NYC’s Top Doctor Warns that Half of Migrants Heading to City Are Not Vaxxed for Polio
NYC Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan recently revealed that migrants also bring in other communicable diseases (tuberculosis, chickenpox). Meanwhile, the UK reported a surge in diphtheria cases from migrants.

This summer, we noted that the state of New York reported the first polio case since 2013, and wastewater samples from New York City indicated that genetically similar samples were present in the wastewater.
In the fall, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency as the virus was detected in sewage samples in several New York counties.
Since then, the pathogen disappeared from the wastewater….only to be detected again a few weeks ago.
For the first time since Oct. 2022, the New York State Department of Health confirmed that polio had been detected in local wastewater from Rockland County.
In a Thursday release, the county said that there was a single positive result that had been collected in February, and that so far, no other samples have had any detection of the virus. County officials said that any residents who are unvaccinated should act quickly to best protect themselves.
With increased travel expected between Israel and Rockland County (which has a sizeable Jewish population) during Passover, the county said there is real risk of spread and paralysis for those who are not vaccinated. Israel’s Ministry of Health recently confirmed four children tested positive in the northern portion of the nation. One of the children had paralysis symptoms, while the other three did not show any symptoms.
But Israel isn’t the only country with polio issues. And alarms about this disease and others that people assume have been eradicated or substantially controlled (e.g., tuberculosis, chickenpox) are being sounded.
NYC Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan recently revealed 50% of migrants streaming into the Big Apple are not vaccinated against the contagious polio virus and are bringing in other infectious diseases.
Vasan also said the new migrants come from, or pass through, countries with high rates of infectious tuberculosis — and noted there’ve been outbreaks of chickenpox in shelters housing the newcomers.
“More than 50,000 people have come to New York City (NYC) in the past year shortly after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. As more people arrive and many make NYC their home, the scale and scope of need continues to grow,” Vasan said in an eight-page letter, dated April 11, sent to physicians and other health care providers. A copy was obtained by The Post.
“I am writing now to underscore how critical it is that health care providers take a wide range of considerations into account when working with people who are seeking asylum … The scope of this letter represents the scale of the need. It is incumbent upon us as a welcoming city to comprehensively evaluate and meet these needs.”
Vasan said screening and vaccinating migrants for diseases and viruses that’ve been kept in check in the city is a top priority.
“Vaccination rates for certain diseases are low in some of the most common countries of origin, with rates hovering around 50% for polio as an example,” the commissioner said.
NYC health commissioner warns doctors 50% of the 50,000 illegal migrants who have arrived in the city are unvaccinated for the contagious and potentially deadly poliovirus. Also to check for infectious tuberculosis and chickenpox @nypost
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) April 16, 2023
I will simply point out that vaccination is not the solution for all disease issues. BCG is currently the only vaccine for tuberculosis (TB), which is not widely used in the United States. It is often given to infants and small children in other countries where the disease is common. However, the BCG vaccine does not always protect people from getting TB.
New York City is not the only city dealing with the return of infectious diseases, nor is the US the only nation dealing with old-time killers revisiting their populations.
Cases of the deadly bug diphtheria have soared in the UK, experts have warned.
The highly contagious bacterial infection, prominent in Victorian times, can cause difficulty breathing, heart problems and even death.
Now, scientists have warned outbreaks seen across the UK over the past year have been “mostly linked to incoming migrants” from Afghanistan.
While serious, it is relatively rare in the UK because babies and children have been routinely vaccinated against the bug since the 1940s.
However, those who are unvaccinated are highly susceptible to the bug, which can also cause nasty ulcers on the skin, if it’s not treated with antibiotics.

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Salk it to ‘em, baby!
I’m sabin my money for something more…
Very clever, Howard and Griz. Have you considered partnering as a stand-up duo? (I think you should!).
That might not sit well with others here.
I think it would be great…
Shows at 7 and 11. Be sure to tip your wait staff!
We open at Alas Kabob. Restaurant.
Very punny! 😉
Illegal aliens can walk in without any kind of vaccine.. and Novak Djokovic a famous tennis player, is not allowed to fly in for a tournament.
Now these people are going to flood already stressed health care systems.
What could go wrong? TY Leslie.
Would have been a hilarious PR stunt for him to just walk across the border, get in a car, and drive to the tournament.
I had thought of that, as well. I wish someone had paid him to do it. Have a limo waiting at the border and deliver him to a private jet. It would have highlighted the madness of the Covid regime and the border travesty.
That would have been the one time the pedophile would enforce the immigration law.
My first thought
And where is the media? I mean we are living in a communist dystopia
Clown world has many names.. Nailed it.
How about we reopen Ellis Island? Screen immigrants, select the worthy for admission, quarantine and inoculate as required then turn the immigrants over to their in person sponsor, who assumes all financial support, to begin their new life in the US?
Because that would be RACISSSSSS!
Good idea, but the answer is logistics. Back then immigrants arrived on ships, normally in steerage. Today they just walk across the southern border,, Maybe some kind of impediment, ohhh… maybe something like a fence or a wall,, with guarded points of entry? No,, that is crazy.
Ship them to Galveston TX for transport to NYC. Those who aren’t rejected immediately at the border. Be nice to have that border wall we were promised.
Shocking that nobody predicted exactly this situation occurring.
Oh, that’s right, any sane person without an agenda did exactly that.
