Conservative Students at Boston University Explain How to Go on Offense Against Liberalism
“push back in a respectful way”

It is not easy to be a conservative college student today. You have to give these young people credit.
The College Fix reports:
Conservative students explain how to go on the offensive and fight liberalism
A group of conservative students at Boston University, the twelfth most liberal campus in America, shared with The College Fix recently how they fight for conservatism.
The Fix spoke with Boston University’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter (pictured) to ask how it handles campus liberalism.
“Liberal bias is a problem at BU, to some degree, and it’s universally a problem on college campuses,” the group told The Fix via Instagram messaging.
“Someone always has a story,” of liberal bias to share at the meetings, BU YAF said. Sometimes the story warrants a social media response.
“We hear every week of professors relentlessly criticizing the right, and we finally saw it on full display in Professor Zatlin’s comments to BU Today,” the organization said.
The reference is to an article by the university’s media team titled “Are Trump Republicans Fascists?”
History Professor Jonathan Zatlin said they are not fascists, even though Republicans like Fox News Host Tucker Carlson and Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene “think violence is good” and “think racism is good.”
“And the Republican Party is in danger of becoming the party of violence, antidemocracy, and racism,” Zatlin said.
“There is no such thing as fascism on the American left,” Zatlin said. He did not respond to a College Fix request for comment sent in the past week and neither did Boston University’s public relations office…
The group said that its meetings allow conservative students to strategize how and when to “push back in a respectful way” when a professor or classmate “promote[s] leftist ideologies.”
Sometimes “larger incidents” such as the Professor Zatlin comments, required the club to “go more on the offensive front by exposing the hypocrisy to the university itself and to the public.”
The Trump supporters we know here at BU are from all walks of life and care deeply about their country. This isn’t tolerance, this is a prejudiced attack on many of your own students.
— YAF at Boston University (@YAF_BU) February 11, 2022

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“There is no such thing as fascism on the American left,” Zatlin said.
That means the fascists are the ones who aren’t burning cars, dumpsters, and buildings down, and attacking and injuring police.
The fascists seem to be better people all around, the kind you would buy a beer
“Host Tucker Carlson and Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene “think violence is good” and “think racism is good.””
Why would you push back “in a respectful way” against someone who pushes lies like this? Liars like this deserve just as much “disrespect” as you can heap on them.
It seems to me that if Republicans and conservatives were even half the violent, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers the Left want people to believe, there wouldn’t be nearly as many Leftists around spewing their hatred, would there?
Have these students achieved any results with their respectful strategy? Because the left has achieved gigantic results with their bullying fascistic strategy.
Is “pushing back respectfully” doing them any good vs. just not engaging at all on political questions and realizing that enemies are enemies, and that they have other things to do in college like having fun, or doing well in classes and getting jobs.
I don’t think this “respectful dialogue” is worth much in our society. I’m advocating not wasting time on engagement. Just vote and otherwise try to influence the course of events in ways likely to succeed, or don’t bother. They invented cancel culture. Use it!
“Have these students achieved any results with their respectful strategy?”
Yes, they’ve shown their malicious, nasty, dishonest opponents that there is no cost and no penalty for being malicious, nasty, and dishonest.