Leftist Democrat Challenger Mandela Barnes Falling Behind GOP Sen. Ron Johnson in Wisconsin Polling
“An AARP poll commissioned by Fabrizio Ward & Impact Research released on Thursday found Johnson receiving 51 percent support among likely Wisconsin voters, compared to Barnes with 46 percent.”

The media has given a lot of attention to the U.S. Senate race in Wisconsin, in hopes that Democrat Mandela Barnes could topple Republican incumbent Ron Johnson. But at this point, it looks unlikely.
We’re six weeks from the midterms, and Johnson is leading most of the polls.
The Real Clear Politics average of polls gives Johnson a 2.3 point lead.
For what it’s worth, Johnson just pulled ahead in the FOX News Poll:
Fox News Poll: Wisconsin Senate race shifts in Johnson’s favor
Republican Sen. Ron Johnson moves ahead in the Wisconsin Senate race, as more voters express concern that Democrat Mandela Barnes’ views are too extreme.
A new Fox News survey of Wisconsin registered voters finds Johnson preferred over his Democratic challenger by 4 points: 44% Barnes vs. 48% Johnson. Last month, it was Barnes who was up by 4 (50-46%).
Some 87% in the Badger state say they feel certain they’ll cast a ballot this year, and among only these voters Barnes trails Johnson by 5 points (45-50%).
Whether looking at the race among all registered voters or only “certain” voters, it’s within the survey’s margin of sampling error.
“Wisconsin continues to be one of the most closely divided states in the country,” says Democratic pollster Chris Anderson, whose company Beacon Research conducts the Fox News survey with Republican pollster Daron Shaw. “Republicans appear to have some momentum in both the Senate and gubernatorial races, but they are both competitive as we head into the final month of campaigning.”
At The Hill, Caroline Vakil points to a poll from AARP that has Johnson up by 5 points:
Johnson leads Barnes in Wisconsin Senate race: poll
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) holds a 5 percentage point lead over Democratic challenger Mandela Barnes in the Wisconsin Senate race, according to a new poll.
An AARP poll commissioned by Fabrizio Ward & Impact Research released on Thursday found Johnson receiving 51 percent support among likely Wisconsin voters, compared to Barnes with 46 percent. Johnson maintained a slimmer lead of 49 percent to Barnes’s 47 percent among voters between the ages of 18 to 49 years old.
But the Wisconsin Republican held a more competitive edge among voters ages 50 years and older with 52 percent, while the Democrat received 45 percent.
Two demographics that polled overwhelmingly for Barnes included voters with at least a college degree (Barnes received 60 percent to Johnson’s 37 percent) and urban voters (62 percent to 35 percent respectively).
The left is reacting to Johnson’s lead pretty much exactly as you would expect them to.
Activists made a life-size Ron Johnson statue out of poop to protest his views on climate change https://t.co/nkNPE5lLZi
— Salon (@Salon) September 29, 2022
Stay classy, progressives.
Old tweets also emerged today of Barnes mocking Rep. Steve Scalise, who almost died after a leftist shot up a baseball field with GOP lawmakers practicing for the softball game.
SICK: Mandela Barnes MOCKED Republican Rep. Steve Scalise for being shot by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter during a baseball practice pic.twitter.com/2sxa65BIxq
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 29, 2022
Mandela Barnes refusing to apologize to Steve Scalise shouldn’t be a surprise because he is only concerned with political violence against people on his side.
Shot/chaser ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/fqQlkd185N
— Julian Bradley (@JulianBradleyWI) September 30, 2022

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I’m surprised it’s so close. Barnes is a criminal coddling lunatic who requires $600. per day security for himself.
Is that what it costs to protect him from us, or to protect us from him?
“Taking one for the team. I question how people vote against self interest but this is next level. He literally almost died on this hill.”
Reagan did exactly the same, because — unlike Democrats — he actually understood the issue, and the intellectual bankruptcy of a prohibition-oriented solution.
Is there any way you could caption your photos? The guy up top looks pretty hypomelanic to be named Mandela anything.
He’s a black racist AOC
This is fantastic news. What is notable is Johnson is in no way a squish.
Um…do you live in WI?
The sad part is,Barnes is such a total reprobate,in a sane world he’d be polling much worse.Then again,a lot of idiots still support Biden too.
Incredible……..and sad.
You should see all the beto signs in my once conservative neighborhood
The scary part of the candidacy of Barnes is the Left views him as their next Obama. I guarantee it. If he gets in, he’s on the fast track to a 2028 run for president.
This is good news, but remember that Fabrizio Ward & Impact Research work to elect Republicans, and served as Chief Pollsters for President Trump’s Presidential campaigns. So it might tilt to the right.
Like most black Democrats, Barnes is way out there – like Communist beyond Che Guevara.
The only was Mandela Horseshit wins is by election fraud, but the WI Supreme Court outlawed drop boxes.