s completely acceptable to kill numerous civilians in the process of getting him. Again, that is how war works.
Unless you’re out there now protesting against the IDF because “innocent civilians” are being killed in the course of wiping out high-value Hamas targets.
How many French civilians, who weren’t even German, were killed on D-Day?
Do you think Reagan should have been tried for killing Gadaffi’s daughter?!
Yes. I want to see the plan from each Republican state attorney general to arrest and prosecute Democrats in their state.
I don’t even care if they haven’t obviously committed a crime (yet).
Prosecute them, over and over.
The only thing these moral cretins understand is the infliction of pain.
Agree, but I think we’ll be waiting a while. Hope I’m wrong.
You may be right about waiting for awhile, but I think these lawfare efforts against Trump have finally woken many people up, apparently including some Republicans.
Will it be too little too late, or will they dilly-dally this time too?
I guess we’ll find out.
Why waste all that time pretending to be giving lip service to the law? Just take your gun and start shooting everybody you don’t like. Saves time.
B/C we shouldn’t go further down the road to hell than the d/prog have in adopting unsavory tactics. Simply match their tactics but magnify their impact and expand their reach into every Red County. Make them understand that when they do X then X is the new standard and that we are unafraid to embrace it. Force, power and the willingness to use them are the only thing bullying totalitarians understand, respect or fear. Fail to embrace and use the repugnant tactics of the new standard and we will be defeated by placing ourselves at even further disadvantage.
Your alternative suggestion is IMO, wildly inappropriate at this juncture. Very premature in fact… though that awful course might come to pass….all things are possible but IMO we should all hope, pray and work to avoid that extreme for as long as any alternative to it remains.
OK, lynching works, and it has a long history and tradition. If you’re going to dump rule of law, at least be honest about it. I’m past tired of people on here whining for revenge like 12-year-olds.
Rule of law is old history, and it isn’t we who dumped it.
Prosecuting Dems for actual crimes isn’t “dumping” the rule of law. And just because a prosecution may be “creative,” doesn’t mean it won’t stick. Hit them with serious charges, with good arguments to back the legal theory behind the prosecution. Such prosecutions would still be from higher ground than those Trump is facing.
If rule of law is old history, then your conclusion is that there is no rule of law. There is a word for that, and it’s not pretty.
Dave: I agree that prosecuting leftists (or anyone) for actual crimes is legitimate, and I wish whole-heartedly that Trump had agreed when he had the opportunity. That isn’t what you and many others here are promoting.
No one, other than you so far as I have seen, has been pushing for lynching, shooting or other forms of indiscriminate and unlawful murder of our political opponents. Maybe I didn’t see the posts you are claiming exist.
I certainly am not arguing for that course. I am 100% arguing in favor of using the same tactics the d/prog have already used and using them in as many Red Counties against as many d/prog as possible. They moved the Overton window and set new norms for what is acceptable in politics. They chose to open the doorway and walk this path despite many of us pointing out it would lead to bad outcomes as these unsavory tactics become commonplace.
The d/prog are the ones to blame for this turn of events. If you believe that bullying totalitarians will back off without vigorous action in response to their aggression using exactly the same tactics they embarked upon you are very mistaken. This is as true in politics as it is in the schoolyard. I am not sure why you want to bend over and allow the d/prog bullying totalitarians to have their way with you. Some of us recognize that without the credible threat of using the same unsavory tactics against them that they have used against others they will not be inclined to stop here, instead they will continue. Punch the bully in the nose and they usually stop, decline to do so and they continue to take advantage. The David French ‘muh principles, don’t fight back with the same dirty tactics’ arguments have already failed, simple.as that.
“I’m past tired of people on here whining for revenge like 12-year-olds.”
Izzat so?
More than a handful of commenters here have posted some actual solutions and some ways forward.
Let’s hear a solution of yours that has a chance of succeeding.
Wringing your hands over “principles” is not a solution.
“If rule of law is old history, then your conclusion is that there is no rule of law. There is a word for that, and it’s not pretty.”
There are plenty. Whatever word you’re thinking of, just say it. Words don’t scare me. (My preference would be “tyranny,”)
Your statement reminds me of another by Sarah Brady, who once whined that she “didn’t want to live in a world where you have to carry a
gun to be safe.”
