Profs Say it’s Racist to Ask People to Renew Their Voter Registrations
“a dog whistle designed to reinforce the racist belief that Black and other BIPOC voters are not, in fact, fully enfranchised citizens”

Couldn’t people on the left just tell us what isn’t considered racist? Wouldn’t that be faster?
The College Fix reports:
Professors claim it’s racist to ask voters to renew registration
Two professors say that a proposal floated by a Pennsylvania candidate to have voters reregister to vote is geared toward stopping black voters.
Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano has made several comments throughout the past year about having voters reregister to vote as a way to clean election rolls. But really, his proposal is a “dog whistle” to rile up voters to support neo-segregation, according to two professors.
Cynthia Young (pictured on right), a Penn State professor of African American Studies and English, told Yahoo News:
[Mastriano’s] stated desire to have voters reregister is a dog whistle designed to reinforce the racist belief that Black and other BIPOC voters are not, in fact, fully enfranchised citizens guaranteed the same rights as white voters. The irony, however, is that were his scheme to be implemented, many white, rural voters would be excluded from the voter rolls.
Mastriano’s plan is so racist, according to Young, that it actually hurts white people.
Young said that “just as with reproductive rights,” black people must “say loudly and clearly that there will be no return to a fantastical vision of a white nation that exploits Black labor and intellect without granting us our constitutionally guaranteed rights.”
Professor Christel Temple (pictured on left), who teaches Africana studies at the University of Pittsburgh, shared similar sentiments.
“If Mastriano’s plan happened to be baiting the community with seemingly racial-infused assumptions and stereotypes, it is simply a tactic to gain votes,” she said. Like Young, she undermined her own point.
Temple noted that a Pew study from 2017 found that “reasons related to apathy and the lack of inspirational candidates far outweighed reasons related to convenience, opportunity, felonies and a desire for privacy.”

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Making everyone re-register would be the best way of reducing the dead vote and rampant vote harvesting at nursing homes. You can bet that the people who oppose cleaning up the voter roles are the ones who depend the most on the dead vote.
When my mother was suffering from dementia, the voter roles showed that her ballot was always voted and returned, together with all the other ballots from her nursing home. It even happened two years after she was no longer in the state, and once more after she was dead. Then it stopped, probably because the state (Florida) was getting death notices from Social Security.
Leftists firmly believe that blax are incapable of normal adult behaviors, in this case registering to vote, and that it is unfair (i.e. racist) to expect.
Apparently rural whites are equally as intellectually disabled when it comes to filling out a new voter registration form.
I suppose that fundamentally, leftists believe that only people exactly like themselves are fully capable of agency, which is probably why they’d like to take away any rights left to the smelly rest of us.
Well, there are no Kinko’s around, according to our VP.
No, it’s racist to assume that minorities are incapable of re-registering to vote.
A professor of both African American Studies AND English.
Teaching English is, by its very nature, racist I’d she is teaching it properly.