For crying out loud, we’ve known enough to medically screen and quarantine immigrants since the 1800s.
Polio, Schmolio!!
The most urgent and pressing matter concerning all of us is whether the migrants have properly filled-out their voting registration forms, including their preferred pronouns. That is how they will receive reparations for all of the wrongs committed against them by the white supremacists in the U.S. during the last 400 years or so.
We can talk about polio AFTER Nov 2024!!
That is not what he said. What he said was that some of them are coming from countries where the polio vaccination rate is as low as 50%. That doesn’t tell us anything for certain about the immigrants themselves.
We don’t know the vaccination status of most of them, especially those who didn’t think to bring their vaccination records. Even immigrants from a country with a 50% vaccination rate may all be vaccinated; and even immigrants from a country with a 90% vaccination rate may all be unvaccinated. And of course many/most of them aren’t even from that country.
You might want to take some statistics….. very likely that yes the vaccination rates of those arriving are right around what their country of origin is. Virtually statistically impossible that 100% of those arriving from 50% country rates are vaccinated. If we screened and accepted and rejected as we once did then sure but we don’t. So stating that 50% are vaccinated IS the safety default situation that must be prepared for and dealt with.
So the Commissioner’s statement is meaningless. Time for you to call him up and tell him thst. I am sure he will appreciate that.
Well sure we don’t automatically know the vaccination status of an individual. In the absence of direct information we then infer from what data is available such as % vaccination within a X Nation. That tells us a good approximation for the % of immigrants from that Nation who are vaccinated. Not perfect but in the absence of data at the individual level we must use what data we do have to make the best decisions about public policy.
And 100% of them may be unvaccinated.
That’s what pre-entry health screenings are meant to determine (even of illegal immigrants if we insist on letting in anyway)
As you said, we don’t know. So we must presume the worst until proven otherwise.
there is real risk of spread and paralysis for those who are not vaccinated
No, there is real risk of spread for those who are unvaccinated. There is real risk of paralysis for those who get the disease. Whoever wrote that sentence should be sentenced to being an editor for a month.
50% of migrants streaming into the Big Apple are not vaccinated against the contagious polio virus and are bringing in other infectious diseases.
Golly. If only there were some way to control the flow of people into our country so we could screen these people, or something. Hmmmm….
(Pro tip: If you’re going to import the Third World, you’re going to get the Third World.)
The scope of this letter represents the scale of the need.
Oy vey. More bad writing.
Cases of the deadly bug diphtheria have soared in the UK, experts have warned.
Well, they’re importing their Third World from a different area than we are. I would expect different diseases running rampant.
A single shot of Deportation provides immunity from ALL diseases, and it has the beneficial side effects of protecting against strains on school systems, healthcare facilities, and law enforcement efforts.
By the way..BCG screws up any testing for TB. Despite not knowing they exact number of people with once contained diseases coming to NYC….they are communicable . An epidemic starts with one..
The Biden government has thrown in the towel on its highly vaunted pre-legalization app program for Venezuelans, Cubans Nicaraguans and Haitians. Now they’re just back to letting them in over the border by the thousands.
Into interior America, they tell me. Here it is up close
Darien Gap, Panama — millions without a dime in their pockets are streaming into America’s broken economy. There will be war. Panama is being forced to participate as traitors within the “US Government” intentionally destroy United States.
Imagine where we would be if Jimmie Carter hadn’t given away the Panama Canal… which was promptly sold to the Chinese.
Former US Army base in Panamá transformed into leftist NGO hub, housing many of the organizations that are aiding the invasion of America! The United Nations, OIM and the rest of these leftist NGOs need to be defunded and investigated for their role in the largest human trafficking operation in history!
[Catastrophic] [Anthropogenic] Immigration reform. Migrants, second, Americans, third or by Choice. Rabid diversity.
That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout. And build the wall to safeguard people from both sides and in transition.
Shut up, New York peon. Every one of your new residents grows the wealth and power of your masters even more inestimably. If that means you must toil harder and faster to remove their nightsoil and that of your masters, then you will do so. Or you will be replaced with someone who will.
When I was young [which is a long time ago] I remember seeing on the news on B&W (!!) TV lines of kids in iron lungs during polio season. And I remember the worry in parents’ eyes. And I remember the relief and speed with which we kids were taken to get shots when the Salk vaccine came out. Mind you, I was not fond of the concept of shots personally.
And a few years later when the Sabin oral vaccine vaccine came out; schools, employers, churches, and about every civic group was handing out the sugar cubes of vaccine willy-nilly. That was back in the day when we could feel sure that the government was not trying to dose us with something harmful for political reasons.
Expect to see those visuals of kids in iron lungs again. Along with hospital beds for other of what we used to consider childhood diseases. All on our dime, of course. And somehow the Left will insist that the invaders getting the diseases [which they brought with them] is our fault.
I will slightly disagree with CommoChief. Yes, collect the illegals in Galveston. But ship them not only to NYC but to any metro area of > 1 million that has been governed by Leftists for a generation or more.
Subotai Bahadur
“That was back in the day when we could feel sure that the government was not trying to dose us with something harmful for political reasons.”
And yet it was right about then that our swamp/intelligence community was planning its first successful kinetic coup of a sitting President.
Tuberculosis is making a comeback for the same reason – illegal immigration.
Why are we letting in these vaccine deniers?
Aren’t they politically unrelable?