Except that the world is what it is, and pretending it is not because you don’t like it that way doesn’t actually change the world. It just deludes yourself.
Tit for tat is not enough, punishment needs to be one or more magnitudes of order.
Agreed. That’s why I proposed using County DA in every Red County to use the same.sort of tactics the d/prog have used for decades against the GoP. See Ted Stevens, Tom Delay and Bob McDonald this crap didn’t start with Trump and frankly the unwillingness of some to recognize the need to fight fire with fire is what has lead to the continued use of these tactics. So long as only GoP scalps are claimed using these tactics b/c boomer Karens like David French refuse to adapt to new landscape it will continue. We don’t have to like the tactics, most of us don’t and most of would prefer that our traditional civic norms still held sway, but they don’t and unilaterally disarming as the boomer Karens demand is gonna invite more of the same one sided crap. The d/prog chose this road and until we make it a two way street by using the very same tactics we gonna continue to be voluntary road kill. Eff that.
agreed .. have studying the first civil war …. with what is available today … dont want to even imagine what would happen.
Watch out, communists. Tx just dropped some Principles™️.
I didn’t drop shit. If you’re going to toss the rule of law and the Constitution, be at least honest with yourself.
The Muh Principles™️ double down!
At least I have some.
No mercy indeed. Take no prisoners.
Civil discourse is now off the table.
Enjoy the ostracism, sickos.
Should have done this back in 2016. Everyone forget about Ryan and Cocaine Mitch.
Time to melt the phones of your senators and house reps. Let them know you view. If you live in a red county or state write your attorney generals. Bring charges against any democrat they can
Mike Lee: “Strongly worded statements are not enough.”
It’s about damned time SOMEONE in the GOP recognizes this truism. We’ve been at this inflection point for years.
Now let’s see what the GOP does in response.
My guess is “not much.”
Human nature dictates that lawfare will become a norm. Another loss of American virginity.
To do nothing will only embolden the wrongdoers to continue. But it seems they are doing a good job screwing the pooch all by themselves. They may actually have done the very thing that will be remembered for precipitating their demise by the people. $52 million?
The question then becomes: Will THEY accept the result and give up power, especially after their repeated claims of doomsday? The jury is definitely out on that one.
Women vote for the candidate who seems to mean well, which is how you get Obama and then Biden. Stunts that seem to mean well might be a better idea.
Nobody thought that Barky “meant well”. The only people who voted for Barky did so as a strike against America. That was his whole campaign and the only reason anyone voted for him.
I talked to a white guy very shortly thereafter, and he did it to help race relations. Wellllllll, that sure didn’t work out.
Yeah … he meant “reparations”, which means that he voted for Barky to bring the pain and suffering and destruction to America that he felt America deserved. His illusory white guilt drove him to offer up America to Barky as a sacrifice for “our sins”.
My mother admits she was duped by Obama the first time around. As Jordan Peterson is fond of noting, women rank higher in “agreeableness” than men. They can be fooled by people who promise peace and togetherness.
Also “Hope and Change”. Well he brought change, that’s for sure.
A better idea would you ceasing your attention whoring with your tiresome, meaningless blather that consistently makes you sound like that college freshman in an intro course that loves the sound of his own voice.
At least he frequently posts actual propositions and ideas — not just a steady stream of contentless ad hominem insults and hate, like you do.
Joe Biden and his army of partisan hack judges have weaponized our judicial system against his political opponent.
And just how many repubs went along and helped put them onto the bench.
Been calling dems fascists for years, it seems to be a bit more popular to the rest of America to finally discover they’re fascists.
Will it be enough for the voters to rebel at the polling precincts while PDJT is sitting jail? Because they’re not going to let him campaign freely.
Calling Cruz?
Maybe start with Cornyn…. that turd has a lot further to come to get anywhere close to joining in.
He is the most useless piece of political meat I ever saw. Except they’re ALL useless!
I can beat your cornyn card, I have collins and king here in maine.
Not really. You laid out why it isn’t even equivalent much less worse. Collins is representing Maine. Cornyn is representing Texas. The electorates are WAY different and we shouldn’t expect Collins to be anything other than a moderate, Cornyn however doesn’t rep a blue to purple electorate in a mostly Blue State. He should be far, far more aggressively pursuing the agenda the GoP base wants.
We gotta stop giving weak kneed Red State Senators a pass and hold them accountable for not matching the level of activism of their Red State electorate. Similarly we gotta stop expecting moderate GoP Senators from Blue and Purple to exceed the mark for their State electorate.
Only ten.
I think the woman seated behind Sen. Lee is making the three fingered white power sign.
The tepid Republican Party refuses to stand together to prevent democrats from destroying this nation, yet only 10 Senators stand up. Mitt Romney, Murkowski, Collins, and the rest are nothing but money grubbing political hacks of the UniParty.
I am glad I am an Independent. Trump will get my vote, but I refuse to vote for anyone down ballot.
First thing I looked for was who signed the letter. Since McConnel is stepping down in Nov I wanted to see if any of his potential replacements had the moral integrity and courage to pony up. Only one did. Rick Scott of Florida.
When Rick Scott announced his candidacy for the Senate, I wasn’t that encouraged. He always seemed kind of Yeb Bushi to me. But, as it turns out, that was a completely unfounded worry. He’s been one of the most reliably conservative Senators in the caucus, as he proves here once again. He would make a great Leader, IMO.
At least it’s a start. I don’t expect it’ll catch on enough and we have enough traitors who lack principle that it won’t matter much.
Is the Senate Minority Leader dead? Why has he not been able to condemn this lawfare outrage?
Lindsey is on the way. He was getting his hair done and for some strange reason he kept losing his loafers.
Maybe he is a homosexual.
That’s right. Toss your voters a feeble, transitory publicity stunt to demonstrate how toothless you are.
All they are saying is that they won’t cooperate in their own destruction and I agree. Time to stop helping people do anything who are trying to destroy any chance of them ever being out of power and having to compromise. This what feels like often in my world in the public school. I often refuse to implement certain policies or programs that only harm kids and perpetuate further harm, and I’m not alone in that. And as a Jew this is how I feel, I’m not supporting your stupid cause since it’s now all mixed in with Jew hating. One of the most important rights we have is the right to refuse to act in ways that harm us. That is one of the lessons of COVID, no I won’t wear this stupid mask just to “get along” with people, and no it isn’t harmless to wear it.
Is Ted Cruz asleep somewhere? Not a good look to be absent from this list particularly when standing for reelection. Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, TIM SCOTT are also all conspicuously missing.
If Trump pics Scott as his VP, he will be making an enormous mistake. Scott may be to the left of Nikki Haley, he’s that bad.
IMO if she was a natural born v naturalized citizen then he should choose Winsome Sears the Lieutenant Gov of VA. He likely would not b/c she has been critical of him but she has the legislative experience and knowing parliamentary procedures necessary to twist arms in the Senate as the VP.
What we need to start doing is using the VP far more in the role of President of the Senate. That gets someone in the chair making rulings and guiding to a degree what happens in the Senate. Sure the rulings can be overturned with a vote but then they gotta get a quorum and have a vote. Letting McConnell or his handpicked successor continue to frustrate the legislative agenda of the next GoP administration and/or the agenda the GoP base wants in favor of what the DC establishment wants unimpeded seems like a bad idea. Business as usual hasn’t worked very well.
sears is not to bad
its not enough
gop across the country need to stop allll funding of any social programs and
no more publicly funding schools etc
You need to go on lithium or some other heavy dosage of anti-psychotic meds.
Rigged trials are not new to the Democrats. In the south, Dems would lynch a black man for looking at a white woman. The lynchings would continue during the civil rights era, both white and black fighting for civil right would be found hanging from a rope or tied to a tree and tortured to death.
Very few would be brought to justice and when they were, the trial was rigged as they were always found “not guilty”. It was only when the feds got involved that justice was finally served.
Today the Dems, FBI, CIA, ATF and the DOJ are working arm in arm to erase the Bill Of Rights. They will charge anyone that gets in their way and make sure they lose elections or worse.
Especially, vigorously, oppose the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Returning this week, I think.
I wonder if that was the goal all along. To get that signed. It’s a real sovereignty buster